Chapter 1

All that was left was a mossy, old abandoned place with dead computers and a very iced up vessel that was still operating perfectly well and in good condition Which seemed to have been abandoned for hundred of years but really it has been thousands of years since any life had touched any part of this building despite it looking like it came from ancient times or possibly outer space. High technology was left to rot with this vessel that keeping whatever is in there sound asleep and very much alive but for what purpose? No one knows about this place or it's existence which is kinda weird, but it was better for humanity to keep whatever this thing is contained until it's redeemed a safe around mortals or possibly the dead if it has plans to kill the living then keep it away but that's not the case.

Suddenly the vessel of what the being was sleeping in was randomly shut down running out of power which was likely going to happen sooner than later in a place like so it was bound to happen at some point. But for what was inside it has yet to wake up and break free or possibly walk the earth if it does find a way to escape the place it was forced to stay in for all eternity alone unless it has some sort of purpose in this new are of time and protect humanity for the ghostly terrors of this world, no one will know what I'll they.

It took the ice about 10 hours to unfreeze completely awakening the beast inside as it in an instant it punched the glass shattering it with a single blow as it scattered all around the vessel unaware of the earthquake it caused to happen worldwide not with the intention to kill but it made itself known. After 5 minutes this earthquake suddenly stopped as soon as this being took its first step out of the vessel when it came out taking its first step on the Cold solid floor half naked and barefooted. It looked human with its long black hair with white streaks as well as green eyes but it seemed to act like one too as it began to look around unsure of it's surroundings not remembering anything at all of why it had awoken in a place like this with no memory of anything. This being was female by the look of things but she still didn't have a name as she grew curious to search the place as she hovered over the shattered glass and towards the opened doors due to the power being out so some doors either remained open or are sealed shut.

"What is this place?" She thought getting through the door as her feet touched the freezing cold floor again before beginning to walk through the corridor of the place as most of the doors were shut but one in particular wasn't as she ignored the boring technology as she had no clue on how to work them at this point in time. Eventually she was able to go inside the open room and find some clothes that were neatly folded a black turtleneck and some black trousers and shoes that seemed to fit her quite well for being 5"8 but she didn't care they kept her warm and she was happy about feeling the warmth finally coming back her again. As she finished changing she noticed that the computer that was next to these clothes was strangely still on and working even though all of the power to this place was completely shut down due to the earthquake but that wasn't the only problem she wanted to know what was on it despite not knowing how to work it so she sat down on the chair placing her hand onto the mouse feeling how freshly warm it was knowing that someone must be here just seconds before she arrived.

She tried to work the computer but not having the memory on how to use it she was unsuccessful and stucked at it even though there was nothing in there that seemed to be of use anyway other than a 4 digit code '0047' as she forced her brain to remember these numbers like if they had some familiar meaning to her but quickly forgot due to a lack of excitement and too much use of her brain muscles. She groaned silently before getting up from the chair and began to head back out of the door until a Clank of a sound of metal or nails hitting the floor was heard behind her in the back storage room her instantly turn around looking behind her seeing an opened door in the shadows getting this weird feeling as a flush of energy surged through her like she can feel another presence with her right now in this room but why did it only start coming to her now?

"Isn't this place supposed to be abandoned? Who could possibly still be here" she thought to herself a bit confused at first believing that she was the only one in this place alive but feeling this presence changed her point of view on everything. She began to walk over to this storage room still hearing the sound of rummaging metal as it hit the floor and other things coming from this single room making it obvious that whatever was in there was very much alive making her feel a bit uneasy and defensive but as well curious on who or what it might be.

"Crap! I swore there was another one around here somewhere?" It spoke sounding more like an innocent child or maybe a kid? the closer she got to the door the louder it got until she was in the middle of the door frame of the two rooms looking at this human like being that was small but looked like a 14 year old on the floor going through boxes of random bits and bobs or mostly scrapped metal.

"Who or what are they?" She questioned herself staring down at the his little being who was unaware of her presence right now. The more she watched and stared at it the more she understood that this child was looking for something important and that they really needed it but for what exactly?

