Chapter 4

Brea's PoV:

I waited a whole week to see what he said was true that Aria doesn't come back but would she still be the same or someone completely new which I despise and hope that would never happen. Sitting alone in the room where we first met I noticed something off on one of the shelf's like some sort of folder so I did what every 14 year old would do allowing my curiosity get the best off me as I sat myself up and headed over to the shelf off books and brightly colours folders but the one that stood out was the black and white that seem to by half and half. I levitated up to the top shelf seeing how distant it was from the others as I grabbed it seeing all the pages still inside of it but not stapled in so I put a hand underneath it before descending back to the ground and stood there as I looked at the dusty front of the folded and blowed onto it as the dust filled my lungs causing me to cough wafting my hand in the process which didn't help but it allowed me to see the name of the document, "phaxavine phantom?" I mumbled reading the word of the document before opening it allowing myself to get the information I was aching to learn for so long a meaning for our existence the reason why everything here was even made.

The data on these documents were in some weird ancient but Pacific details they wrote down about how they were going to make this ghost like carnivorous beats that will help humanity and kill the dead but in order to do that they would have to get the blood or ectoplasm of the beings they need to create this creature and mix it with the DNA of a human preventing them to transform and reach a form call 'monster stage' or spiritual which allows the host to reveal their inner beast that depends on how strong or dangerous they're on the ranks for their eye colour from 1-10:

Red: 8

Yellow: 3




Emerald green:9



Violet: 1 or 5 on how bright it is, the brighter the stonger they are.


I was unsure on why they ranked theses beings by eye colour whenever they glow but unlike my sisters, hers were different and didn't show up on the folder unless she's something entirely different compared to the others. I knew by the look of the writing that all of the subjects didn't need blood or ectoplasm to survive but when it came to the unknown being they only got chance to write a little detail before scribbling out the rest that I wasn't able to read out but I knew something was up with all of this but why were we created? And what was the reason for it?. If this unknown being does exist how can I find them? If I do will they try and kill me like my sister almost did or will they help me find a resolution of all of this? I guess I'll never know unless I try can I. The page also explained that this one being was basted to be a replica of the hybrid spirit of the forgiven a kind, tend but powerful being but was related to the evil Queen of the forbidden land where only the true evil is sent for all eternity to never see the light again which is similar to hell but way worse which made absolute no sense to me.

"I need to know how to stop this hunger for ectoplasm and maybe I can bring her back" I thought as I confide to flip through the pages until one came to view catching my eye off the rest as it painting out in writing. 'Those who fear will always be weak but those who fight it will see the light and be free and one with the other' this was absolutely useless what does that even mean how can this stop a ectoplasm sucking being to stop craving for blood and even half of the bag was missing which would possibly be an important part of the puzzle unless someone else was here and ripped it out preventing me from finding a way to help those who are cursed with the first for the dead and bring them back to normal or at least stop them from randomly lashing out to devour other ghosts for no reason at all and be locked away because of some habits they can't control. I decided to spend the most of my day with my eyes glued to this folder and find something that i possibly missed out or forgot to read not sure of what impact it would have on my brain but I was doing this for my sister not for my own gain.

??? PoV:

I was sat on the couch minding my own business reading a random love story book with some sketchy murder mystery in it too which was mainly bringing me to continue reading it no matter how many times I wanted to close it but I couldn't from how drawn My eyes were to reading it making it impossible for me to stop.

"I can't do this!" I heard that annoying voice of Danny yell from the kitchen as he stomped into the living room where I was sat reading my book well I was until his stomping stopped me for a second.

"What is it now?" I said in an annoyed tone keeping my eyes glued onto my book wanting to continue but that all changed when a kid came running in after him about the age of 3 grabbing onto his trousers refusing to let go which was kinda adorable...wait..what the heck was i just thinking? Fuck sake! I face plant my face with my hand ashamed of what I thought of this little kid right now, is that normal but why does she look so familiar? Unless I'm still guilty for leaving that poor woman with clockwork to suffer for uncontrollable about of hunger for ectoplasm.

"Clockwork is making us babysit Aria for a while until he gets back" he said as I slammed my book shut scaring the little child who is called Aria which means that clockwork had turn that woman into a child, but for what reason exactly? And why was I bragged into this? I don't know how to babysit a child!

"I hadn't suffered enough to deal with this right now" I said as I leaned over placing my elbows onto my lap putting my face into my hands not aware that the child was coming towards me I felt them grab onto my knee part of my trousers due to being a very small child so it was obvious that I was like some scary giant compared to Danny.

"Hello" she said as I peaked at her from one of my hands see that innocent smile of hers like nothing compared to when I came across that monstrous side of hers whenever she lost herself for the thirst for ectoplasm. "I'm Aria what's your name?" She asked knowing that Danny was watching but I too want to talk back to this innocent child even though I killed plenty in my dimension until I was given another chance in this one to live a completely different life seeing a whole new life.

