Tragedy and Fate

It takes a while to travel through the ground, my mass is pretty much as big as the city now because after I was told by the system to kill casters monster I stopped playing around and consumed all the remaining humans still in the city, as well as a couple of the nearby cities.

It was pretty easy, my tentacles ripped from the ground and just grabbed anyone in sight, then added them to my bio-mass without killing them first, so instead, they just suffocated to death, I think I destroyed 3 cities so far- Wait no, make that 4 cities now.

The military tried to shoot down my tentacles, but I just slapped the fighters to the ground, wrapped around the helicopters, and crushed them, and then the tanks I just pierced through them from the ground up. I went full-on kaiju on them, it was really fun watching them run around like headless chickens and try to damage me.

By this point I was directly under the bank and just stuck a small red 1ft long tentacle out, while retracting all my bio-mass, I don't care for the creature and I have enough mass to just flatten the city so ima just do that.

Or that was the plan, but the monster is nowhere to be found, just a woman with armor running on the water trying to get away from a man in all black armor who is resting on the top of a fighter trying to riddle her full of holes.

3 people on the sidelines, one with white hair and red eyes but also doesn't even feel human, might be a robot or something. A scrawny kid who looks terrified just to be standing there, and a tall dude holding a red spear.


The plane just exploded as a sword just shot through it faster than the eye can track, well not my eye, looking towards where the sword came from is a yellow bug ship with a throne? as the cockpit?

Where the fuck even am I?

Man on the bug ship: "You dare to gaze upon me?"

'W-who is he talking to?'

Man on the ship: "Such impertinence" a golden ripple opens up above the ship and it's pointed at me?



This asshole just blew up my tentacle, what a dick head, I can't wait to eat your brain.

The ground starts shaking, and the water starts raging, a man on a boat shoots up a flare gun into the sky, a man in Persian armor appears next to the scrawny kid, the kid says some shit I don't really care to hear, and in a blue flash of light what I'd assume to be casters monster reappears next to the red bridge.


The lady on the water raises her golden blade up high and gold particles start coming out of the plants, the trees, the water, pretty much all surrounding wildlife. She gathers up a large amount of power into the blade and points it at the monster.

'Oh shit, that's bad for me'

Right before she can unleash the attack I stab her leg through the water, she winces slightly which throws the attack slightly off course and the monster gets almost obliterated. But it just regenerates all the lost mass.

'I can't wait to get that skill when I kill you'

A man riding a chariot flies low and scoops up the lady on the water before one of the monster's tentacles could crush her and regroups with the others. 'Finally, my turn'


(3rd person pov)


Rider: "Saber, what happened?"

Saber: "I don't know, it was all going fine until something stabbed my foot, and I momentarily lost focus" she admits with her head low.

Boy: "T-that's bad, that's really really bad" he starts panicking

Rider: "Calm yourself boy. It's not over yet" he reassures his master

Boy: "You have a plan?"

Rider: "Nope, I'm all out of ideas"

Boy: "...We're all going to die here"

Lancer: "Saber, is it possible to use it again?" he asks turning towards saber

Saber: "I would need time"

Rider: "Then it seems we must hold it off once more"

Boy: "But how?"

Lancer: "Any way we can"

Man on the ship: "Marvelous performance" he mocks, facing resting on his palm, as he hovers right above the group.

Saber: "Archer." she glares

Rider: "Archer!" he grins "Might you have a weapon in that field of yours capable of killing that beast?"

Archer: "And If I do?"

Lancer: "We ask that you kill the beast with it."

Archer looks at them for a second before laughing, sabers glare intensifies, lancer remains the same, and Rider losses his grin. "Why would I dirty my precious treasures with that monster's disgusting flesh?" archer asks.

Rider: "To kill the beast obviously."

Archer: "You misunderstand me brute, why should I, the king of heroes, lower myself to help you mongrels?" he says in a condescending tone.

Saber: "Archer! Do you not care for the millions that will perish if nothing is done!?" she yells utterly shocked at his attitude towards the common people.

Archer looks at her unimpressed "I do not concern myself in the affairs of those that are below me."

Now its lancers turn to glare at archer "You would let them die? When you have the power to save them?"

Archer: "I would." he says after a brief pause.

Lancer and saber both ready their weapons and point them at Archer and in unison, they say "Then you leave us no choice but to force you." Archer smirks at then multiple golden ripples open behind his ship.

Rider grabs the boy and Irisviel and puts them on his chariot "Get down" he tells the two and they do so. Archer stares down lancer and saber, and right as he is about to fire the ground starts rumbling and shaking.

Boy: "WHAT NOW!?!"

Soon after he shouts that multiple red tentacles rip up from the ground wriggling around for all to see.

Boy: "Oh you gotta be kidding me"

Saber: "Another one?"

The tentacles shoot towards casters monster piercing it and wrapping around it, they start to squeeze and eat away at its flesh but the monster still regenerates.

Rider: "So it's not one of casters?"

Lancer: "It would appear so."

Irisveil: "Then what is it?"

Boy: "Don't know, don't care, KICK ITS ASS" he cheers

Back at the fight, the red tentacles open up to reveal hundreds of rotating teeth that start shredding the monsters, its regeneration is being pushed to its utter limits as it thrashing around, casters monster stabs through the tentacles and adds them to its own mass and starts growing bigger and bigger.

