Chapter 5

A week had passed and nothing was heard from clockwork or Brea which was rather strange as clockwork promised to catch them up to date if he finds anything that can help deal with the ectoplasm problem before she returns back to normal again. Aria was stuck in the kitchen with Dan who was keeping an eye on her or he thinks he was while eating a cookie which was probably one of his favourite foods even though he doesn't eat because he's practically a ghost, and ghosts don't feel hunger even though he can blend in with his human form so those ghost hunting freaks in all white and their obsessions to wear sunglasses to look cool when hunting down dangerous ghost signatures can't find him.

Aria was standing there staring at him as he was about to eat the cookie that he just got out from the cookie jar but got startled seeing her just staring at him or rather the cookie he was about to devour. "What?" He said as she tilted her head still staring at that mouthwatering cookie and how great it would taste when she gets it inside of her mouth. "This? You want this right?" He said holding up the cookie with the intention to tease this poor little child as she too loved these cookies that are freshly banked every week so they don't last that long with Dan around. Aria nodded "yes!" He said pulling the cookie away from her "well you can't have it! It's mine" he said before beginning to eat the cookie in his face which broke the tiny kids heart as he didn't realise at first of what she was going to until he looked seeing her lip begin to tremble as she bursted into tears making him stop in panic before shoving it into his mouth in order to grab another out of the jaw and put it into hers shutting her up immediately. "Phew" he sighed leaning against the counter until Jazz came into the kitchen in a hurry from the cries of the little girl that Dan made cry.

"What did you do?" She asked knowing that he must've done something wrong and hid it as she saw the cookie in the girl's mouth silently chewing it satisfied. Dan was unsure of what to say or how to begin to explain on what the heck happened as it all went so quickly leaving him speechless. Aria walked over to Jazz being adorable as she picked her up still with the cookie in her tiny hands munching away completely forgiving him for doing that to her or has she?

"Look, I can explain but please don't take them away" he begged covering the cookie jar as she knew that it was one of the money treasured things in his life so far and would probably choose it over anyone else in this world. "She wanted to steal my cookie! I ate it and gave her another one to shut up! Can you blame me?" He said having no experience what so ever on how to deal with a child let alone a crying one.

"Just be careful, if you continue to do that then she might actually end up hating you Dan, and I don't think you would want that to happen do you?" She said as Dan looked away a bit guilty on the cookie situation but there was some things that he had on his chest that he refuses to let out especially on this while babysitting thing and how slowly he's getting attached to Aria as she's stuck in this little baby form until they find out a way to stop her carnivorous out bursts that almost happen every night.

"Dan the cookie man" Aria said completely changing the situation as they both looked at her laugh and smile like she didn't change or showed any signs of hating him other than wanting his cookie until he ate it giving her a fresh one out of the cookie jar.

"See she doesn't hate, she was just mad at you" Jazz said with a smile knowing what Aria would be feeling about him more than he does but no one for sure would be able to know the truth on why kids are like this unless you have one yourself and learn.

??? PoV:

The room was pitch black and cold due to the vents continuously travelling cold air into the dark back I am forever trapped inside but I knew that I was stuck in here for years and I still can't break free as I too was put to sleep like the others and yet the earthquake was enough to wake up the beast and I from our cage forgetting how to use our abilities unlike the little brat however she grew lucky. I refuse to let myself be trapped here and not walk free from this hell no matter how many of those stupid scientists I have killed every time they tried to sedate me whenever I went overboard with my powers but that was thousands of years ago when they used to exist. I wonder, is this new being of our kind good or will they be as bad as me wanting to take over the surface that I was refused to see due to my desire of world domination, is it a she or a he I can't remember but I know that whatever they are it's probably something I should try and exterminate before they stop me from reaching my goal as these mortal bastards did making them to match my power after all.

"How long will it take? Or shall I break free now from this prison? Am I ready for the world domination or is everything ready waiting for me to come out so they can pounce at me and keep me trapped once again in a stupid vessel for all eternity" I hated being trapped on my own but if I wasn't wouldn't this other person softened me out of this idea for world domination but I prefer it to let myself get caught up in the lies of a mortal.

Bang! Something was heard hitting against the wall as something moved in front of me seeing the door slightly open but stopped allowing some little light to come through which is impossible as all the power was out throughout the whole facility especially the underground where everything is made but was evacuated the last time I escaped making it the perfect place for a battle or to trap someone like that new being they kept frozen for all these years I wonder what they'll look like. But there's one thing that I know for sure was that stupid brat Brea who I do remember especially the last time she stopped me by freezing my legs making it impossible to move allowing those scientists to put me to sleep putting me away again but this time into a harder vessel, but I think she too was put to sleep just incase because of the threat they were given making them put all of their subjects into lockdown during the invasion so what practically happened even though I killed the last few when I woke up but the next time I see the brat I will personally kill the bitch for what she's done to me.

