The surrounding villagers all look at me shocked before they start screaming and running away. 'Tch' I wasn't planning on just killing them all, but this stupid kid tried to pet me, *Sigh* Guess I'll need to work on holding back if I want to enjoy this.
'Oh well' I dissolve the current host and seep into the ground, as the villagers are trying to get away I erupt from below them and drag them down into the soil adding them to my biomass.
A man tries to jump over a fence and run but I attach a tentacle to his leg and twist it crippling him, he screams out in agony as I shove a tentacle in his mouth and stab his brain, now dead I drag the corpse into the ground.
Another villager this time female with a faunus child, runs down the main road only to have it blocked by a wall of my bio-mass, I create a mouth of rotating teeth bigger than her and inch forward much to her horror.
She then does the unexpected to both my and the child's surprise "KILL HER INSTEAD" she shoves the kid forward and just runs away. The kid stumbles forward and falls to the ground too shocked to move or even register what just happened, then tears start to drip from her face as the woman gets further and further away.
'Wow, I may be a psychotic, mentally unstable, and an evil mass murderer who plans to slaughter you all, but at least I'm not racist.' I think as I decided to give the kid a quick death by stabbing her through the head, the woman on the other hand.
The wall goes back into the ground and I follow the woman, she weaves through buildings and stalls constantly looking back in fear that slowly turns to hope as she reaches the other side of the village. She extends her arm reaching out, but I pop up from the ground in the form of the child and grab her arm.
I snap it with a quick motion and the hope she once had turned back to fear as she screams and recoils in pain, falls to her knees clutching her broken arm she looks up at me with teary eyes.
'This is going to be fun' I inwardly smirk as a tentacle extends from the ground and stabs a man through the chest on the other side of the village.
"Why did you leave me" I tilt my head in an innocent manner deciding to torment the woman before I kill her,
Lady: "B-b-because I-i-i h-have a f-family" she sobs as blood drips from her arm
"But aren't I, your family?" I question just like a child would
It looks like this child was adopted by this woman because the woman could not give birth, the woman wasn't infertile or anything, but for some reason, she would always miscarry and it broke down her mental state, so when she came across a wailing child in an alleyway she took it in and raised it as her own.
However, that was only a facade, the woman in actuality was a faunus trafficker and was intending to sell this one a couple of weeks prior but before she could the police discovered her operation and she was forced to flee to this village taking the child with her to make so there were no witnesses.
Somehow the child had known all along what the woman had intended for her, one night while the woman was asleep the child had snuck into her room because of a nightmare and wanted to sleep with the lady, but a file slipped out of the lady desk and like the curious child she was, she inspected it and found out the lady was going to sell her, but she didn't care as the child still saw the woman as her mother. What a shame, such undying loyalty even in the face of betrayal, and yet she stayed strong to the bitter end. Too bad she had such a shit mother.
Lady: "P-please its not my f-fualt"
"But mom" the woman averts her gaze from me and I grin maliciously for a second but go back to the child facade as she looks at me "Don't you love me?"
Lady: "I-i do"
"Then why did you leave me?" I get closer, she leans back in fear and her eyes dart around the narrow alleyway "B-beca-" she starts.
"Shhhhh" I shush her and start caressing her head "It's okay" I pull her into an embrace and the sobs only increase as she wails into my shirt "It's okay" I whisper into her ear while stroking her hair.
Lady: "*Cough*" she coughs up some blood as a spike made from biomass penetrated her body all the way through her chest "O-oh" she says as she looks up at me, my mask had completed vanished and I wore a sadistic grin on my face as the light slowly leaves her eyes. With one last motion she rubs the top of my head with a small smile on her face "I'm sorry" she says but it comes out as a whisper as her body falls limp.
I retract the spike and her body falls to the ground "Really? you think regretting at the end will give you salvation?" I never understood it, why live a life you're going to regret? Only to apologize at the end, it's like they were waiting for something.
I consume the corpse of the woman and the kid then seep back into the ground to continue my shepherding. One by one their numbers dwindled as I went around the perimeter of the village until they just stopped trying to leave. Seems like they noticed it was useless to try and escape.
Now I could just slaughter them all, but instead
'System, how much biomass do I need to unlock stage 2?'
[1,000,000 bio coins to unlock stage 2]
'Cheaper than I thought it would be'
'Alright then, Unlock stage 2'
I suddenly feel like a large portion of my body has been forcefully removed, because it has and it's not a pleasant feeling, thankfully I have a farm that could help me replenish the lost numbers.
Become the one(Stage 1)-
[Reward = Have Bound reach 95%]
-[Reach level 100] ✔
-[Reach 1,000 kills] ✔
-[Reach 1,000,000 Biomass] ✔
-[Go on 1 blood rage] ✔
-[Survive for over 5 years]
Become the one(Stage 2)-
[Reward = Have bound reach 80%]
-[Reach level 1,000]
-[Reach 10,000 kills]
-[Reach 100,000,000 Biomass]
-[Destroy a huntsman acdemy]
-[Take over a kingdom from the shadows]
[Locked]Become the one(Stage 3)-
[Reward = Have Bound reach 50%]
[Locked]Become the one(Stage 4)-
[Reward = Have bound reach 1%]
[Locked]Become the one(Stage 5)-
[Reward = Have bound reach 0%]
'Well shit, that's a big order for just stage 2'
'Oh well, not like it will be hard'