Chapter 3

A week had passed and things haven't gotten easier for me and no matter what I try to do it always ends up the same, eat ectoplasm devouring those who I don't even know but it's never like that when it comes to Brea but what about her friend? What if I end up hurting him? She'll never forgive me!

" haven't come out in a while is everything alright?" I heard Brea call out for me we I looked at the door entrance as my eyes glowed blue allowing me to see in the dark seeing her look into my room for me and rather concerned but I don't want her or her friends here not now.

"Go away!" I yelled refusing to let myself hurt those even if they're already dead but what can I do to stop it? Even if I lock myself the scent of it always keeps coming up my nose awakening that side of me and hunts down the next meal on my list leaving them in a state of shock making it very obvious that there's a carnivorous ghost going round eating other ghosts which is ME! But if they find out what will they do to me? I don't want her to hate me.

"But you need to come out at some point you're scaring me" she said but I refused to reply back no matter what she or anyone says anymore or I will lose control and possibly attack no matter what they are and i can't let that happen. "You need to eat something! Don't make me get someone to force you out" she said before locking eye contact with me which then she realises what was happening and quickly rushed away hearing me growl losing all control of my body as it chased after her.

No one's Pov:

Due to the turns Brea was able to get out and hide in a bush near the entrance before Aria could grab her as she silently watched her supposed sister act like a monster looking around for something to prey upon until she darted off in the direction of the city due to it being night time and that wasn't a good thing. "Oh no Danny!" She said before quickly made her way chasing after her sister just to make sure that her friend wasn't next on her list but she knew that without his help she wouldn't be able to take her down.

She came up to the boy's house as he came out seeing her out of breath and panicked before bringing her inside. "What's wrong? Where's Aria?" He asked who grew increasingly luck that he wasn't in his ghost form yet or he's her next meal.

"S-she's..she's" Brea was so afraid that her words weren't able to come out as Dan came around the corner seeing how panic the girl was nosying on the situation.

"She's what?" Danny asked impatiently as Brea finally caught her breath.

"She's the one who's been eating the ghosts! She's the mysterious carnivorous ghost!" she quickly said as Danny looked behind him knowing exactly who he needed to help him on tonight's mission and this time to save the ghosts from Aria and find out why she's going around eating every ghost she sees but that's if she can even speak or cooperate with them at this moment of time.

"Stay here, we'll deal with this" he said but Brea didn't like the thought of them fighting with her sister due to the struggle they had been through even if she tried to eat her Brea didn't care she still cared for her sister.

"No! Don't hurt her..she isn't herself so just don't do anything that can kill her...I don't want to be alone again" Brea said not wanting anything bad to happen like death or separation between the two but they had no other choice but to fight her or they'll be her next meal. They transformed and headed out to find her somewhere in the city possibly munching on some ghost by now but they didn't feel or see anyone which was weird.

"Why is everything so quiet?" Danny said to himself looking around the place in the sky not aware of his surroundings.

"I'm not sure but I do know it ain't anything good" Dan knew as well that this isn't right and that something was up meaning that everyone must be hiding from whatever is in the area.

"Wait..I think if found her" Danny said as he began to head down to one of the streets landing only a few good metres away from her as Dan landed next to him now looking at the back of Aria's back as she seemed learning forward in front of a puddle of ectoplasm hiding the back of her head like anyone would do when they're trying to regain control of their body. "Aria what are you doing?" He stupidly asked as Dan hit the back of the boy's head knocking him forward a bit.

"You idiot! stupid do you think she is? It's obvious that she's unable to talk back just look at her!" He said scolding the boy like a big brother would do when either of them do something stupid, but little did they know she was fully aware of their presence.

"That hurt" Danny complained before looking back at Aria noticing that she her hands were no longer over her head but she seemed docile for now. "Look.." he said again making the other one look at her too seeing how weird she was beginning to act right now.

"Aria..your sister is very worried about you" Dan said trying to not end this in violence like almost any encounter and for this one it ended like every single one did. Aria slowly turned her head to look at them especially boy which was surprisingly scary, as ectoplasm leaked from her mouth as her fangs were in sight while glaring at the two with the intention to fight as her growl could be heard from where they were stood leaving them surprised on how intense and terrifying she was becoming.

"We are so dead" Danny said speaking the truth as Aria turned to face them not looking like herself right now making it pretty obvious that there is something seriously wrong here.

"Shut up" Dan said looking at Danny but when he did Aria was able to take that as a opportunity and rushed over at him tackling the big guy to the floor with her own strength shoving and winding the guy in the process. "How the fuck!" He said as he had no choice but to holding her hands pushing back with his own strength not wanting to possibly die here and he too would agree that he won't be able to take her down on his own. "S-s-shit" he stuttered struggling to keep himself but Danny blasted her back with one of his attacks burning it in the process as she let go of his hands and in a second she dashed at the boy who wasn't prepared for this as she grabbed him by his phantom suit lifting him up in thin air because to her he weighed nothing.

"Stop this Aria! This isn't you!" He said as this did nothing to stop her pulling him closer to her face seeing how much of a danger she is if this power isn't contained and under control or humanity would at risk of possible extinction.

