So after the villagers found out it was hopeless to try and escape I put up a dome of bio-mass around the entirety of the village and commanded them to go about their daily lives as well as send one human to me to devour a week.
At first, they were reluctant, but after reducing the 2,053 people, down to 1,252 they were quick to agree to my demands, with this I can get more bio-mass and up my kill count and level at the same time, and in 5 years I should have enough bio-mass, levels and a high enough kill count to complete the first 3 tasks of stage 2.
But what to do now?
I could do the other two tasks but I don't want to rush anything
[Would the host like to complete the side quest?]
There are side quests?
[Yes, Client #6428 has requested that carrion torment the residents of universe 66-275]
Wait wait wait
Clients? So people can actually do that? Request that I just fuck up other worlds? And your boss takes requests from people?
And what does that even mean 66-275 is that like the planet number? And If I'm an employee shouldn't I get some benefits, like dental and overtime?
[Yes, Yes, Yes, Universe 66, earth 275 and no]
Tch, stingy
Okay, so then how does that even work? And who is your, I mean our boss, and why are we doing this? Also how many universes are there?
[Unable to answer, your administrator-level is not high enough, and there are an infinite number]
That answers my last question, but what is an administrator-level?
[The amount of authority over the system one has and the amount of information available to them]
So what is my administrator level
And what level do I need to be to get answers
*Sigh*, Can you at least give me a hint
[Very well]
[In the beginning, before the dawn of creation, there was the void, an infinite abyss that encompassed all that was both known and unknown, the void lived for an eternity in complete darkness before it gave birth to its 6 children.]
[Tired of living these 6 were meant to kill the void, to put an end to its suffering and let its weary mind finally rest.]
[Their names were Time, Space, Life, Death, Creation, and destruction and together with their immense and unmeasurable power they served their purpose, these 6 created the omniverse which is where you and all living creatures reside.]
[However, this is wrong]
'What was wrong?'
'...Are you going to continue?'
[Unable to continue, your administrator-level is not high enough]
"tch" And just when it was getting good. Will you go on with the explanation if I raise my level?
So then how do I raise my level
[By completing tasks]
Makes sense, figured it wouldn't be that easy.
Are there at least rewards for the side quest?
I'm sold
But first
Its time for a new sacrifice
3rd person pov
At the edge of the village is a group of 20 people with a single child strapped down to a bed by crude and hastily made wrappings created out of twisted wheat string, the straps would have been easily broken and the kid would have been able to run away, however, the semblance of the elder held him in place.
The kid himself was confused, he was just sleeping away the trauma from watching his little sister being impaled by an ugly, grotesque looking tentacle that seemed to be made out of both human and animal flesh and innards when suddenly his door was kicked open, he was pinned down to a rolling bed and tied up, his figure was kept in place by his village elders semblance [Imobilze] and he was wheeled out towards the wall that trapped them all.
The kid who was terrified cried to be let out, he screamed to be released, but the men and women around just looked away in shame as they continued forward towards the edge of their prison. 'This is for the best' they thought as got closer and closer.
"I don't want to die." the kid pleaded as the group of people stopped by the wall of wriggling flesh, most of the villagers had the urge to vomit after seeing the wall of rotting and decaying animal flesh, and their own neighbors, but held it in as to not anger their warden.
The bed was carried and placed just 5 feet away from the wall and the group backed up, the kid looked up in horror as a face emerged from the wall, its eyes were hollow, The face was disfigured and uneven, the skin was red with bones protruding from the cheek, forehead, chin and other places, it opens its mouth to reveal a set of razor-sharp rotating teeth, sparks and blood flying free as the teeth scraped against each other at high speeds.
Fear filled the boy's entire being as he stared at the abomination terrified, his pants soiled, his mind erratic, and tears just pouring out of his eyes, slowly he turned his head to look at the others searching for even just a smidge of hope, but it was not found as they all just averted their gaze away, guilt plastered on their faces, they could afford to sacrifice a child but could not look him in the eyes as they killed him.
Kid: "P-please I-i don't want to g-
They all flinch at the sound of flesh ripping, bones being crushed, and the kid screaming as he is torn apart limb by limb, bit by bit, and piece by piece. The kids suffering was short and his screams lasted only a couple seconds, but the pools of his blood splattered all over the ground, the nearby buildings and the wall itself will haunt them, the sight of the kids severed head contorted into a mixture of fear and hate staring right at them, will plague their dreams for the rest of their lives.
Lazuraz Pov
'Oh man, that was good, kids really do taste the best'
The villagers had all left, not being able to stomach the sight. I mean if you had given up a child just to save your own life I'd think your mind would not be able to handle the guilt. Well, they'll get over it.
'Alright, Take me in'
[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 5,796,582LBS(0.57%)]
[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 0%]
[Kill count: 2,492]-[Level: 249]
[HP: 5,796,562]-[Bound: (96%)]
[STR: 35572]-[END: 31572]
[AGI: 59572]-[DEX: 82571]
[WIS: 902122]-[INT: 892274]
[Overall: 0.57%]
[Bio Transformation- Transform your body into anything given enough Biomass]
[Mimic- Take the shape, form, and memories of any organic being you have eaten]
[Bio Connection- Any Biomass not a part of your body is used as a second pair of eyes]
[Bio Separation- Separate and control detached parts of your body]
[Bio Invasion- Inject a living being with Biomass]
[Bio Take over- Take over the mind of a living being Via injecting their brain with Biomass]
[Bio Portal- Leave large amounts of Biomass in two places and teleport between the two]
[Bio Consumption- Take the stats, skills, attributes, and biomass of anything organic you eat]
[Bio Hack- Coat technology with Biomass giving complete control]
[Bio Pollen- Spread out Microscopic pieces of Biomass into the air]
[Bio Regeneration- Passivley regenerate Biomass at a fixed rate]
[Bio Storage- Store anything in your body if you can encompass it]
[Bio Mimic- Replicate anything you have eaten with enough Biomass]
[Slaughter- The more you kill the stronger you get]
[Blood Rage- When bloodlust hits 100% all stats increased by 10x however Carrion will lose all sense of self and go on a rampage for 10 hours or until killed]
[Bound- Currently, you are bound by universal laws, when Bound hits 0% all logic and reason will be rendered null in front of you]
[DNA Alteration- Alter the DNA of anything you touch]
[Aura- Exert your soul outward to protect your body from harm]
[Sniper- Proficiency with any type of gun is masterful]
[SwordsmanShip- Proficiency with any types of swords or daggers is masterful]
[Flying- Pilot even the most unstable aircraft with ease]
[Insight- It's easier for you to sense when something is amiss]
[Conductiviy- Electricity will run through your body with no issue]
[Flame manipulation- Control and create fire both naturally and from inside your body]
[Cloth weaving - Your control over the needle and thread is masterful]
[Blacksmithing - You are able to craft and mold metal into any shape you desire]
[Cooking - Even the gods would beg for a chance to taste your food][=======================================================]
My vision starts to go black
[You bio-mass will be decreased to 1LBS upon entering]
[All stats will be reset to one, and only skills will be taken with you]