(Lazuraz pov)
Holy shit
That was way too close for comfort
Note to self, watch out for the heavy ones
Before the explosion went off I managed to grab the body, I'm kinda glad the boss gave me an inventory, I don't want to know what happens if this thing gets destroyed because I was too careless.
[You will be fired]
Fired as in fired?
[Fired as in terminated]
Terminated as in let go?
[Terminated as in chucked into a black hole]
Okay, I got it
I crawl out of the newly formed hole by stabbing into the wall with tendrils and flinging myself up, and once I reached the ledge I pull myself up onto the ground.
'Why is it always snowing here?' I wonder as I look around as the snow has not stopped falling like ever. Oh wait, I should check something out before I go.
[Yorha Automata 9S Configuration]
Least I saved this
I start moving towards my wall but close to the hole a glint catches my eye, might be something good so I slither over, and buried beneath the snow is a burned and charred, half-destroyed walkman with the cassette tape still intact.
'The hell is this thing made of?' I question as I look over the burned tape, I inspect the back and find out there's writing on the back.
{To Kyle, from your little sisters ruby and yang, we love you, come back safe!}
I wonder which one was kyle, oh well, he's dead now so it doesn't really matter. Oh, wait that parkins guy might know. I start searching for parkins memories and most of it is filled with a fat pig Faunus named Owen, but I do find out that the guy that could light himself on fire was Kyle.
Seems like kyle was a combat specialist, and was handpicked by ironwood straight out of signal after he showed signs of the silver eyes and superior potential. Don't know what the silver eyes are but it was apparently a big deal, so he was nicknamed the MC by others.
Not much else I could find from Parkin's memories other than this weird obsession with Ironwoods right hand, a Schnee named Winter. And a jar filled with-
'Okay let's just skip over that'
A real bitch that one winter schnee tho, don't see why he was so enamored with her but hey, everyone has their kinks, maybe he was really into FemDom for something, anyway, enough of that, how am I supposed to take over atlas if I can't use 99% of my body?
Hey system, can I still take over hosts?
How much biomass in total can I use?
[6 tons]
Oh yeah, it's all coming together
(3rd person pov)
Currently, a searcher outpost stationed right next to a giant wall of biomass is currently going haywire, as not 10 minutes ago they lost all contact with the away team, and then 3 minutes later an explosion shook the ground and the wall suddenly started screeching and thrashing around.
A couple of the temporary buildings and transports were destroyed by the freak-out and now the base personnel is trying their hardest to contain the damage however the damage caused by the wall is heavy.
Ironwood: "Winter, Report" he states calmly as he enters the main HQ
Winter: "I'm ashamed to admit, we have no idea what's going on, the away teams went radio silent a couple of minutes ago and we have had no news since." she reports after a brief pause.
Ironwood: "This is no-"
Another explosion rocks the ground, Ironwood, and winter both run out of the building and look at the wall, it hasn't started screeching again but holes are being punctured through it by explosions.
Winter: "The away team?" she questions as a huge hole is created by another explosion, and the sound of an engine running can be heard from the other side. Then one of the heavy transports comes into view for a slipt second as the hole starts closing.
Winter: "They won't make it through!"
Ironwood: "The hell they won't, ALL UNITS FIRE!" he commands and every single soldier stops what they were doing and start unloading into the wall, some of them power up the flame throwers and start burning it.
The wall screeches and the ground starts rumbling, the hole continues to close but slower than before, and right as the hole is about to close another explosion comes from the other side and the vehicle comes crashing out of the hole with the back half of it on fire.
The car crashes into the ground and slides across the snow, crashing into boxes, other transports, and even some bullheads, eventually it stops after hitting the side of the HQ.
Ironwood: "GET THE MEDICAL TEAM" he shouts as he and winter both run over to the vehicle, the side door is flung off, and coming out from the car is an unknown robot carrying an injured soldier. Winter readies her weapon, but Ironwood stops her.
Winter: "General?" she questions as ironwood walks towards the robot.
(Mc pov)
Oh shit, the iron wanker is coming over here. What do I do? Fuck! Fuck! Social interaction is not my strong suit. Shit! I only ever torment my victims I never talked to them, I mean why would I? They were going to die either way. Those thots and annoying blood-related people didn't count because, well it's easy to cater to dogs.
And those monkeys from earth didn't count because they were much too stupid to have actual conversations with. It was always 'Did you get the newest Rem figurine?' or 'Look at the ass on that one' or 'I'm champion bro, your ass' like what the fuck does that even mean!? And who tf is rem!?
Also! Wouldn't it be really uncomfortable to use that metal hand?! Or is he just left-handed!?
[Stay calm]
Right...right, it's not the end of the world, it's just a simple conversation between two consenting adults, I'm fine with that, I'm good with that. Thanks for that system.
[It's my pleasure]
Wait a second...Did you just...express genuine gratitude?
[Host is just imagining things]
No, no, no there's definitely something going on here.
Okay, look here you little-
Ironwood: "Soldier, give me your designation and recount of the situation on the other side of the wall." he orders in a commanding tone stopping in front of me.
This isn't over
You can do fucking emotes!?
Ironwood: "Solider! what is your designation!?" he says a little louder this time slightly agitated from being ignored.
This time I actually answer him as to not piss him off
"It's parkins sir."