Chapter 7

A few hours have passed and Aria is now back to her normal self again but this time she was stuck with the Fenton family not knowing where her sister was.

"So you're saying that while I was stuck as a 3 year old, Brea hasn't been seen for about 2 weeks? Give me one reason why I shouldn't smack the fuck out of your right now?!" Aria wasn't in the mood glaring at Danny as he was the last person who was seen with her making him responsible for her disappearance.

"Wait! I swear I have nothing to do with her disappearance but I promise that we will find her!" He said as Aria growled at her until Dan placed a hand on her right shoulder making her stop and huffed not happy about this at all and neither would anyone else if they were in her situation right now.

Aria's PoV:

"You better or I'll be making you disappear kid" Aria said as she walked off out from the house for nice calm walk through the park to calm down not really wanting to have anymore problems and possibly find out where she would be got 2 weeks without telling anyone. "Did someone..take her from me? If so then who?" I mumbled to myself as a blonde man walked past me, he was taller and had long hair too similar to a homeless man even though he looked kinda hot and had some decent clothes one so he wasn't. I turned around seeing him gone but how can that be as humans can't just disappear like that but something about this man made me think, he smelled fresh but not alive but middle like he was something familiar to what Brea was as she smelt sweet but not sweet.."why am I thinking about how people smell? That freaking weird!" I thought to myself growing a bit red from realisation and shook my head to erase it while I continue to forget that weird thing I was just thinking about not taking any notice on anyone else that walks past me.

I wanted to go back home but the gut feeling told me no and I always follow my guts decisions but at the same time it did want me to go even though I refuse to trust a confused decision until it makes the right now for me to choose. "Aria.." I jumped at the thought of hearing that voice saying my name making me look at my surroundings but I saw no one that suited its tone of voice. "I'm using mind communication so you won't be considered as a freak in public while talking to me" I suddenly realised that it was clockwork speaking to me right now as I signed before beginning to walk again slowly down the path again.

"Can't you see that I'm not in the mood right now?whatever! Just get it over with please" I thought to myself almost speaking but I stopped myself from making such a idiotic move.

"I know and I apologised for interrupting you but I think I might know how to awaken your powers" he spoke to me as I stopped in my tracks confused but surprised that now is the time he tells me this, was there something happening with Brea that now was the time he had to speak to me about my powers.

"You're a bit too late don't ya think?" I thought to myself before sitting down on a nearby bench just to make myself look less suspicious to the humans around me or they'll think I'm some sort of lunatic or something.

"Your power seems to relying on your feelings especially anger due to the overprotectiveness of Brea am I correct?" He said as i hummed agreeing with him but when was a time did my powers ever made themselves present other than make my eyes glow blue. "Well, the others are beginning to start a quick search in the abandoned lab without you but I recommend that you should follow them just for reinforcements" he said as I groaned leaning at the back of the bench not wanting to go but if the ghost guy says so then I have to do it or I'll be in some serious trouble since he's the master of time after all.

"Fine..I'll go follow them" I mumbled to myself as I got myself up and made my way to the abandoned lab not running or anything just taking my time and walked there with hands in my pockets not in the mood for anything that comes my way. "I can't believe I'm doing this! I'm like the most useless person in the group, why do I have to go?!" I thought to myself knowing full on well that he was listening to me anymore before coming across the entrance of the abandoned lab taking a deep breath as I entered inside just to be met by collapsed walls and ceiling's making it pretty obvious that what happened wasn't for jokes there is something here that is planning to destroy the lab and my friends with it...did I just call some strangers my friends? Fuck sake.

I removed my hands from my pockets as I made my way through the hallway while using my enhanced scent of smell smelling both the boy's scent as well as Jazz's which isn't good since this place isn't safe enough for any human to step foot in here especially right now. But the scent suddenly vanished as I came up to the stairs which could've met that they have went downstairs or warped through the door which I haven't done before or so I thought I haven't. I stood in front of the only closed door in my path and used my super strength and forced the door open with ease seeing stairs that leaded straight down to the lower parts of the lab as I huffed out of annoyance before making my way down the stairs not sure on how long it was going to take me.