Boy: "CMON YOU CAN DO IT!!!" he cheers again, Irisviel giggles slightly and Rider grins at his master, lancer gains a small smile on his face and saber continues to glare at Archer who is looking at both monsters with disgust present on his expression.

Caster's monster starts overpowering carrion and traps a couple of tentacles under its body then eats them up, carrion is on the losing side, or so it seems as right behind casters monster a human head rises up from the water.

With black hair, and scarlet colored eyes, Then come broad shoulders, a toned chest, and buff arms, then the rest of the body, and completely and totally nude. It takes a step forward towering over Caster's monster by a large margin.

Boy: "Holy shit" he says amazed

The giant bends over and takes the monster in the palm of its hand, slowly it lifts up the creature until it holds it right over the giant's mouth, it opens up and drops the creature in and eats it.

Boy: "Is it over?" he asks, but as soon as he said something the ground starts shaking violently even worse than before and in the middle of the city a giant pillar of skin, guts, bones, teeth, and brain matter erupts from the ground and shoots through the clouds.

All participants look over, the boy and hurls up his lunch, and Irisviel looks away, rider frowns and both lancer and saber are disgusted, but not as much as Archer who is getting increasingly irritated.

The top of the pillar branches out and starts covering the skin, blocking out the sun as bits of it fall to the ground like rain. A drop of carrion lands on archers ship and armor.

Archer: "This creature dares to dirty my possession with its disgusting body?!" he asks no one seething with rage. "Unacceptable." A golden ripple opens up in front of him and he reaches in and pulls out a golden handle, with a cone-shaped handguard, a cylindric drill-shaped blade split into 3 rotating sections, red markings all over the shaft, and a blunt tip.

He points the lance right at the sky and it starts spinning rapidly starting from the bottom, a gale of wind starts swirling around the sword, and increases in intensity as the second and third sections start rotating.

Archer: "Perish, and make sure to never present yourself in front of me again mongrel," he says as the gale intensifies even further and starts pushing back the others.

Archer: "ENUMA ELIS-


Saber, Lancer, and Riders eyes go wide, the boy and Irisviel are still in the chariot and peek out trying to find out why it went so quiet. They look over and their eyes go wide as well as one of the tentacles has penetrated through Archers stomach.

Archer: "I-impossible" he says coughing up blood, 3 more tentacles pierce through his right thigh, his left arm, and his neck, they lift him up and a giant tentacle rips up from the ground behind him, it opens its mouth and Archer is flung into the mouth and eaten.

Saber: "RIDER!!!" she yells as hundreds of smaller tentacles start coming out of the ground,

Rider: "HYAA!" he cracks his whip and his mount takes to the sky as the tentacles charge at saber and lancer.

Irisviel: "SABER!" she calls out, saber looks back and gives her a reassuring smile then cuts down one of the tentacles, a tentacle attempts to stab the preoccupied saber from behind but lancer stabs it, twirls his spear around, and cuts it down.

Saber: "You have my thanks"

Lancer: "You should save it for when we get out of here"

Saber: "Very well"

The two then charge into the horde of tentacles and start cutting them down left and right, they manage to take out a few and hold them off for a while but there are too many and eventually, Lancer is stabbed through the gut.

Saber: "LANCER!!!" she tries to run over to the injured lancer, but is blocked by more and more tentacles popping up from the ground, Lancer falls to his knees and a large tentacle digs up in front of him with its mouth wide open.

Lancer's expression softens and he closes his eyes accepting his fate as carrion devours him as well. A gale of wind pushes out from Saber's body and slices the tentacle around her in half, she raises her sword high and it glows a golden color, a whirlwind surrounds her and keeps the tentacles at bay while golden particles start seeping out from the wildlife and go into her blade.

Saber: "EXCALIBUR!!!" she yells as she brings her sword down and a beam of golden light comes crashing down against the ground and incinerates all the tentacles in her path.

Panting heavily, she props herself up with her sword and looks around, she sees rider's chariot has been destroyed, both rider and the boy are nowhere to be found but a single lock of Irisviels hair rests on the ground.

Saber sighs as tentacles surface again even more than last time. "It seems...I have failed," she says with regret as the tentacles all shoot towards her and penetrates her body in a single strike, but she's not dead as they missed all the vital points, one of the large tentacles slithers up to her and opens its mouth of swirling teeth.

Saber: "I'm sorry" she says as the tentacle devours her as well.

The giant flat ceiling that was blocking out the sky comes crashing down to the ground and devours the entire city.


(Lazuraz pov)



"Ahhhhhh" I let out a content sigh, both that casters monster and the people on the sidelines taste absolutely delicious, Gordon Ramsey would be proud.

[Objective complete]

[Please choose your rewards]

Wait rewards?

As in plural?



[-Pick 2-]

[All skills devoured carry over]

[All mass devoured carries over]

[All stats devoured carries over]

[Weapon Excalibur + Gate of Babylon]

Let's go with the first and the fourth option, I can always just get bio-mass and stats from remnant but the skills are something special to this planet I'm pretty sure unless the people of remnant can cast magic but I don't think they can so let's go with number 1 and 4.


[Skills and weapons being transferred over]





[Commencing transportation back to the main world]

My vision once again goes black