Nothing too major

Waking up I felt as though literally nothing changed

Oi system what happened while I was gone

[Time around planetoid 99-014 was halted for the duration of hosts excusrion]

I see, well then at least I don't have to worry about runaways.

The dome around my farm is stable, the lab is also fine, there's a squad of bullheads, and cars heading towards the lab, but other than that everything is fine.




[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 5,796,582LBS(5.79%)]

[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 0%]

[Kill count: 2,492]-[Level: 249]

[HP: 5,796,562]-[MP: 57,212]

[STR: 35,572]-[END: 31,572]

[AGI: 59,572]-[DEX: 82,571]

[WIS: 902,122]-[INT: 892,274]

[Overall: 5.79%]-Bound: (96%)



[Bio Transformation- Transform your body into anything given enough Biomass]

[Mimic- Take the shape, form, and memories of any organic being you have eaten]

[Bio Connection- Any Biomass not a part of your body is used as a second pair of eyes]

[Bio Separation- Separate and control detached parts of your body]

[Bio Invasion- Inject a living being with Biomass]

[Bio Take over- Take over the mind of a living being Via injecting their brain with Biomass]

[Bio Portal- Leave large amounts of Biomass in two places and teleport between the two]

[Bio Consumption- Take the stats, skills, attributes, and biomass of anything organic you eat]

[Bio Hack- Coat technology with Biomass giving complete control]

[Bio Pollen- Spread out Microscopic pieces of Biomass into the air]

[Bio Regeneration- Passivley regenerate Biomass at a fixed rate]

[Bio Storage- Store anything in your body if you can encompass it]

[Bio Mimic- Replicate anything you have eaten with enough Biomass]

[Slaughter- The more you kill the stronger you get]

[Blood Rage- When bloodlust hits 100% all stats increased by 10x however Carrion will lose all sense of self and go on a rampage for 10 hours or until killed]

[Bound- Currently, you are bound by universal laws, when Bound hits 0% all logic and reason will be rendered null in front of you]

[DNA Alteration- Alter the DNA of anything you touch]

[Aura- Release your soul outward to protect your body from harm]

[Sniper- Proficiency with any type of gun is masterful]

[SwordsmanShip- Proficiency with any types of swords or daggers has reached a point where you are unmatched in this field]

[Flying- Pilot even the most unstable aircraft with ease]

[Insight- It's easier for you to sense when something is amiss]

[Conductiviy- Electricity will run through your body with no issue]

[Flame manipulation- Control and create fire both naturally and from inside your body]

[Cloth weaving - Your control over the needle and thread is masterful]

[Blacksmithing - You are able to craft and mold metal into any shape you desire]

[Cooking - Even the gods would beg for a chance to taste your food]

[Mana sense - Sense the mana in the air around you]

[Infinite regeneration - Regenerate as long as a single cell of you remains]

[Spearmanship - Your proficiency with the spear, polearms, and halberts is masterful]

[Dark Excalibur - Call upon its name and the sword of the chaos bringer will come to you]

[Minor Reality Marble - Spread your mana out and trap a small area in a separate dimension that you control]

[Mana Burst - Coat your body with mana to increase physical attributes]

[Riding - Drive any vehicle with extreme mastery]

[Spirit form - Break your body down into mana to become incorporeal]

[Minor Split - Create a physical clone of yourself that follows basic commands]

[Lightning generation - Generate lightning from your body]

[Anit Magic - Create an area where magic cannot be cast at all]

[Time Alter - Double, Triple, Square Accel - Speed up your own time]

[Time Alter - Double, Triple, Square Stagnate - Slow down your own time]

[Magic circuits - A sudo nervous system that converts HP into MP and allows the user access to magecraft]

[Mana Core 6x - Generate's MP at a rate of 1200MP Per/second]

[Gate of Babylon - Grants access to all of earths treasures through scarlet ripples in space]

[Mad Enhancement - Sacrifice sanity for increase physical attributes]

[Minor transmute - Change an object into something else via running mana through its structure, both the quality and size of the object that can be changed vary according to the user's own knowledge of subatomic particles as well as substantial mana to change said object]

[Charm - Even the ugliest, smelliest, disease-ridden, dirty-minded, fat, lice-infested, fatherless, annoying, anti-social, creepy, stalkerish, waste of space living creatures have a chance with Aphrodite after gaining this skill]

[Jewel magecraft - Store your mana and thoughts into a crystal to form a sudo mystic code, or in non-magic human savvy terms a dumb AI. The higher quality the gem, the more advanced the mystic code that can be created]

[Reinforcement - Analyze the atomic structure of items and objects and increase their effectiveness and durability]

[Graduation Air - Materialize anything you can imagine given enough mana and mastery but the object created will deteriorate over time]


Hot damn that's a shit ton of new skills, I didn't have an MP bar before and now I do, and I got a shit ton of magic-related skills as well. The jewel, transmute, and graduation Air is pretty op despite the glaring weakness, but still if given enough time and resources I could do a lot of evil shit.

Although now I wonder if maybe the gate and the sword both take up MP or something, because having access to a separate dimension that holds ALL of earths treasures sounds like it takes a heavy toll, and the legendary sword Excalibur is known for doing mystical and possibly divine shit so that definitely takes up mana.

Hold on, where even was king Arthur, I know saw Gilgamesh, he literally had pride just radiating off his body, also that ugly ass bug ship looks like something from Urk, and alexander the great was there, I could tell by the markings on the chariot, the spear guy, the scrawny boy, and the dude on the boat were irrelevant and had no special aura so I ignored them.

The lady with white hair didn't even feel human in the slightest and when I absorbed her

So was it the woman in armor?

But Arthur was a man, right?


Okay, but how? that place was supposed to be earth right?


So how?

[universes 1-9999 all belong to the 'Fate' Category]

Fate? what's that?

[A classification for Mirror universes]


Oh, I get it, so pretty much universes 1-9999 all have the same history and individuals with minor differences for each one in relation to my own right?


And 'Fate' is just the name that these universes are called


Wait a minute, I couldn't I just look through their memories and find all this out myself?



[Host did not choose to take their bio-mass and as such their memories, form, and personality traits have been left behind in universe 66-275]

Well shit, I guess I'll never know which one was which, maybe I missed a human or something?

Ahhhh whatever, I got better things to do




Become the one(Stage 1)-

[Reward = Have Bound reach 95%]

-[Reach level 100] ✔

-[Reach 1,000 kills] ✔

-[Reach 1,000,000 Biomass] ✔

-[Go on 1 blood rage] ✔

-[Survive for over 5 years]

Become the one(Stage 2)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 80%]

-[Reach level 1,000]

-[Reach 10,000 kills]

-[Reach 100,000,000 Biomass]

-[Destroy a huntsman acdemy]

-[Take over a kingdom from the shadows]

[Locked]Become the one(Stage 3)-

[Reward = Have Bound reach 50%]







[Locked]Become the one(Stage 4)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 1%]






[Locked]Become the one(Stage 5)-

[Reward = Have bound reach 0%]






Why are there more tasks than last time?

[Because host's power has exceeded expectations and has been given harder tasks to balance out]

Balance out what?

[Unable to answer, your administrator-level is not high enough]

That's going to be annoying


Whatever, if they're gonna give me more work, it just means I have more time to fuck around with this planet before they send me to the next.