Chapter 2

When the next night rolled by Brea invited me into the city and introduce me to this ghost boy she met and acquainted with very quickly as well as some of his human friends who I just really don't want to meet right now..I'm just very hungry and berries aren't really helping me anymore so something else In the city might so whatever I find appetising I get it and eat it but I'm unsure that fat foods will be able fill me up this time.

"You'll probably won't like him but it'll be better if you get to know him so please don't hurt him" Brea said but why would I attack an innocent kid especially a friend of hers pacifically someone who's actually kinda like us but he has this weird transformation thing that turns his hair white and his eyes luminous green like if they were radioactive or something.

"Why would i?" I just asked showing no signs of violence nor intentions to harm or possibly kill anyone but when we did meet this kid he was alone fighting crime like every hero would do but to me he kinda looked like a snack whenever he had ectoplasm platted on him from the other ghosts and in order to keep myself together I slapped my hands onto my cheeks bringing me to reality to not harm a innocent kid Who's doing nothing but saving society from evil ghosts. "What is happening to me?" I thought as I turned away from them but that was probably one of the biggest mistakes in my life because when I did I saw a ghost that was injured from the fight they previously had with that kid bleeding ectoplasm but when I saw I lost control and I mean I did, my body moved on its own grabbing the ghost In a single swipe dragging them deep down into the nearest dark alley I could find, covering their mouth with my hand before digging my fangs into their neck taking a hung chunk of their ghostly flesh off from their ghostly body devouring it all down which weirdly tasted absolutely delicious as I continued before i had enough but ghosts they don't really die they regenerate no matter how much you take from their body or how badly damaged it gets and luckily they weren't able to see my face when as I wiped my mouth with my tongue before meeting back with the others like nothing had happened refusing to admit anything or they too would be afraid of me and call me well w monster and I don't want that to happen, never! especially with Brea but whenever she bleeds I feel disgusted so I'm glad that she's safe and out of harm.

"There you are! This is my big sister Aria..she's very hard to talk to some times but she's also very nice..sometimes" Brea said looking up at me then back at her friend who was a bit taller than her but I already seemed to hate him a bit more than I expected to but that I wanted to hurt him just that I wanted to avoid him at all costs.

"It's nice to meet you Aria, I'm Danny" he said as I stood there looking at him in silence remembering that name we he gave me but really he's more of a pipsqueak to be honest. I stayed silent not really wanting to answer back as Brea came forward instead.

"She might now show it but she's shy" she said leaving me behind as I slowly walked behind them keeping myself heavily on guard but they mainly fought against ghosts and taking them back to this supposed ghost zone I keep hearing about but I stayed outside out of view which is probably for the best.

I silently huffed as I leaned against the ally wall as I waited against for Brea and her new friends to come out but they were beginning to take quite a while and leaving her alone isn't very responsible since I'm her only legal guardian in this world unless she plans to abandon me as well. "Damn looking fine" a random short black haired guy came up to me from the street seeing me all alone in the alley way and decided to cat call me.

"Go away" I said rather coldly but he just came closer to me before eventually placing his hand next to my head against the brim wall but there was something different about this guy that I couldn't pick up on.

"My names Keith..what's yours shorty~" he said leaning close to me as I silently Exhaled before looking up into his blue eyes that glared into mine but nothing seemed to happen inside of me or the butterflies like some lovers feel when this happens but I didn't feel anything like that towards this guy, maybe because I don't actually know him other than his name. He seemed cute but the way he came onto me was weird and not cool or the type of guy I would be into either.

"Leave her alone you creep" I looked to my left seeing the two kids I waited so long for stand there seeing me getting hit on by this random dude that I really wanted to back off.

"Why don't you mind your business kid..before you get yourself hurt" this Keith guy wasn't lying but what makes me so special that he would harm a kid just to talk or pin me against this brick wall, I don't get it?

"Can't you see she isn't into you let alone interested, you're not even her type!" Brea said which was true as I exhaled again seeing this guy glaring at them but even if he makes the slightest move on them I will personally teach him a lesson with my fist and my thumb.

"What's happening out here?" A unfamiliar feminine voice asked out as a long haired girl with ginger like hair come next to them before looking down seeing the situation in hand looking over at me like she recognised me from somewhere but to be honest I don't remember her or anyone at all yet. "Is she your sister Brea?" She asked which then I realised that Brea must've told them about me making things so much easier and harder for myself right now.

"Look, not to get on your guys bad side I'm trying to talk to miss Doll over here so just run along~" I didn't like being called that especially by a guy like himself he just really got on my nerves.