"Ugh! Nevermind" the kid groaned as they stood up and kicked the box making it tumble to its side on the floor as it went everywhere making a complete mess before turning to walk out not seeing her in the door frame until they bumped into 'her' who was just watching them for a good 5 minutes now making the kid stumble backwards not affecting her whatsoever until they looked up seeing her standing there glaring down at them with those blue eyes of hers but they seemed scarier due to the darkness in the room making the poor thing crap themselves due to how dark it was around her face.

"Why are they looking at me like that? Is there something behind me?" She thought before looking behind her seeing nothing then back at the kid who was completely frozen like a statue trembling like an innocent puppy making her huff in the process bringing them back to reality by startling them on accident.

"Please don't kill me! I swear I won't do it again I promise!" They beg her to spare them falling onto their knees which kinda annoyed and confused her at first on why the heck this kid was being so weird right now. She grew tired of this and picked up the kid from underneath their arms and lifted them up back onto their feet again. "Why aren't you doing anything?" They asked still very much afraid of her right now but the kid somehow stopped the whole shaking and crawling themselves but when they began to realise due to the silence that she wasn't as big and scary as she looked. "You're not one of them are you?" She asked again not completely afraid of her now but was still shocked by the surprise which was rather quick. In response she just shook her head not Understanding why of all people would she be 'one of Them' as she isn't a 'them' she is a she that's what she thought the kid was on about.

"What is this kid rambling on about? We are the only ones in this place as I know of but I doubt there'll be anymore people down here due to how dead and abandoned it is" she thought to herself just realising that she hasn't got any clue on who she was nor the child either which kinda sucked.

"You can't talk but..forget about it! Until we find your real name I'm going to call you Aria. Yeah! That suits you perfectly" they said naming her something they call a name a purpose in life if you had one and now she does. The kid was unaware that Aria was the cause of the earthquake but she didn't seem to bring it up let alone that she only just woke up a couple of minutes ago. "Do you like it?" They asked as Aria nodded agreeing with the kids terms for the sake of humanity but really she liked it way more than herself. "My name is Brea, it's great to meet you Aria, I just know that we'll be great friends" they seemed happy to be in the presence of this being as Aria turned away from the kid before making her leave again wanting to rescan the room where her vessel was incase for anymore information of who or what she is, not aware that the kid that was barefooted and is now following her like a loyal pet pestering her no matter where she goes.

Aria's PoV:

I was curious on what to find back in the room so I walked out just incase i missed any valuable information I wasn't aware of that could have some answers on who I am and get away from the kid who was surprisingly getting on my nerves already and how was i so unlucky to bump into her today but why did she look so familiar? Am I supposed to know her? If so then why can't I remember? "Thank goodness she hasn't followed me" I thought with relief before looking down to my left and looked back up before darting my eyes back down again in an instant shocked to see the kid walking beside me, but I wasn't able to feel her presence follow me which was kinda weird but I brushed it off and let her stick with me..for now.

When I got-I-I mean we got to the room everything seemed the way as I left it a complete hazard, especially with the shattered glass that surrounded my vessel I was stuck in for who knows how long. "Stay" I said looking down at the kid like if she was a dog since she liked to follow me round like one but even if she did come inside she'll be quite an nuisance and would touch my stuff. I began to head inside keeping an eye on the kid making sure she stayed back and she did which was first when I grew close to my vessel seeing a name tag on it but the only way I can get to it is if I can get over the shattered glass and read it, I didn't want to waste my energy on hovering above it so I just began to walk over the glass hearing it crunch and break underneath my shoes which was rather satisfying at first until I got to the thing placing my hand against the cold metal out layers that had me trapped inside for so long.

"That looks really cool!" I jolted back a bit before looking to my right seeing the kid there but she was hovering above the glass like it did the first time before finding this kid but she didn't have any shoes to protect her feet. "You came out of this one right?" She asked looking at the vessel which was big enough to fit me and only me inside completely but it wasn't strong enough to trap me when the ice unfroze awakening me from my slumber.