"Aria!" Brea's voice could be heard yelling out to her sister bringing all three of their attention to her as Aria didn't let the boy go. "You aren't like this, you aren't a monster nor do you have the intention to harm or kill anyone, so please you have to listen to me!" she began to speak knowing her sister more than anyone as Aria dropped Danny while making her way towards Brea that trusted her instincts that Aria would never do any harm to her or anyone innocent. "You know who your are, don't let anything try to turn you into something you're not!" She said as Aria was now face to face to Brea who just stood there looking into her sister's eyes before taking a step forward while the two boys watched how Brea had tamed the beast. "You won't dare hurt anyone without having a reason especially the ones you hold dearly to you" she lastly said as Brea put her hands on Aria's face placing her forehead against her sister's who slowly began to turn back to normal and snap back into reality.

"B-Brea? What are you doing?" She asked unaware of what had just happened before moving her head away to look around seeing Danny and Dan there just a bit gob smacked that it was that easy to calm her down without the violence.

"You did it..again" Brea said as Aria wiped her mouth before seeing that it was ectoplasm realising that it had happened again as she glared at it clenching her fist absolutely sick and tired of this right now and wanted it to stop.

"For Fuck sake" she mumbled before wiping it away somewhere in her clothing but this time she didn't walk off she stayed where she stood sick off running away. "I demand answers and I don't care from who I need them now" I said looking at Brea who looked at Danny who knew exactly where to go but he was unsure if it was safe enough for her to go through the ghost zone in the state she is in unless they come up with a way to keep her contained until they get there.

They were able to go into a place where only Danny's parents were able to enter due to the ghost portal that seems to be the only way in and out of the ghost zone unless your the ghost time wizard. "Why does she have to wear that?" Brea asked as Aria had to be muzzled for the safety of those in the ghost zone as well blind folded and hands tied together but they notified the ghost time wizard of what he would be expecting at his time tower.

"It's for the best until we find a way to stop her from losing control again or we'll have no other choice but to trap her away for all eternity" Danny said even if Aria agreed to it as she too didn't want to cause others endless suffering whenever she loses control of her thirst for ectoplasm.

"But I want her to come back to me" Brea didn't want to lose her sister but the others knew that if they don't get the answers they needed then there might be no future for this poor woman at all even if she doesn't control the thirst for ectoplasm putting those in danger.

Brea's PoV:

I had to stay here as it wasn't deemed safe for anyone up here let alone in the ghost zone so what are they really going to do to my sister?

"Come on, I'm sure we can do something to speed the time until they get back" Jazz said as we went back upstairs where we spent most of our time doing some random stuff or possibly baking cookies to pass the time.

"I don't like it" I mumbled as the only thing that kept me safe in this world is now gone probably for good because of this urge to eat ghost, but why hasn't she gone for me yet? Other than attack me, I get it she's worried but I know that this isn't like her to give up like that so what's happening?!

"They'll be back soon with her I'm sure of it" she said putting a hand on my back but I had a bad gut feeling that she wasn't right no matter what I would do won't change the outcome.

"We're back" we heard them come up the stairs but I only heard two sets of feet come up to us who where the hell is my sister.

"Where is she?" I asked keeping my back turned at them since i grew lucky that I didn't have to eat ghosts in order to survive.

"What?" Danny asked as I stood up with my back turned until I turned my face to look at them seeing my eyes turn red as he stepped back surprised of this change. However the big man didn't seem happy about this but incredibly guilty which made it very clear that he had no choice in what happened in tbere.

"My sister! what did you do to her?" I said turning my full body at them ignoring their human defenceless sister who watched as I scare the little one while the other didn't care he just walked off in the opposite direction with clenched fists which was kinda strange behaviour for someone like him.

"She's with clockwork! He's helping her but it'll only take a week at best so calm down!" He said putting his hands in front not wanting to fight her now seeing this side of me let alone capable of scaring him.

"You're taking my only family away from me! I prefer to be in there with her than stuck out here with someone like you!" I yelled before darting out not knowing what or how long it would actually take for me to see Aria again and I wish that it's actually take a week or I'll be having some words with that lying bastard if she doesn't come back.

Aria's PoV:

I was left chained up in a single room muzzled up like a monster would be but I didn't have any true intentions to harm anyone I haven't even found out what I am let alone know what I actually wanted to do in this world other than protect Brea with my life and soul but my stupid body had to force me to eat ghosts but why? I came for answers not to be locked away like some fucking monster!

"What is going to become of me?" I questioned myself afraid of what the future would have in store for me if I don't learn to control this endless thirty desire for ectoplasm. The build of fear began to rise in me for my arms and body being chained done keeping me permanently stuck sitting on my legs unable to move at all let alone talk or even eat anything but that doesn't matter for now.

"Alright, shall we begin?" The time wizard spoke who those call clockwork but there was something off about him that makes this being so superior that the others. I was afraid as I shook my head 'no' confused and not ready to be in pain or alone as it would drive me even more insane than I already am. "I see.. you're afraid, very off for someone like you my child" he said as he came closer knowing that he was safe due to the chains holding me down as the muzzle was taken off my face freeing my mouth feeling how sore it was for how long it had been on for so long.

"I only came here for answers and a way to stop me from eating anymore innocent ghosts or harming anyone, I don't even know why I'm even doing this" I said trying to explain myself looking up at him as he changed into a young child of himself which was likely to happen as he had the ability to change time.

"You're making a very wise but difficult choice, I will help you but I'm order for that to happen I would need you to help me" he said leaving me confused but I know that I've been contained in this place for a reason and in order for me to get what I want then I must help him out in order to get them.