"Don't call me that!" I said as he looked at me straight in the eye unaware that they quick faded to dark navy blue before returning back to normal seconds later leaving him frozen in place.

"Don't make me fight you Keith!" Danny seemed to be getting more hostile to the situation in hand as I put my hand on Keith's chest shoving him off me just to settle things down a bit.

"I thought I was the only one left..but I guess god has other plans" Keith lastly said before walking off away from me as I plopped my back against the cold brick wall again and with relief but I knew there was something off about that guy by just looking into his eyes like that, but what does he mean by that he's not the only one? Things are getting too confusing right now.

"Are you alright Aria?" Brea came over to me worried in case the guy hurt me but really i was completely fine other than confused since I know nothing on what I was so asking him just gave me bad gut instincts which I stuck with and stay away from him for as long as I can.

"I'm fine.." I said before leaving her with her friends sick of all of this and headed back to that one place I thought was my home that underground lab place that I woke up in with mold and vegetation taking over almost everywhere I look but it was home to me and I demand answers.

I didn't know I was followed to my own privacy and safe place but if that bastard shows himself here I will personally beat the living soul out of him if I have to and not even his ghost will escape me as I will eat him alive but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

For the rest of the day I relaxed on the hill that was covering the underground lab I came from or I think it was one and as I watched the stars counting them or keeping an eye out for any shooting stars that Brea once mentioned before probably falling asleep underneath the sky just to be woken up again by the morning sun whenever it rises burning my eyes every time.

The next day!

When the sun hit my eyes I groaned turning myself around to where it was shady as I slowly opened them seeing that I was still on my hill I slept on last night but I saw a big flat spot next to it which was weird, I didn't feel anyone's presence unless I was that comfy my body trusted the surroundings that much to ignore the danger that someone could've been watching me sleep or possibly harmed me. "That's weird" I mumbled as it seemed to be at least over 6 foot tall or taller making it obvious that a man was once laid here as I was the tallest female currently in the city but I hope that it wasn't that creep Keith.

"Aria!" I heard Brea yell for me as I got myself onto my feet not used to the sun yet but I made my way down the hill and to the entrance where she was stood waiting for me.

"What is it?" I asked as looked around but I don't feel anything pinned on us so what's her deal.

"I need you to go shopping for us..we're out of food" she brought up as I rolled my eyes knowing that time had fun came for me to reenter the city of mortals not knowing I wasn't one myself but I did have the money to get use food to get us through 2 more weeks even though I don't really need human food I prefer to not eat and stick to my original weight and size but even if I don't eat I kinda don't feel hunger unless it's for ectoplasm which is very sus of me so what's the big deal?

"Sure.." I said before making my way back into the city again dreading communicating with anyone especially boys who try to get my 'Number' even though I don't have a phone yet so there's no point so I say no one high is better than a stupid explanation on why I don't have a phone like they do. "I hate this I truly do" I thought to myself as I walked through the place until I came across a reasonable shop I could get the food Brea liked while I hardly get anything but a few things to keep me going.

"That'll be £29.75" I gave the tiller my money as she handed me my change allowing me to leave without a single word leaving me to hold over 3 bags of food on my own which I didn't mind since it's to keep my little sister alive with me for as long as possible even if means ignoring myself for a while.

As I came to the entrance I saw someone new but I ignored them making my way inside towards the only fridge that I managed to fix and work on my own and out everything in a nice coordinated order in every shelf and some in the bottom freezer for safe keepings. "Aria, that was very rude" Brea said as I closed the fridge door and looked at her not very happy.

"I'm not in the mood" I said making it obvious that I wasn't in the mood making my way to the place where it all began I didn't want to talk to anyone let alone Brea who knew that this could be stressful to take care of others but I hate putting my trust in others so freely like she can, what if they turn around and try to kill you? What will you do then? I refuse to let them get the best of me no matter how close they get to me.

"Hey!" They yelled but I continued to walk away from them feeling his gaze lock onto me all the way until I turned the corner allowing myself to rush back to my room where I felt safe in despite the door being completely wide open but the room was partly dark making it hard to see me if they were to enter.

"I can't right now..stay away" I mumbled to myself knowing this feeling as it slowly takes take over me while I suffer all alone I'm the darkness knowing it was for the best until it goes away. But it always end up with a ghost being devoured whenever I gain those craves for their ectoplasm but I can't control it no matter how hard I try it always wins! I can't control myself!