Chapter 6

The next day rolled by and the family especially little Aria were invited to have dinner at Vlad's mansion with his newly announced fiancé Diana who didn't seem to mind the fact that there are two Vlads walking around even though one of them is her future husband she didn't mind the company whenever her fiancé leaves the place for awhile.

"You better behave yourself, same goes for you too Aria don't go out of Dan's sight" Jazz said but the kid was clueless eating a lollipop while being carried by Dan who wouldn't care if he got in trouble or not.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it! Anyway wasn't Brea supposed to be coming with us too?" Dan asked pretending not to be concerned about the 14 year old but Jazz knew he did even though they haven't seen her for about 3 days now and hadn't sent them any texts either making the situation even more concerning.

"She's probably busy and forgot to text us, I'll check on it later on today" Jazz replied knowing that she wasn't aloud near the abandoned lab without having someone with her at all times due to rise of paranormal activity the past couple of weeks.

"No, no one is going near that place without me and you know that! Even Aria knows that, and you don't see her going there on her own and she's a kid" whatever he said didn't make sense as Aria doesn't really remember the abandoned lab at her age since she woke up there when she was a full grown adult in her early 20s but other than that she doesn't remember a thing other than lollipops.

"Yeah because she's a kid that adore lollipops and cookies, I bet she's smarter than you too" she said giving him a blackberry before heading inside Aria was confused but she could tell that Dan wasn't in the mood for fun and games so she sat on his arm staying quiet eating her lollipop like a good little girl.

When they headed into the library like he always does since he doesn't eat being a ghost an all he forgot one thing, and that was shutting the door as it was now slightly open making it big enough for Aria to squeeze through and escape while he ain't looking. "I have some rules kid, one stay in the library and don't touch anything, two don't annoy me. Did you get that? Good because Dan isn't in the mood to play with you right now" he said as Aria just turned away and headed off further into the library to possibly find something to do.

Aria's PoV:

I hated seeing him mad especially of the stupidest of things but maybe a book can distract me until the others are done in another room having 'dinner' what's that? I headed to one of the bookshelf's seeing all of the colourful books "didn't Dan say don't touch anything?" I thought to myself questioning my actions but to be honest I think I forgot what he had told me what to not do, but when my sticky hands were about to touch a book I saw something move at the corner of my eye from gal of the door as I looked seeing it still open, he really did forget to close the door didn't he. "I'll close the door for him! Yeah! I'll do that right now" I said feeling so excited for doing some good as I rushed to the door but looked at the sofa seeing him reading a rather strange book not seeing me giving me the opportunity to close it.

As I felt my hands touch the wooden door I felt a cold air brush past me that caused my whole body to shutter as it came from the hallway making me open it slightly just enough to fit though and peak my head out but when I looked to the left I didn't see anyone and when I glanced to my right I saw a man with long grey hair and full black clothes not very smart looking but I knew it wasn't anyone I know so I followed after them leaving Dan on his own.

"I wonder who he is?" I questioned on who this guy was and followed him which was kinda stupid to be honest until we came into a kitchen where he stopped at one of the counters and locked up a book before turning around. "Hello" I spoke not really knowing that I was about to give this man one of the biggest scares in his life.

"Ahh!" He yelled In surprise but it wasn't loud enough for the others to hear him as he sighed with a hand on his chest bringing himself to the counter putting the book down.

"Sorry for scaring you mister, I just wanted to say hello" I apologised with a smile which I thought was the right thing to do until he smiled at me before kneeling down to me which confused me as he looked just like the man we saw greet us inside to his house, I think his name was mad or Vlad?

"It's alright little one, I'm alright but why aren't you with the others?" He asked with curiosity as i remembered that Dan was still in the library, does that mean he hasn't noticed that I was gone yet? He really is bad at babysitting isn't he.

"I just wanted to know who you are so we can be friends, but I don't think Dan wouldn't like me being on my own" I said in a rather cute and innocent way as the man picked me up and placed me into the counter before opening a cupboard near me and pulled out a jar which was a weird place to put one but as well it's kind smart when you want to hide your priced possessions but for me it's cookies.

"I'm sure he be fine for a couple of minutes" he said as he opened the jar while I watched him put his hand in jar to see his hand pull out a cookie as my eyes lit up with joy staring at the think while he laughed at me. "As we you want a cookie?" He asked as I nodded before handing it over to me allowing me to grab it with both of my tiny hands.

"Thank you mister" I thanked the nice guy as he softly huffed like he loved seeing a child like myself happy getting over excited for a cookie.

"Just call me Vlad" he said before picking up a book which look rather interesting as I stared at the front cover of it seeing writing that I couldn't understand yet.

"I'm Aria, you are now one of my favourite people" I said not because he gave me a cookie but that he's kind and understanding especially when there's a child involved like me which i didn't mean to scare him.

"" he seemed surprised and touched about this but at the time I didn't understand the relationship between him and everyone else in the place because I'm just a innocent little child that doesn't know better.

"Yep!" I said as the sound of someone running could be heard heading towards the kitchen making me instantly look at the door to see Dan slide and stop to see me say on the counter finishing off a cookie before grabbing another one putting it into my mouth until he and Vlad exchanged looks as one was afraid of the other but I knew nothing would happen if I was present in the room before he looked at me and he wasn't happy either.

"I thought I told you to not leave my sight, if Jazz found out I'll be dead and I don't think you'd like that kid" he said as he came over to me while I just looked up at him since he was still taller even if I was sat on the counter but I'm not abandoning my cookie just because he's mad, no way!

