[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Did you know the devil hates harem?]
[Lazuraz: Not all that shocked tbh]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Fym not all that shocked, THE FUCKING DEVIL HATES HAREMS]
[Lazuraz: Then I guess me and the devil have a lot more in common than I thought]
[Did you not build your own harem on earth?]
Shut the fuck up, nobody asked you.
[Lazuraz: and where did you even hear this?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I heard an imp talking about how one of the devils advocates spent too much time chasing after women that the devil just said fuck it, fired him, beat him to death with his own skull, ate his soul]
[Lazuraz: How tf do you beat someone to death with their own skull?]
[Lazuraz: Like it not even physically possible]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I dont fucking know, its the devil]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: But, It ain't even really his fault tho, the guy was overworked and overstressed out, I guess it just got to him]
[Lazuraz: the hell is there to be stressed about?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: His last job before he was cut was about being a slave to some Dom who liked crushing balls and shit with a paddle]
[Lazuraz: Ight, I can see why]
[Lazuraz: But that's why I like my boss, he doesn't send me on bullshit assignments like that]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: See, you lucky, my boss is such a stingy dick head who works us like dogs all the goddamn time for like zero pay, and we always get fucking weirdos for clients]
[Lazuraz: You got no HR? No union?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Snuffed out not a day after creation]
[Lazuraz: Do yall even got dental?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: We got that at least, but we gotta put in 60 hours a week minimum]
[Lazuraz: That's rough buddy]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Tell me about it, so what about you? Got any jobs lately?]
[Lazuraz: The last client I had was also my first and it was just a kill quest in some weak as universe]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: I wish I had a boss as cool as yours dude, mine just sent me on a mission to kill some fakes pretending to a demon king or sum shit]
[Lazuraz: U killing demons now?]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: Yep, its the 7SD universe, I gotta kill that wack ass demon king]
[Lazuraz: Thats tough, well good luck]
[Fuckherrightinthepussy556: cya]
[Warning system is going through a change!!]
Huh? A change? Why?
[To make it less complicated]
But it's fine tho right?
[∄ↅ∆∝∔∙∝∔ↅ has changed it, an order from A]
Wait, so the boss has a boss?
Heh, suck it fool
[Name: Lazuraz]-[BioMass: 5,796,692LBS(5.79%)]
[Age: 1]-[Blood lust: 3%]
[Kill count: 2,492]-[Level: 249]
9S body - [HP: 579,656]-[MP: 5,721]
Full body - [HP: 5,796,562]-[MP: 57,212]
9S - [Power Level: 7,252]
Full body - [Power Level: 725,284]
[Overall: 5.79%]-Bound: (96%)
The hell is up with power level?
[A combination of all attributes excluding HP and MP to give an accurate measurement of power]
Cool, so the boss is ripping off dragon ball now, anything else I should know about?
[Mommytogatoes24 has requested you travel to universe 12-924]
Which universe is that?
[My Hero Academia]
Wait, you mean the hero shit?
Okay, To do what exactly?
[Turn the protagonist into the main villain and help him conquer the world]
Well shit, how the hell am I going to turn a righteous goody two shoes, hero obsessed junkie into the main villain of the world? Disregarding all the plot armor and shit as well as their mentality how am I supposed to even find them?
I didn't watch the show, I didn't read the manga, I just made fun of the cosplayers and shippers, other than that I have no clue as to what the shit is about.
How the hell am I supposed to find that Midrona kid?
And I have to help them take over the world as well? Fuck do I look like, I destroy shit I don't take over and rule shit. You want someone dead? I got you, you want someone so broken by torture that they are nothing more than dolls? consider it done, you want me to turn a city into a glass floor? I can do that, but taking over a planet without restoring to mass destruction is just outside my range.
[Host can do so, but host cannot destroy entire countries]
Other than that can I still fuck up a bunch of people?
Oh, well that makes things much easier.
But...That kinda brings up a good idea, I still have a bunch of skills I haven't used yet, so maybe this next side quest can be a good chance to explore their abilities to the fullest. Yeah, maybe I should take a break up from just outright genocide and take a more refined approach instead. I mean I have a bunch of skills that could be used for mass destruction with just a bit of creativity.
[Does host want to create specific conditions to achieve greater rewards when the objective is finished?]
Oh shit, I can get more stuff just from limiting myself? Hell yeah!
