Kyle activates his semblance and a ball of wind appears in his left hand. He shoots it towards the ground and a blanket of air slows down their speed and kyle and Aaron land on their feet as Jenkins lands on his face.
Jenkins: "Ow"
Aaron and kyle chuckle as Jenkins gets up "Where are we?"
Kyle check his goggle but they are broken "My goggles are useless"
Kyle: "And Aaron is out of commission"
Jenkins: "When in doubt, flame it out" he brings his gun up and shoots out flames in short bursts to illuminate the room, while kyle grabs a flare from his right thigh pocket and lights it up.
An all-white room
The walls are far away and there are no exits on the north and east side
Both the south and west side are blocked off by biomass
Jenkins: "Parkins?"
Out in the distance, Parkins can be seen slowly limping over to them slowly with his head low and his hair covering his face
Jenkins: "Brother!" he calls out ushering his brother over to them
Kyle and Aaron are on edge as Jenkins is too distracted with relief to notice anything abnormal "Are you okay? What happened when you got sucked in? Where we're you?" Jenkins shoots out a garage of questions as parkins gets closer.
Jenkins: "Brother?" he says as parkins doesn't answer
Kyle: "Jenkins, get back" he warns as he and Aaron grab their pistols from their holders.
Jenkins: "What? Why?"
Aaron: "GET DOWN" he yells as Jenkins looks back and Parkins's face comes into the light and half of it is biomass while the other half is contorted into a twisted grin. Jenkins's eyes go wide and Parkins lunges at him, Jenkins ducks down and Kyle and Aaron both fire off and blow his head off.
Jenkins: "W-w-what the fuck" he gets up and looks at the body of his brother
Jenkins: "W-WHAT THE FUCK!" he yells enraged as tears start falling from his eyes and Parkins starts struggling to move, even though his head is missing.
Aaron: "Jenkins"
Jenkins: "No!"
Kyle: "Jenkins" he says sympathy present in his tone
Jenkins: "NO! He's my brother! I won't abandon him!" he yells
Kyle: "Would you rather he suffer like this"
Jenkins goes silent, protocol dictates that any soldier that has been infected, contaminated, or altered beyond repair must be disposed of via incineration so the virus will not spread to others, but beyond all that, he loves his brother too much to just leave him like this.
Jenkins: "Fuck...FUCK!!!" he brings his gun up and points it at his brother, he attempts to pull the trigger, but can't find the strength to do it.
Jenkins: "Goddammit Park" His tears continue to fall as Kyle and Aaron both shed a single tear for their dead friend. "I'm sorry," jenkins says as he finds his resolve, brings his gun up, and torches the body.
The building starts shaking again and screeching out in pain
Jenkins: "FUCK YOU MONSTER, I'LL FUCKING INCINERATE YOU!" he yells out in rage as the body turns to ash. He lowers the gun as the barrel smokes.
Aaron: "Im sorry"
Jenkins wipes away the tears "Not your fault, it was mine, if I hadn't dropped the trigger my brother would still be alive right now."
Kyle: "Jenkins look-"
Jenkins interrupts him with a small smile "I'm good" but both Aaron and kyle can tell it's forced but choose not to force it. Suddenly the room shakes again and they are surrounded by the biomass. They all ready their weapons and semblances as the biomass all turn into clones of Parkins with some very sharp claws and teeth ready to rip them apart.
Kyle: "This may be it for us"
Aaron: "Heh, imagine that, the best squad killed by a mass of flesh and bones"
Kyle: "At least it'll make for a good story"
Jenkins: "Good story my ass" They both look at him "Let's turn it into a legend" he grabs the ultzur bomb from his bag, and they both smirk.
Kyle: "Wouldn't have it any other way"
Aaron: "Likewise"
Jenkins: "Who knows, maybe after this Aaron can finally get a woman to care about him"
They all chuckled at the joke "You're a fucking asshole" Aaron says with a genuine smile on his face.
Kyle: "I love you guys"
Jenkins: ""
Aaron: "See you guys on the other side"
Jenkins: "Drinks are on me this time"
Kyle: "You better not skip out again"
Jenkins: "You got it," he says as the wave starts rushing at them and Jenkins presses the button on the Ultzur bomb and it counts down from 3.
The 3 friends all open fire to by time for the bomb to go off, kyle activates his semblance, and his body lights on fire, a Parkins goes to slice his head off, but Kyle ducks under it and punches the enemy in the gut with his flame fist and it gets sent flying away into the horde, another one tries to stab him in the stomach but he just backsteps and spartan kicks it away, The parkins goes rolling into the wave knocking over other parkins like bowling pins as he throws his head back and takes in a big breath as they get closer, then he throws his head forward and a torrent of flames is spewed from his mouth incinerating the wave.
Aaron uses his semblance on himself and time seems to slow down. He points his gun and fires off his entire clip, 1 bullet in the skull and it explodes, another one shot into the ground and freeze the floor stopping a couple of them encasing their feet in ice, one more shot into the head of another and it gets sent back flying into the wave and explodes, and one more bullet into his head and time goes back to normal.
His ears twitch and he backsteps as a Parkins lunges in front of him, he kicks its head off and reloads his gun at the same time and time starts to slow down once more.
Jenkins is shooting his flame thrower and turning them all to ash, one manages to get past the flames and lunges at him, but he gets a knife from his left thigh pocket and stabs it in the head, the knife head ejects from the hilt and Jenkins kicks the Parkins into the wave and the knife head melts down and explodes killing off others.
He pulls out a mini-gun from his back and dual-wields the heavy weapons, the mini gun's barrel start spinning, and unleashes a horde of bullets that rip apart the wave. One of the parkins gets too close and Jenkins swings his gun around and hits the Parkins with the side of the mini-gun and it gets sent flying into the wall and splatters.
Jenkins: "Game over, Fucker" he says with a wide grin on his face.
The bomb detonates in a huge fiery explosion that incinerates everything it comes into contact with intense and unrelenting flames, the entire bottom half of the base is leveled, the top half stays still for a couple of seconds before it starts collapsing down because there is nothing to support its weight and everything is destroyed.
The special squad that was at the epicenter of the explosion were killed instantly, their bodies not even turning to ash as the flames left nothing left, but they died with content smiles on their faces.