Chapter 8

Dan's PoV:

I was able to get back and move Danny's body and bring it to Jazz we both he and Brea were in rather horrible states and I was their only line of defence if Aria doesn't finish this guy off soon so we all can go back home and bandage ourselves to health.

"Can you walk?" I Asked Jazz as she was the one who was the only mortal human being here and can't defend herself against ghosts like Abigor.

"Yeah, but we should go before the ceiling begins to cave in on us" she responded as I would think the same in her situation as no one wants to be buried alive right now and slowly suffocate to death but we can't just leave Aria here with this selfish bastard.

"Take the kids and run! I'll tell Aria the plan" clockwork just popped into my thoughts demanding for us to flee as I picked everyone up because I can do that for being so ripped before carrying them through the lab until we were outside where it was safe but I still felt guilty even though it was the right thing to do.

"You better not leave her down there with that bastard clockwork" I said back feeling the ground underneath us hardly rumble giving me the reason that the cave had just collapsed possibly burying them inside until my body moved on its own forcing me back inside.

"I hope you know what you're doing" he lastly said before leaving me alone as I continued to scan the entire lab incase she was in there taking refuge but no..she must still be in the cave under the rocky rummage that could've been all of us if it wasn't for clockwork quick thinking and Aria for buying us some more time to get everyone out before it crumbled down on top of her.

When I reached where the entrance used to be I saw her laid there unconscious on the floor just like Brea was when we first found her but I didn't know why I panicked when I went over to her to see if she was alive and to my relief there was a steady but weak pulse as I quickly brought her back to the surface again forgetting about Abigor since the good is more important that the bad and I really hope he was dead under all of that rubble.

When I walked out of the entrance of the lab with Aria I'm my arms I saw that Danny had regained consciousness but Brea hasn't showing that her condition was way more than severe making us take the two to the nearest hospital to get the best medical help we can give them.

Aria's PoV:

It wasn't sure on how long I was out for but when I woke up seeing a unknown white ceiling above me feeling my whole body ache as I sat up but fell back down in pain giving up at this point.

"'re awake" I heard a man's voice as I looked to my right seeing Dan sat there in his human form just looking at me like he wanted something from me with a serious look that was desperate for answers.

"Before we jump to conclusions, how long have I've been out for?" I asked wanting to stop a possible conflict between us as something seemed off about him but what?

"You've been out for 3 days but Brea is unharmed and was discharged this morning" he replied which took the stress off my shoulders knowing that my child was health and back on her two feet again. "" he said as I sighed before sitting myself up moving the bed into place making it comfortable for my back as I rest against it while we have out little chat.

"I know you have questions but even if I do remember the memories of Brea and Abigor when I was alive unfrozen from my vessel but I still haven't gained all of my past memories which I would rather keep in the timeline they deserve to be in and focus more on my future" I said not wanting to think about the horrible things that happened despite being taken advantage of when I was with Abigor despite that I was already pregnant at the time he still made his way with me which confused me? If he isn't the father then who is? So many confusing questions that I would rather leave behind and focus on moving forward past from my mistakes and move on find a home suitable for us to live in with these mortals even though we aren't one ourselves so it doesn't matter.

"I understand, but I just wanted to know some more about this Abigor guy back in the lab" he said which sounded much easier for me to answer as I knew almost everything I needed to know about this guy and most definitely how selfish he is for power and world domination but I tried to show him the truth and error in his ways but we always he refused to listen to me like I was nothing but an object or his vivid imagination.

"Abigor when if first met him was sweet like every villain used to be until you introduce them to power and intelligence which he would use to bring death and destruction to those who tried to get i his way even if it means hurting those dearest to him...but i think from what you saw described what I mean and who he truly was, hurting his own daughter for his own gain for power" I said hating to look back at that scene with Brea in Jazz's arms seriously injured but if I wasn't told to intervene with the situation I wouldn't have remembered him or the truth behind my desperate desire to protect other who I think are Important to me. I knew for a fact that this wouldn't be the last time we will bump into Abigor but I truly hope that he changes his mind about this selfish desire and waste his power on a goal that is completely useless, like what are you going to do after you kill all human kind on earth? Nothing because you destroyed all the good things that could've kept you satisfied whenever you grow bored or angry you don't see me killing mortals do you?