[Please choose 5 skills to take with you into the next universe]
[Bio Transformation- Transform your body into anything given enough Biomass]
[Mimic- Take the shape, form, and memories of any organic being you have eaten]
[Bio Connection- Any Biomass not a part of your body is used as a second pair of eyes]
[Bio Separation- Separate and control detached parts of your body]
[Bio Invasion- Inject a living being with Biomass]
[Bio Take over- Take over the mind of a living being Via injecting their brain with Biomass]
[Bio Portal- Leave large amounts of Biomass in two places and teleport between the two]
[Bio Consumption- Take the stats, skills, attributes, and biomass of anything organic you eat]
[Bio Hack- Coat technology with Biomass giving complete control]
[Bio Pollen- Spread out Microscopic pieces of Biomass into the air]
[Bio Regeneration- Passivley regenerate Biomass at a fixed rate]
[Bio Storage- Store anything in your body if you can encompass it]
[Bio Mimic- Replicate anything you have eaten with enough Biomass]
[Slaughter- The more you kill the stronger you get]
[Blood Rage- When bloodlust hits 100% all stats increased by 10x however Carrion will lose all sense of self and go on a rampage for 10 hours or until killed]
[Bound- Currently, you are bound by universal laws, when Bound hits 0% all logic and reason will be rendered null in front of you]
[DNA Alteration- Alter the DNA of anything you touch]
[Aura- Release your soul outward to protect your body from harm]
[Sniper- Proficiency with any type of gun is masterful]
[SwordsmanShip- Proficiency with any types of swords or daggers has reached a point where you are unmatched in this field]
[Flying- Pilot even the most unstable aircraft with ease]
[Insight- It's easier for you to sense when something is amiss]
[Conductiviy- Electricity will run through your body with no issue]
[Flame manipulation- Control and create fire both naturally and from inside your body]
[Cloth weaving - Your control over the needle and thread is masterful]
[Blacksmithing - You are able to craft and mold metal into any shape you desire]
[Cooking - Even the gods would beg for a chance to taste your food]
[Mana sense - Sense the mana in the air around you]
[Infinite regeneration - Regenerate as long as a single cell of you remains]
[Spearmanship - Your proficiency with the spear, polearms, and halberts is masterful]
[Dark Excalibur - Call upon its name and the sword of the chaos bringer will come to you]
[Minor Reality Marble - Spread your mana out and trap a small area in a separate dimension that you control]
[Mana Burst - Coat your body with mana to increase physical attributes]
[Riding - Drive any vehicle with extreme mastery]
[Spirit form - Break your body down into mana to become incorporeal]
[Minor Split - Create a physical clone of yourself that follows basic commands]
[Lightning generation - Generate lightning from your body]
[Anit Magic - Create an area where magic cannot be cast at all]
[Time Alter - Double, Triple, Square Accel - Speed up your own time]
[Time Alter - Double, Triple, Square Stagnate - Slow down your own time]
[Magic circuits - A sudo nervous system that converts HP into MP and allows the user access to magecraft]
[Mana Core 6x - Generate's MP at a rate of 1200MP Per/second]
[Gate of Babylon - Grants access to all of earths treasures through scarlet ripples in space]
[Mad Enhancement - Sacrifice sanity for increase physical attributes]
[Minor transmute - Change an object into something else via running mana through its structure, both the quality and size of the object that can be changed vary according to the user's own knowledge of subatomic particles as well as substantial mana to change said object]
[Charm - Even the ugliest, smelliest, disease-ridden, dirty-minded, fat, lice-infested, fatherless, annoying, anti-social, creepy, stalkerish, waste of space living creatures have a chance with Afrodite after gaining this skill]
[Jewel magecraft - Store your mana and thoughts into a crystal to form a sudo mystic code, or in non-magic human savvy terms a dumb AI. The higher quality the gem, the more advanced the mystic code that can be created]
[Reinforcement - Analyze the atomic structure of items and objects and increase their effectiveness and durability]
[Graduation Air - Materialize anything you can imagine given enough mana and mastery but the object created will deteriorate over time]
[Basic Tier one Mind Magic - Send minor and weak suggestions into your target mind as well as use a form of weak hypnosis to control other living beings, however, if the target has a strong will then neither magics will work]
Does infinite regeneration apply to my robot body?
Not sure how, when it's a robot but I'm not gonna complain. Anyway, the skills I absolutely need, without a shadow of a doubt is [Mana core] I also need [Magic circuits] to even use the core and magecraft. [Jewel Magecraft] is a must mostly for its versatility and [Infinite Regeneration] can keep my form alive no matter the situation, so the last skill I would need is [Basic Tier One Mind Magic] just in case I can't convince the MC.
[Confirmed selecting skills [Mana Core]-[Magic circuits]-[Jewel Magecraft]-[Infinite Regeneration]-[Basic One Tier Mind Magic] All other skills and will be locked and the user is restricted to 9S body for the duration of the mission]
Alright I'm ready, lets do this
Now what?
[unregistered Soul has been located in this universe]
Wait unregistered? Does that mean like a time traveler, or dimensional hoper or something? Or is it like a reincarnator or a rival company?
[It means someone who is not supposed to be here is here]
The hell does that make me then?
[Pest control]
So I have to kill whoever doesn't belong here?
Alright, so where do I find them?
Are you fucking serious right now?
Fine, let's just do this.