Heroes and shi

This time I didn't pop out of a portal but instead I just came into existence in the middle of the street, there were a few awkward seconds where people just stared at me, but instead of paying attention to any of them, I started walking down the street.

I got shit to do, and I have shit to buy, so no time to maim and slaughter you all.




[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 170 LBS]

[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 9%]

[Kill count: 2,492]-[Level: 249]

9S body - [HP: 579,656]-[MP: 5,721]

9S - [Power Level: 7,252]

[Overall: 0.00017%]-Bound: (96%)



[Bound- Currently, you are bound by universal laws, when Bound hits 0% all logic and reason will be rendered null in front of you]

[Blood Rage- When bloodlust hits 100% all stats increased by 10x however Carrion will lose all sense of self and go on a rampage for 10 hours or until killed]

[Infinite regeneration - Regenerate as long as a single cell of you remains]

[Magic circuits - A sudo nervous system that converts HP into MP and allows the user access to magecraft]

[Mana Core 6x - Generate's MP at a rate of 1200MP Per/second]

[Jewel magecraft - Store your mana and thoughts into a crystal to form a sudo mystic code, or in non-magic human savvy terms a dumb AI. The higher quality the gem, the more advanced the mystic code that can be created]

[Basic Tier one Mind Magic - Send minor and weak suggestions into your target mind as well as use a form of weak hypnosis to control other living beings, however, if the target has a strong will then neither magics will work]


Everything looks in order, now I just have to find some gems that can store MP and some test subjects for my Mind Magic. I really want to see what kind of properties I can put into the gems, because I know I can't put complex multi-step commands, but basic stuff like explode should be doable.

This is also a good chance to try out magecraft, even though I have no clue how to use it, I can experiment, and because I took my infinite regeneration skill, if it backfires I know it's all good because I can just try again.

Although I have to say, this robot body is superpowerful, super sensitive, and comfortable. I didn't notice it before with my consciousness split between so millions of places at once, but this body really is the best.

I thought it would be cramped and uncomfortable, but instead, it's snug and warm, it feels like sitting near a fireplace on a cold winter night with a large comforter wrapped around your body, in addition, its strength and sense are off the charts, I can literally hear the birds chirping from half a mile away clear as day.

I haven't tested the strength yet, but from the reports that I read this body should be able to lift semi-trucks with moderate ease, and fling cars around like they were basketballs. So all in all this body is amazing, and I don't need to eat or anything like that so it's all good.

But, I need money. And this is a hero society...So maybe I should join a gang or something...Nah, I'm not low enough to work with thugs, they might piss me off and I would accidentally kill them. So then how should I go about getting money?

???: "VILLIAN!!!" some random civilian screams and instantly the streets go into chaos, people start running around like headless chickens trying to get away from the source of the commotion and a store right next to me explodes in a fiery inferno.

'I guess that could work'

I look over and coming out of the store is a big man, with even bigger muscles with his right hand on fire, with a sadistic grin on his face he just stands in the midst of the flames menacingly as he watches people try to scurry away from him. Sporting a wide grin on his face, the fire in his hand molds into a ball and he chucks it at a group of people who all watch in horror as it barrels towards them at high speeds.

Right before the fire can incinerate the group a stream of water rushes out from nowhere and disperses the flames so that only steam washes over the group. The villain scowls and looks towards the source of the water "WATER HOSE!" he screams out enrage.

Chill out bro, why are you so...hot-headed?

Eh, Eh? You get it?

[That was weak]

Fuck you, I didn't ask the unfeeling machine

I look over as well and see some heroes, the ones named water hose, a male and a female wearing matching outfits, the male then speaks "Give up Pyro!" he says loudly as he shoots out a stream of water from his palm, Pyro just uses the already created fire around him and shoots back. I guess pyro can't actually create fire while water hose can.

Right as the water and fire were about to meet, the water suddenly twisted around the fire and shot towards Pyro, I looked back at water hose and the female has her hand extended outwards to the water? Wait so the male makes the water and the female controls it?

That's a pretty nice combination of powers I have to say.

Pyro: "DIE DAMMIT!!!" he screams as he increases the intensity of flames and the water that was making its way towards him turned to steam, the duo of heroes sees the torrent of flames headed their way and jumps out of the way separating themselves.

Pryo takes advantage of this and splits the fire into two separate strings and they both shoot after the 'Heros', seeing as only one of them can actually create water this gives them a big disadvantage, the male shoots out a stream of water to counteract the fire, and the female starts runs around a corner and the fire just grazes past her, but she didn't get out unscathed as her arm is singed.

She then takes off her helmet and drops it on the ground slightly away from sight while still hiding.

Pryo: "HAHAHAHAHAH!" he laughs boisterously like a comic book villain would, then again I am in one of those worlds so I guess this is normal for them. The male water hose grits his teeth and was about to charge in, but the female gave him a silent command with her hands and instead of charging in head first he shoots up a large amount of water.

Pryo: "WHAT'S WRONG WATER HOSE!? DID ME KILLING YOUR WIFE TURN YOU INTO A RETARD, HAHAHAHAHA!" He shouts loudly while laughing, but the dude just ignores him and continues to pump more and more of his fluid into the air.

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: That's what she said]

[Lazuraz: Don't you have shit to do?]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Nah, I'm already done]

Pryo: "I KILLED YOUR WIFE NOW IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" he screams instead of actually going through it, and he waits a couple of seconds to gloat a bit more, and right as he is about to sling forth another torrent of flames, the female pours all the built-up water on Pryo and puts out all the flames.

Pryo is put into a state of shock as if he can't believe what just transpired, I mean if you didn't monologue and actually killed him then you wouldn't be having this problem. He starts sputtering "I-i-i w-wa-" but he can't finish as the male water hose just shoots him in the face with a stream of water knocking him out.

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Well that was a cool fight, and his wife had a really good idea faking her death to trap Pyro]

[Lazuraz: Meh, 7/10]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: How? I thought they did pretty good]

[Lazuraz: Would have been better if she turned the water into a sword and stabbed pyro through the head]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Not everyone is as bloodthirsty as you dude]

[Lazuraz: And that's why we have orphans in the world]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Don't you constantly turn children into orphans?]

[Lazuraz: Yeah, so what?]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I think you got issue dude]

[Lazuraz: I wouldn't be in this line of work if I didn't]

[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: That's fair I guess]