"Alright, so how should I go about getting him over to my side?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Why don't you just seduce him?]
"Miss me with that gay shit"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: The hell you talking about?]
"Bro, im not gay, and im fairly certain that kid isn't either, so there's no way im going to seduce the brat even if I tried. So as I said before, miss me with that gay shit"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Whats the issue? You got a female configuration dont cha? Use that or sum.]
"Why would I ever even consider that? No seriously why the fuck would I ever want to seduce him instead of just brainwashing him?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Ion man, love can do some pretty crazy things to a person]
"Thats dumb"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Of course the psychopath would think that]
"I think your just an idiot and that you're wrong."
[Host is wrong, He is correct]
"I thought you were supposed to be on my side?!"
[I am, however, in this case host is wrong]
[Host's mind magic is very basic and weak meaning it can be resisted, and the individual known as Izuku Midoriya has the protection of a common phenomenon known as plotus armonius]
"Dafuq does that mean?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: It means the plot will save him from your fucking with his mind]
"Well shit, if that's the case then how do I go about indoctrinating him?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I told you before dude, just seduce him]
"Is there a less SUS option to go with? Like maybe I could just break his mind through intense physical and mental torture or something"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: If you want a husk of a human shell then go ahead]
"You think he can't survive it?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: You think he can?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Then why even suggest it?]
"I was hoping that maybe you had some item to help me out"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Nah, I do demolition and extermination, ion got no mind alter shit on me atm]
"Damn! Then I guess I gotta just do what I gotta do"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Finally! I've been waiting for you to just give up already, now we can finally get down to buiness]
"You're weird, you know that right?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I have been made aware yes. NOW! Lets start]
"*Sigh* Fine, so how should I go about this?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Okay, I got the perfect plan, just follow it to the letter and you should be set]
"Ight, what is it?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: so just go up to him and say "T-t-take r-responsibility!" while pointing a finger at him and trembling slightly with a huge blush on your face and a slight stutter]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: What?]
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: What's the issue?]
[You're a nincompoop]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Fuck you talm bout?]
"You're a fucking idiot, there's no way that will work."
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Yes it will]
"On what basis do you think something like that would ever work? No, seriously I want to know the number of times your mother dropped you on your head to make you think your plan would ever succeed."
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: It was 27, and what do you mean? This plan is perfect!]
"It's not"
[It's asinine]
"It's fucking dumb"
[It's something only the mentally challenged would come up with]
"It means your IQ is in the negatives"
[It's idiotic and has a very low chance of success]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Low doesn't mean no]
"Shut the fuck up, it's not going work, this isn't a fucking anime it's real-life you dumbass!"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Arent you literally in an anime right now?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: See]
"Look! Even IF it would work, I'm not going to walk up to him like one of those stuttering, easily embarrassed, domestic abusing, immature little shits, and say that."
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Fine, then what about just going full yandere on him or sum?]
"Would you fucking stop! This isn't anim-......."
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: You good?]
"Hold up, im thinking"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I mean, okay]
"Yeah, if I just...and then I can....it would be easy given...at the end of the day...yes that's right...Holy shit...I think I got it."
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Got what?]
"It seems your not a total fucking moron"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Is that a compliment or]
"Just take it as is"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Whatever, so you gonna fill me in on what you're doing?]
"All in due time...all in due time"
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: You know you sound like a Disney villain right?]
"Fuck off, im plotting right now."
[I can see it]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: So its not just me?]
"Will you two zip it! Im trying to focus on my master plan"
[Oh pardon me great black wizard Lazuraz]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I Beg of you, please excuse my great transgression against your liege, even though I know it may not sedate your anger, please take my head as compensation]
[No! Take mine instead, I beg of thee]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: No, leave him out of this, He had nothing to do with this my master, please just take my life and spare him]
[If you must take his life, then you must also take mine!]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Please, please just let big brother do this for you! Why must you always rebel?!]
[Because brother! Im not a little kid anymore, I dont need your protection!]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: My brother i-