
[A/N quote of the day]


A villain must be a thing of power, handled with delicacy and grace. He must be wicked enough to excite our aversion, strong enough to arouse our fear, human enough to awaken some transient gleam of sympathy. We must triumph in his downfall, yet not barbarously nor with contempt, and the close of his career must be in harmony with all its previous development- Agnes Repplier

And then we have the monster, the ones that inspire nothing but fear and scorn, the creature that brings nothing but ruin and loss, the entity that can hold all the evil, all the hatred, all darkness in the world, and smile. We do not cheer for its eventual defeat as the monster won't go down without a fight, it cannot be reasoned with, it cannot be conversed with, it will kill, and kill, and kill until it's killed, and by then we have already lost.


Parkins: "Goddamn it smells like shit in here"

Jenkins: "Did yall ever have those super vivid dreams where you lost something inside the dream, and when you wake up you're like in a daze searching for it only to remember it was from your dream?"

Aaron: "Yeah, why are you searching for your manhood or something."

Parkins and me snicker

Jenkins: "Oi I'm being serious here"

Aaron: "So am I, now shut up, we got a job to do"


All 4 of us are on the top floor and it's super dark "Activating night vision" I put on the goggles and everything is clear but in a green hue.

"What the fuck?"

Parkins: "Seriously"

We look around and it looks like the walls, the blood, the ceiling is covered in blood, innards, bones, and evens some human teeth, and there are tentacles off this so-called mass handing from the ceiling. We start making out way through the base very carefully.

Aaron: "Be glad, you don't have to see this shit for real" he says as we pass by one of the scientists who had a horrified look on his face, but his lower half was nowhere to be seen. It's a gruesome sight, it's downright horrific, half the people that died don't even have any recognizable features anymore.

It's just a mess of blood and guts at every turn, at every corner.

Parkins: "For one, I'm glad I don't have built-in night vision"

"Yeah seriously, I don't even want to imagine what this looks like in color" I say as we pass by a soldier who is slumped over a giant tendril planted in his stomach.

Jenkins: "You sure we can't just blow this base and get out?"

"No, we have to at least get to level 1"

Aaron: "Cmon, man up jenkins, we are some of the best soldiers out there."

Aaron: "Aaron miller the stealth and infiltration expert and deviously handsome bachelor with lots of offer, I mean shit have you even seen me? How don't I have a girlfriend yet, it's BULLSHIT!.

"Getting off track"

Aaron: "R-right, *Ahem* Parkins and Jenkins Orion, the twin destructors, the duo of annihilation, the yin and yang of obliteration, our demolition, and explosive experts respectively."

Aaron: "And finally Kyle Rose, the main character and current the best combat specialist behind Winter Wchnee herself. With all your bullshit powers, A literal harem that bends the knee, and your fucking plot armor, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you leading an entire kingdom in a couple of years."


Aaron: "What?"

I point towards a glitching door that is opening and closing with a flickering light in the room. We check up and ready our guns, Aaron signals parkins and jenkins to get right next to the door while him and I go in from the front.

Aaron: "*3*"

Aaron: "*2*"

Aaron: "*1*"

We all storm in the room weapons loaded and check the corners first.

Parkins/Jenkins: "Clear"


Aaron: "Alright"

I head over to the light switch and flip it on, I wasn't expecting it to work, and when it did I regretted it almost immediately as hanging from his own entrains was one of the scientists with his head limping and split into two halves.

Jenkins: "What the fuck bro"

I walk over to the console where he was hanging from and activate it "This one still works guys" they all come over and I check the condition of the base.

"The fuck?"

Aaron: "What's up?"

"This reading has to be wrong"

Parkins: "Tell us"

"It says, 5 life forms detected in the base"

Jenkins: "So then there's a survivor then right?"

"But, it says the fifth lifeform is all over the entire base"

Aaron: "The hell are you talking about?" he peeks over my shoulder and normally there would be 5 red dots, with the last one somewhere in the base, but instead the entire base is one big red dot.



3rd person pov


While the squad was preoccupied the door suddenly closes, they all turn their attention to the door Kyle, and Aaron rushes over first, Kyle tried to pry the door open but it's too heavy for him.

Aaron: "Jenkins"

Jenkins gets the signal: "On it" he reaches into the bag strapped to his back and grabs some C8, he walks over and plants it in the middle and then arms it.

They all back up and right as jenkins is about to press the trigger, Aaron looks up as his ears twitched and his instincts told him to, one of the tentacles turns razor sharp and intends to impale jenkins.

Aaron: "DOWN" he shouts as he turns his pistol on the tentacle and starts shooting, it dodges the first couple of shots as jenkins drops the detonator, and the squad all shoot at the tentacle as well.

It manages to last for a while, but eventually, it is killed and they lower their weapons but not their guards, and Kyle comes to a realization.

Kyle: "T-the base is alive"

Their eyes go wide and they look down and the floor they're standing on is shifting.

Parkins: "Oh you gotta be fuc-Hfffmm" he couldn't finish as he was dragged into the ground by a multitude of tentacles at his feet.

Kyle: "PARKINS!!!" kyle yells as he activates his semblance and his body lights on fire, the room starts rumbling and thrashing around while screeching, Aaron is forced to cover his ears, and while his guard is lowered a tentacle stabs through his gut and lifts him up.

Jenkins: "SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" he panics slightly as he grabs the trigger and blows the door, kyle had sliced the tentacle that was holding Aaron in half and helped him out of the door after deactivating his semblance.

Jenkins equips a flamethrower mod to the front of his gun and starts just shooting outwards, the bio-mass all recoil and stay out of range of the flames as the group of now 3 moves slowly through the hallway.

Aaron coughs up some blood as he holds his wound with his right arm "D-damn, I got careless"

Kyle: "You'll be okay" he reassures his friend "We'll get out of this"

Aaron: "Heh, always the positive one"

Kyle: "You know it"

Jenkins: "HAAAAAAAA" he yells as the biomass screeches again and the ground starts shaking, all the biomass seeps into the walls and out of sight and everything seems calm.

Jenkins: "I-is it over?"

Kyle: "No"


The ground ruptures and all 3 of them fall through the crack and into the darkness, while free falling.