"Hmm, this was mine" I said before putting my attention back to the name that was printed onto the white part of the vessel which was rather unbelievably weird, 'Aria Villan Morningstar' which was pressed into it but how could this kid know my name? Unless it was all just a pure strike of luck? I'll never know until I find some answers, but that can't happen until I get out of this place and find out who I am as a person and hide so I won't be hunted down by anyone but I don't know what the world has in store for me until I get out here and find.

"You have such a nice name! I wish I had a sister like you, you're cool and very beautiful" the kid said making me think for a second, if she knows what life is out there could she help me fit in with everyone else or is she as clueless as me. "Do you want to be my big sister?" She asked making me look at her confused on what the hell she was on about.

"What's that?" I asked not understand what a sister was since I never really knew what one is let alone ever had one because I don't remember anything.

"Well..we have to be related to be siblings but I can also depend on the bond you share with a certain someone and I feel like we have a very special bond, so can you please?" She said which kinda explained it way better than I thought one was but I gave up at this point and accepted my fate.

"Fine..whatever" I agreed since it's better to have someone you know even though I don't even actually know this kid but I felt like I needed to protect her at all costs and so I did. The dedication in this kid was overwhelming but how long has she been down here for exactly? I guess I'll never know unless I ask but I feel like that'll be too forward and rude so I didn't bother with it.

"Anyway..wanna get out of this place? I know where the exit is" she asked as I nodded allowing with interest at her to guide me the way but when we left the room she stopped hovering and continued the rest of the way on foot as I kept myself close by her side since she was the only one that knew the way out. As we headed up some stairs we walked down a corridor that leaded straight to two big closed metal doors. "Can you wrap through? I'm not strong enough to force it open" Brea wasn't lying just like look at her she's practically a skinny little kid while I'm bigger and probably stronger than her as I did kinda just woke up from a slumber so maybe I can open it up.

"Wait..I'll try" I said as I walked straight up to the door placing my hands near the centre of the door where the door opens to let those on the outside come in and out again. "Here goes nothing" I thought to myself as I began to use my strength which I didn't knew I had and opened the door with easy but I hardly even tried but I made an little entrance big enough for people my size to go through and luckily Brea was smaller than me so she can just walk through with ease.

"I guess you can't wrap yet..what a bummer" she said as we continued to make our way down the corridor to one last door and this time she went through it leaving me to force it open on my own, well I don't know how to properly kick into my abilities yet but when I got through the doors feeling the cold gentle breeze hit my face as I looked up seeing the dark sky in awe before looking back down seeing green stuff that they would probably call grass was in front of me which over grew the area leaving nothing left to resurface other than me of course but I grew suspiciously this 'grass' staring it at intensely "Come on! It doesn't bite..see!" She yelled as i saw her standing in the stuff before I took a deep breath in and took my first steps into my freedom which felt amazing while I made my way towards her as she stood there waiting for me before seeing the whole area surrounded by trees but as I looked at nature for the first time I was unsure of what this feeling was that overwhelmed me but it was so pure and calm like If I belonged here..up on the surface.

"It's beautiful.." I was practically left speechless for what I had just been presented with but for how long has she knew about this place?

"I know right! Nature is always so calm and beautiful..but it's even better at daytime though" she said but I have a nervous feeling about something else but I ignored it at first as i continued to follow her deeper into forest allowing her to guide me through the beautiful night that I would prefer more than the day as it sounds very boring and annoying.

Due to personal experience I'd prefer to come out at night than at day as well it suits me more and it's more peaceful that way despite the wildest stories Brea tells me about these wild encounters with ghost or the death spirits that wonder the surface with humans or some with the immortal ability to change into some powerful ghost creature like this kid Danny Fenton she keeps talking about who fights evil ghost and inner dimensional beings who want world domination but me I just want to be left alone and chill with nature and looking into the sky when it's clear showing all of the stars the filled the sky.