[You are being contacted by Fuckherightinthepussy556]
The hell?
[Do you wish to accept this message?]
I mean, sure I guess
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Yo wassup new guy]
The normally bright blue box turned into a tall rectangle with a chat log, a keyboard, and even online mini-games. Still slightly confused I respond either way getting right to the point.
[Lazuraz: Are you also working under the boss?]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Yep, my name is, well used to be Jake before I died and was sent to another world with 3 wishes]
I guess other people were hired by the boss, for what purpose? I have no fucking clue, but at least I know that I'm not the only one.
[Lazuraz: Wait you got wishes?]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Did you not?]
[Lazuraz: Nah, I only got a system and was turned in carrion]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: You mean the mass of dead animal flesh?]
[Lazuraz: That's exactly what I said, but no I'm actually a sentient lump of living Biomass that can grow indefinitely by consuming living creatures]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Damn, that's actually op as shit]
[Lazuraz: I know right? But what about you, what did you wish for?]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: To be honest my wishes are a little lackluster creatively compared to what you got mostly because I wished for Saiyan biology, the ability to manipulate electromagnetic forces, and my last wish was to have infinite potential for strength]
[Lazuraz: That's actually not bad, but why saiyans? In fact what even are those?]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Your kidding right? You don't know what DBZ is?]
[Lazuraz: The hell is that? Some type of food or drug?]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: It is literally the greatest piece of animated media to ever be created in the history of ever]
[Lazuraz: That seems like a stretch to me]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: You won't be saying that after you watch it]
[Lazuraz: I would but unfortunately I don't have the means to do so]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: I got you bro]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556 has sent you DBZ the complete series on DVD and BlueRay with creators commentary and DBZ kai, as well as DBZ abridged the complete series as an added bonus]
Well, shit, he really went all out, Hell I didn't even know you could do something like this, but hey, this system gets more and more mysterious by the day.
Although it's too bad I don't plan on watching these shows anytime soon.
[Lazuraz: Thanks for that, but I can't watch em rn, I'm too busy]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Doing what?]
[Lazuraz: Fucking up ironwoods home]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Oh shit, you got sent to RWBY? Lucky]
[Lazuraz: How bad is the place you are to call RWBY a lucky location? Soulless black monsters that never seem to dwindle in numbers trying to kill you on sight doesn't really seem all that lucky to me]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: I got sent to the HP Lovecraft universe]
[Lazuraz: Rip, well its been nice knowing you]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: Oi, im not dead yet]
[Lazuraz: Give it a couple seconds]
[Fuckherightinthepussy556: The hell are yjbnasivuahflajzxgcogabogfeuagfaifouagfaskfag]
[Lazuraz: You still there?]
"I called it."
Pilot: "Wha'd you say Park?"
"Oh, it's nothing just talking to myself" I respond to the Pilot who just shrugs his shoulders and turns his attention back to flying. It was pretty easy to get past Ironwank, all I had to do was just fake an injury and I'm in, I don't know why I was so nervous over nothing.
Right now I'm in a bullhead flying towards the emergency medical center in atlas, Parkins is laying down on the table and I am just standing near him, I managed to sneak the robot in by registering Parkins as my handler, and because they don't know how to edit my files that won't change ever.