A simple yet effective plan

(Back at the plot)


The monster inches closer and closer to the bridge as the man and the king while futile still attempt to take it down.

Man: "Hey saber, we're not getting anywhere with this, let's fall back!" he yells down as saber cuts another tentacle in half.

Saber: "Don't be stupid Rider! We must stop it here and now!" she replies

Rider: "You may be right, but we've exhausted our options, we should head back, I have a plan."

Saber grits her teeth, but ultimately agrees and heads back ashore with rider flying overhead. Rider and the kid, saber, the man with two spears and the woman all regroup near the road.

Rider: "Listen up everyone, we need a plan yes, but first we time"

Rider: "So I will draw him into Ionian Hetoairoi, however, my troops will be unable to slay it, so the best we can do is halt its advance."

Man with spears: "And after that?"

Rider: "No clue lancer"

Kid: "Huh?"

Rider: "With something of that size my reality marble will only last a few minutes, in that short time you must find a way to kill it"

Rider: "Hey kid, you're staying here"

Kid: "Hey!" he exclaims as rider walks over to the chariot "Why can't I come with?" he questions as rider goes up to the helm.

Rider: "Once in the bounded field I won't know what's happening outside, so if something should happen I want you to call on me and I will send a messenger." The kid nods his head in agreement.

Rider: "Saber...Lancer, the rest up to you"

Saber: "Right"

Lancer: "Understood"

Rider: "HYAA!" he cracks his whip and rides off towards the beast. Rider's chariot flies low near the water and dodges through the tentacles that are erupting up from the water trying to drag him down, he grunts as his body starts flowing with electricity, a small clear blue ball of energy originates from his chest and expands outwards encompassing the monsters too. Then in an instant, both rider and the monster vanish from sight in a flash of light.

Then the lady with white hair speaks up "Saber, is it possible to kill the beast with your noble phantasm"

Saber: "it's possible irisviel, but-" she looks at her left arm, suddenly a phone rings, and irisviel jumps slightly then grabs the phone from her pocket and holds it outward "I don't know how to use this" she admits and the boy grabs the phone and answers it in her stead.

{Phone: "Iri?"}

Boy: "Who is this?"

{Phone: "Ah, I get it, you must be riders, master, good I wanted to talk to you too."}

Boy: "Who are you?"

{Phone: "That's not important, the monster just vanished, was that your servants doing?"}

Boy: "Yes it was."

{Phone: "Question, could rider release his reality marble in a specific place?"}

Boy: "To a degree, he can move within 100 meters of the initial opening point"

{Phone: "Good enough, when the time is right, I'll send up a flare, tell rider to release caster right underneath it."}

Boy: "Alright, I think I can do that."

{Phone: "one more thing, give this message to lancer, tell him sabers noble phantasm is an Anit-fortress type"}

Boy: "Huh?" he says confused, but the line is cut before he gets any answers.

Lancer: "Something wrong?" he asks as the kid lowers the phone from his face.

Boy: "Well he told me to give you a message, sabers left hand has an anit-fortress noble phantasm or something"

Lancer gasps and saber looks away "Is this true?" he asks saber who just nods her head "I see, do you think it's capable of destroying caster's monster in one blow?"

Saber: "Yes. But lancer...My blade and my pride are one in the same. The would I suffered from battling against you is an honor, not a hindrance." she says with a small smile on her face.

Lancer: "Listen saber, I cannot accept this caster, he finds the despair of others both right and good and takes enjoyment in spreading fear among the common people." he says as he holds up his red spear and plants it in the ground. "On my pride as a knight, his existence is an evil I cannot let continue" he finishes as he holds his yellow spear with both hands up to his chest."

Saber: "Lancer no, there must be another way" she tries to intervene

Lancer: "Saber, neither you nor I must be victorious on this day. What must triumph on this day is the knight's code of chivalry" He then snaps his yellow spear in half, a whirlwind surrounds his body and finally vanishes when his spear turns into particles and is carried off by the wind.

Saber: "Lancer"

Lancer: "I put all my faith in the sword of the king of knights. I'm counting on you saber" he finishes with a smile.

Saber: "Very well lancer, I promise this upon my blade" she raises her sword up high, and the coat of wind that covers her sword from the eyes of others dissipates revealing a golden blade. "I swear victory."


(Back with Lazuraz)


I had just finished killing off all the remaining humans in sight and was now resting underground, why? because I'm tired and want to take a nap.

Because there's nothing like a good night's rest after filling your stomach.

[The client has requested that you battle casters monster]


[Casters monster]







[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 53,796,582LBS(5.37%)]

[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 0%]

[Kill count: 7,257]-[Level: 7,257]

[HP: 53,796,562]-[Bound: (96%)]

[STR: 523572]-[END: 421572]

[AGI: 819572]-[DEX: 612571]

[WIS: 2902122]-[INT: 3892274]

[Overall: 5.37%]


'Oi system, can I take my stats with me when I leave?'


Are you fucking kidding me, all this hard work and I have nothing to show for it? What the hell are the rewards then?

[Complete the quest to find out]

Fuck you system

[Unfortunatly that is not possible]

Yeah no shit, I was being sarcastic


Fine, fine where do I find this Casters Monster?

[Near the riverbank, in 2 minutes it will appear]

Huh, That's actually pretty close to where I am right now, maybe this will be easier than I thought.

[Prepare to be surprised]

I don't know what that means but screw it, let's go.