"Dan" I said removing my hands from my face to look at her properly as she smiled and laughed with delight just to know what my name was making it pretty obvious that I must protect this child no matter what and keep the innocence in this immortal or mortal being but why did she have to be turned into a child?

"Dan!" She yelled my name with a smile as I felt delighted at the thought of being liked or adored but what would she think of she saw the other side of me? Will she fear me?

I didn't expect much but I refused to leave the child in the hands of an idiot who can't take care of a innocent kid like herself so I put my book aside leaving it alone and stick by the kids side for a while until everything gets sorted out but how will she be stuck like this?

"I'm going to take her to the park to speed some time, come on Aria" Danny said holding a hand out as she left me before going over grabbing onto 3 of his fingers before they left to go to the park but I refuse to believe that he would actually keep an eye on her in the park with the other kids so maybe I should tag along. I stood up and headed off catching up to the two but the kid wasn't bothered about me coming however for Danny he wasn't happy and neither was I but I was doing it for the kid's safety not his.

"I'm only tagging along because I have nothing else to do, so don't start getting any ideas" I said looking at him with a glare but he didn't seemed threatened as he looked back at me before back at the path until I felt something small grab onto my pinky making me look down seeing her tiny hand holding on before looking up at me with a smile as I hugged giving up completely leaving her alone for the rest of the walk like if I had no choice in the matter.

When we arrived I sat myself on the bench that looked out into the park that was filled with kids of different ages probably up to 10 but there was some edge people there too just walking around staring at random kids that play in the area but I guess what you call keeping an eye on your kid to some parents no matter how creepy it looks.

"Go play" he said nudging the 3 year old to go and communicate with the mortal beings that are stuck in this forever time loop on reliving a life filled of hell and endless suffering.

"Otay" she said before heading to straight to the sand pit where only 1 or maybe 2 kids were sat making easily indestructible sand castles that can't even stay up for 3 minutes before falling back down to the sand ground again.

I was distracted as Danny seemed rather annoyed that he out of everyone else had to take care of Aria but what exactly had she ever done to make him hate her, she's in one of those innocent and vulnerable states that mortals can get kidnapped or easily murdered by sick people like me but I refused to be that monster again or let her see that side of me no matter how mad I get I will control myself.

Aria's PoV:

I loved playing with the sand as I love feeling the sand go through my finger as it slowly travels off my palm and back into the pit not realising that the kids that I was sat close to not playing with me at all had left to go play somewhere else in the park leaving me all alone in the pit with my back facing Dan and Danny. "I love sand" I giggled to myself not seeing the strange man coming up to me rather sketchy but being I didn't know at the time that he was a bad, bad man.

"Hey little girl" he said as I look up seeing his dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes looking at me kneeling down at me but I was confused on who this man was until he reached for something within his baggy trousers. "Do you want a lollipop?" He asked with a weird smile like he had done this before as I stared at it seeing that the colour was red meaning that it was probably strawberry flavour which was one of my favourite fruits to eat. I reached out for the lollipop as a big shadow hovered above me seeing the lollipop pull away from me disappearing back into the man's pocket as he stood up to what I didn't know was of fear and run off as I watched him vanish from view.

"Lollipop" I said feeling really sad that I wasn't able to get the lollipop and look down until I felt someone grab underneath my arms pulling me up making me look back seeing Dan there not very happy about something as he carried me out from the park seeing Danny rush after us which was kinda funny as I giggled at him. On our way back home we came across a shop as he stopped outside of the widow seeing a poster of some sort but it showed a picture of that same looking lollipop 🍭 that man was going to give me. "Lollipop!" I yelled pointing at it as we headed inside and being young and innocent as I was I didn't see danger like a adult did whenever a man come up to you to lure you away with candy which is one of many things that kids like especially kids above the ages of 3 like lollipops and chocolate.

"Which one do you want?" He asked as I sat on his arm at the different looking lollipops that were displayed in front of me as I began to carefully scan the colours until one in particular caught my eye.

"That one!" I pointed at the pinkish/reddish one that the man showed me at the park as the shop keeper gave me the lollipop. "Thank you" I said knowing my manners especially to those that are good as Dan gave him some shiny pennies to pay for it before we head back home when I was instantly given to the care of Jazz who gave me a cookie 🍪 for being so good today as well as Dan for 'protecting' me being a great babysitter for a while but I kinda liked having him around even though he can be a bit grumpy and mean towards people.

No ones PoV:

While Aria was now in the care of Jazz, However for Brea on the other hand she was still going through all of the paper files in all of the rooms of the facility in order to get the information she needed to help Aria. There was one room in particular she refuses to enter 'E-249' like something in there was preventing her from entering inside no matter what she does says that room is a big no-no and whatever is being held inside is better of staying there if it's giving off such bad vibes.

The sound of tapping is endless if you're next to both of these rooms like whatever is in there knows where you are within its radius so there's no use in hiding if it comes out from its eternal cage in that room or is it just another innocent being like Aria and Brea that wants to find out who they are and live among the living and dead. I guess we'll never know?