"I hate this" I said as I came across yet again another closed door and forced it open feeling the anger slowly creep up inside my body and soul as I took a right down a hallway that took me to this weeks cave looking entrance as I stopped staring at it feeling myself remember something "this is the training field..why would they be down here?" I said to myself as I headed inside not realising that what I was going to see will stick with me for all eternity. I wasn't in the greatest of moods when I got to the other side when Dan in his ghost form came crashing down next to me seeing how badly wounded he was as I looked up seeing Danny being flung into the hard dirt wall before falling down 4 feet hitting the group unconscious. Was this what clockwork was telling me about? And where is Brea and Jazz? Just as I was about to look up my head turned behind me seeing Jazz there on her knees with some scratches on her holding Brea but there was something wrong with her..she wasn't moving and was bleeding red liquid that I thought was disgusting until I realised that it belonged to her before glancing over at the evil that did all of this.

"Haha! All of you are pathetic! I don't even know why I had to train in the first place just to fight some weakling just for what?! domination!" That deep evil voice I know I've heard it before and why do I fucking hate it every time he speaks. As I saw him land as it hit me this wasn't just any ordinary ghost this was my ex boyfriend someone I despised for years and now, NOW I remember the things he's forced me to do to those innocent beings even though they put me in this situation in the first place but they cared about me. He sighed before looking at me straight in the eye before scanning me in surprise finally seeing me standing there several feet away from him. "'re here..actually here" he said like he seemed guilty but all I felt was anger and revenge for the shit he had put me through as I gave him nothing but love and this is how he repays me.

"Shut up Abigor! Don't you dare play the victim! I know exactly who you are and I won't call for your tricks ever again!" I exclaimed allowing the anger to overflow me and look back at Brea while Jazz looked up at me with fear as I gave him one cold glare in his eye as this time I will end it for sure and if I don't I hope that someone else will and lock him away for all eternity.

"Aria my dear..I only did this for us! You should be happy that I'm even allowing you to walk this earth when I'm going with it and be my Queen when I rid it of these filthy mortals!" He said as I growled hating the image that popped in my head not wanting to remember the last time he tried to take over the world since Brea was the last person to lock him away but there was something else I was missing.

"What?! A Queen of dirt and deceased mortal bodies as the smell of their decaying flesh sticks up your nose forever burning your mind of that scent for remembering yourself on why you've become so utterly selfish! I'm not allowing you to destroy this timeline and the innocent people that live in it!" I yelled as my eyes glowed blue hearing him growl as his eyes glowed red while his retina turned black showing that he will use force on me again.

"Grrr! Why can't you see the reality for what it is?! If you didn't give birth to that brat then non of this would've happened! She's nothing but a mistake that's keeping you from being who you're meant to be! MY QUEEN!!" The ground began to shake again as I looked back at Brea now remembering why she seemed so familiar to me..she wasn't my sister she's my daughter and I refuse to let someone like him be her father let alone harm her.

"My daughter isn't a mistake! You are! I regret every moment we spent together! The love, the passion and the times we laughed and kissed! You're the reason why I want to change for the better because he more I look at you the more I just want to kill myself for how you turned me to believe that they were evil beings that only wanted to harm us but really they were helping us protect humanity from future threats and you forced me to kill them!" I said as everything began to come come back to me and the reason why I was frozen away for so long and the happy memories we had especially with daughter.

"Ugh! You're pathetic! You're nothing but a weapon that needs to be modified and upgraded! And they'll use you just like I did, I never loved you! You're nothing just like that brat you created" he said feeling myself lose control again but this time I knew exactly who I was aiming for. "And in order for you to become my mindless slave again is to destroy the closest thing to you" he said as he began to dash towards Brea but before he could even touch her I was able to tackle him and throw him against the dirt wall like he did to Danny. At this time I wasn't sure if what to do to him other than fight and protect the others until they regain consciousness and take him down together if they would dare to of course as I now was in my ghost mode but hadn't realised it yet.

Dan's PoV:

I swore I heard him say something about a kid but for sure I knew that Aria was here and that would at least give us the advantage we need in this battle but first I need to get myself up again and help her.

When I opened my eyes i saw the cave ceiling above me and still intact as I sat myself up placing a hand to my head from where that bastard hit me last which would most definitely leave a bruise for quite a while. "I won't allow you to hurt Brea or any innocent beings ever again!" Aria yelled as bad guy hit the solid ground in front of me allowing me to see how badly he had been beaten up until Aria landed on-top of him so I thought it was her as this new side of her was more monstrous that her natural form but I knew she was doing it to protect us against this evil even though he reminded me of myself when I used to be like

that in my old dimension but really now a days I just don't feel interested about world domination anymore.