"I just wanted to make a new friend" I said as he looked over at Vlad who was stood there with a book in hand before hugging and picked me up and heading back to the library where he completely shut the door trapping me inside with him for the rest of the afternoon not knowing that I was messing around with some books that somehow caught my interest making me want to read it but I couldn't and yet I continued to try and try before we were called and headed back home again.

Later on that night I was taken into this weird place that was filled with green or oddly coloured beings stared as we floated past them back to the clock tower where that mysterious man waited for us there but I wasn't aloud to see them but I could feel their presence as my eyes were covered for mine and their protection.

"We're here, now what do you want clockwork" Dan didn't seem to like this mysterious man let alone see him again from the last visit we made.

"Aria is in great danger..she must stay here for the time being until I redeem it safe for her to return" the mysterious man said as I felt myself lift front Dan's arm and into the air not really sure of what was happening right now.

"What? There is literally nothing out there that's a danger to her!" Dan said as I was placed back down to the floor next to this mysterious man feeling his presence way more than before which was enormous but he wasn't as tall as done though.

"I looked into her future and it ain't pretty so it's up to you if you want to put her at risk" I didn't like the way the mysterious man was talking to them as I got up and ran to Dan's legs and held onto one of them not wanting to stay here as it gives me chills and unsettling memories. " be it, she has a few hours until the spell wears off" he lastly said as I was picked up again before we headed back to the normal world which i preferred to be in as it had everything I've loved here and I don't want to leave that behind.

Brea's PoV:

I was trapped inside this room that Ash was once stuck in but when i walked up to the small crack in the door where we spoke through my powers weren't able to work like whatever was in here stopped me from using them and that isn't a good thing who whats this guys deal?

"You can stay and do research, I'll let you out once I've finished training so don't get any ideas while you're in there kid" he said as I heard his footsteps echoed off into the distance back to that same place he always vanished to but why does he need to train? Why does he need to become stronger? And how the heck am I supposed to get out of this caged room I am now stuck in?

"Why do I always keep putting myself in these type of situations?" I said to myself embarrassed that I had trusted this guy just so he could lock me away into a room that prevented me from warping through the walls or the door to my freedom. But! There is one thing it allowed me to do..see in the dark and this gave me the biggest advantage ever as ice was my main element so the cold air in here didn't affect me at all..well..for the time being I mean as I can get cold from it but it'll take a while for it to kick in. I Scanned the room in search for a way out but nothing other than folders I have already read until I glanced up at the wall near a broken vessel similar to Aria's but this one was more advanced than hers like they were meant to keep whatever was inside of here permanently but that didn't seem to work. I saw a vent that was just big enough for me to squeeze through and god do I hope it's somewhere he isn't training or I'll be his punching bag.

I dragged over a no-wheeled chair over to the vent as well as some useless books to stack up to the top as I climbed up to the top with a strew driver that I luckily found in some draw I prided open with a hair clip. Looking at the screws and the screw driver they were a perfect match as I began to loosen them up before ripping it off from the wall feeling the cold gust of air burst straight into my face as I climbed inside where I began to make my way ever so slowly through the air vent system where I think would be a safe place and tell the others of what was happening, little did I know that none of that would be happening because of how stupid I was on following the warm air thinking it was leading close to the exit but took me straight to where Ash was training and boy did I regret it? YES I DID!

"Oh hell nah" I thought to myself as I began to back up from the vent I was currently looking through seeing him in his ghost form but I made a huge body was on top of one of the vents that face down towards the bottom of the vent and when something is pressed against it without screws holding it tight, let's just say..I was in for a ride. "Shit" I mumbled to myself before i falling down 7 meters to the hard brick floor landing straight onto my face completely winding me hating the feeling of being so weak and vulnerable at this moment as I looked up just to see him standing right in front of me as his shadow hovered over my body making me gulp knowing that I was dead meat as he held onto my hair pulling me up to his height while my hands clenched onto his wrist as I looked at him with one eye opened due to the pain of my hair being pulled seeing those black and red eyes glaring at me so seriously making me regret every moment of  ever escaping that room let alone follow the warm air that hit me.

"I thought I told you to stay put.." he said as he huffed before looking me up and down in disgust at how weak I am compared to him now but for one thing for sure that I won't be able to forget is that form and who he really was...Ash wasn't his real name..he was someone even more stronger than me physically making me remember why I was let out only weeks before Aria came out and coincidentally found me in that storage room I was rummaging for parts.

"You traitor! They gave you life and you killed them!" I yelled having flashbacks of the endless times he had murdered innocent beings of our kind leaving them up to us the last three but does he still remember Aria and who she was back then? I don't have a clue. The smirk that came across his face made my stomach turn in fear knowing why I was so determined to know who he was and why he seemed so familiar.

"Finally! I've waited for this moment to happen and yet I waited hundreds or even thousands to see your face and how it fills with fear knowing that no one will be here to protect you" he said before a chuckle quickly turned into a sinister laugh but I don't even know how to fully use my powers get let alone transform! What am I going to do? No one is going to here me down here or knows where I they even care that I'm gone? "Let's pick up from where we last left off shall we?" He said before the endless torture began and the pain he inflicted not even killing me he just...hurt me in ways I don't even want to tell you as it was too painful to explain like he actually wanted to make me suffer than killing me like he was..waiting to see if someone would actually show but does he know that this place has been abandoned for millions of years now?