"I wonder what will await for me out there?" I thought to myself as I got up from the warm spot that I was sat in for I don't know how long since the time here making it impossible to see sun light since I'm stuck inderground as I slowly made my way to the gap in the doorway that only my eye can look through but as I peaked a folder was thrown past in rage hearing that familiar childish grunt before that black hair was seen coming into view facing their back towards me with such confidence like before but I knew by the look of her eyes from the last time we met she was afraid of me and the power I whiled but the only reason of my defeat was how outnumbered I was and knew nothing about my abilities other than strength leaving everything else a blur.

"Damn it!..why can't you have something useful for once? Like information you stupid piece of crap!" Such evil words came out of this child's mouth was nothing to the Brea I remembered unless she too had her memory wiped away like the others but if I took a foot out of this place would she remember me then?

"Psst! Brea!" I whispered as she turned back in an instant allowing me to see those blue eyes of hers the ones I remember so clearly, this was Brea but why is she still down here or why is she looking through all of these none important files even though the real ones are here stuck with me, so i thought.

"Who's that?" She asked looking straight at me but I didn't sense fear or anything other than the spirit of an innocent being so it must be true she had her memories taken away too, hmm this might be easier than I thought it would be.

"Um, ash, don't you remember me? We used to be friends" I lied about my name already hating the idea of being this kids friend until I get out of this room and try to plan a way to get to this being so they won't get in my way but right now I need to brainwash this kid on thinking that I'm her friend.

"No but you sound familiar, how did you get stuck in there ash?" She asked not totally knowing me which was good so all i need to do now is lie and I'm good at lying especially with stupid kids like her.

"Rather pushy as always Brea, can you help me?" I asked seeing her step closer to me as I was unsure of what she was as going to do as back then she wasn't really the type for strength but the brains of that kid is extreme especially in a dire situation between death or life and I won't fall for that stupid trick ever again.

"I'm not strong like Aria, I can't even lift a human up let alone open a door, sorry ash" she said as I huffed a bit annoyed but I should've known that something like this would happen. Peaking through making eye contact was weird especially faking that I was an old friend of the kids made me cringe as I will never trust myself to love or care about anyone in my life as it will always end in heart break, misery and endless suffering.

"Ugh, just find a way to get me out of here..I'm freezing!" I said as she stopped for a second before dashing off into one of the rooms further away from mine hearing the sound of metal falling to the ground like poles of some sort. I stood there refusing to look through the crack again stuck in my mortal form for now just incase she remembers me in my ghost form which I feel most comfortable in than using some mortal disguise to bring less suspicion whenever I get out of here, hearing her run back dragging something behind her as she stood there before beginning to push it through the crack allowing me to grab and pull it feeling how thick they were together making it practically impossible for them to bend.

"I hope these will help, just try and push them like Aria did she's super strong and can open anything but right now she can't really do anything" the stupid girl! Why is she talking to me about this Aria person? Is this someone I should be looking out for when I get out? But why does this name seem to familiar to me did I use to know her before I was put to sleep? Or is Brea playing mind games with me again?

I snapped out of my mind before beginning to use my super strength as the doors began to open up ever so slowly while the dust and dirt came falling down onto me as Brea stepped back from the door. "Nearly..there" I muttered to myself feeling rusty from being trapped in here for so long but how will I know if I'm actually strong enough to conquer the world? Unless I train before jumping to conclusions which would be a wise thing to do before I do anything extreme like that.

As the door was wide enough for me to squeeze through twice ways I dropped the poles onto the floor hearing that metal clang against the concrete floor and slid my way through the crack just to see her staring up at me. "I didn't know you were this tall?" She asked as I signed but what can I say men are taller than females after all. "And why is your hair so long?" I sighed before turning right leaving the kid alone as she headed back to her 'research' giving me the opportunity to get back on track and prepare myself for whatever challenges await for me on this outside world.

Brea's PoV:

I swear that guy was familiar but oh well, at least i have a new room to rummage through now for some more information about the Unknown and Phaxavine Phantom in order to help find a way to help cure my sister or she'll be taken away from me forever and I can't let that happen.

I used one of my abilities that aloud me to seeing I'm the dark leading me to get again another bookcase but this time it had way more books and folders than the last room I was at had. "Yey..even more folders to go through" I didn't sound very happy about it but I knew it'll be worth it if I find the right stuff to help Aria stop feeling the cravings for ectoplasm. Little did I know that whoever I had let out of that room wasn't just an old friend, Aria would most definitely remember someone like him if I brought him to her or wouldn't she? But I pushed my confusion to a side and continued with my boring but important research.