After an extra day of rest and recovery I was allowed to be discharged and released back into the wild where I belonged. Despite being back in the outside world I didn't have a home for neither me or my daughter Brea to live in so are we technically homeless right now staying in a abandoned lab until something good comes up and changes our lives for the better, unless I do what mortals do and get a job..maybe? Being the clueless being I was I asked Jazz for advise which was hurting my brain so I asked her to take notes and maybe help me and she did without any hesitation due to her free time she had left for me to make a cv based on myself but it'll be hard for me to find a job this way but I don't care it's for Brea's future not mine.

It only took a couple of days but I was able to get a rather comfortable job that was actually paying me a good amount of money for us to live on but I would need to save some money before I start finding for a house as it would pay a lot just to keep us going. I continued to spend my time in that abandoned lab no matter how risky it was that I would come face to face with Abigor but he never really showed up unless he actually gave up and ran off somewhere or is hiding away from reality possibly trying to make himself a bit stronger for the next confrontation we have in this little world.

No one's Pov:

2 months had passed and Aria was finally able to get a house for her and Brea to live in together to stay safe and warm from the outside world as well as finally allowing Brea to go to school like the others and fit in with the crowd without hauling her powers and know how to be a kid while Aria takes care of the house and do what an adult does and take care of everything without help because she is the best especially at keeping the house clean, cook food and has good taste in furniture too, what else can she offer?

Aria was currently out and about in the city minding her own business during her day off wanting to pass the time in the most casual place ever the park, peaceful and yet beautiful where you can let your worries wash away while looking up at the sky counting clouds or just stare into the blue clear sky. When she found a nice open space to sit in and relax or possibly fall asleep if she could.

"Ah. Look what we have here" a rather deep but usual voice was heard making Aria look behind her seeing Keith standing there wearing dark grey joggers and a tank top revealing his huge muscular build and body structure which was kinda hot in my opinion making her second guess him for a second.

"Oh it's just you" she calmly replied before looking away not wanting to start a conversation with this guy until he was heard walking over and sat right beside her on the grass look into the grass area that surrounded them. Aria became a hit unsure of what to do in this type of situation as it'll bring some awkwardness between them if nothing is said other than his good looks he most definitely taken by someone.

"I see that you're not hanging about with the Fentons anymore..I guess they're starting to get to you" Keith spoke up starting it off with something personal but she hasn't been separate from them it's that things have been tough with her time schedule making it hard for her to go round and see them. Aya looked away refusing to speak or answer him for a couple of seconds as the main reason she came up here was to relax and this isn't helping.

"Can you just leave me alone?" She asked looking back at him with a serious glare cashing Keith to make a little bit of distance between them for safety obviously intimidated seeing how dominate and up tight she was becoming towards him right now.

"So've always have been quite interesting to mess with" he said using his hand instantly grabbing her with his fingers and thumb covering her mouth as he pulled her close to him showing signs of intimidation kinda putting Aria on edge.

"Grrr.." she lowly growled as her eyes turned growling a dark navy blue again not planning to back down due to how dangerously confident and stubborn he's becoming.

"Aww. You really are cute~" this isn't good he wasn't falling for any of her original tactics before grabbing onto the wrist that had a hold of her face covering her mouth preventing her from yelling out for help. Keith sighed loving the way she squirmed in his grasp as the grip of his hand began to grow tighter beginning to squeeze her jaw/cheek bones hurting Aria in the process. "No ones going to save you so there's no point in trying" he said before exchanging hands as it was now around her neck tightly gripped but she was hardly able to breath as he stood up bringing her up with him with both of her hands held on the arm that held her tightly in place.

"You'll…pay for…this" Aya said trying to speak as he scoffed with a sinister smirk at her in the process while softly chuckling at the sight of how weak she was becoming forgetting that she too can send spiritual links through to other beings not making her absolutely useless right now while slowly losing consciousness due to his hand slowly suffocating her to death.

"Oh! And who's going to rescue you?" He said getting close to her face making it obvious of what he was going to do to her in this very moment if he weakens her just enough so she wouldn't be able to defend herself. "NO ONE! Because you're too stubborn to care and that makes you selfish way more than anyone else in this city let alone powerless without that fucking brat of yours!" He said as Aria charged up a blast with the last amount of energy she had left doing some damage to his arm as he hissed in pain before aggressively flinging her a good 10 feet away from him hitting the ground with quite some force pulling her right shoulder in the collision possibly dislocated it.

"C-crap" Aria said out of breath having no strength whatsoever to defend herself as Keith was not acting like himself and she was beginning to realise it too. "T-that isn't Keith! That isn't him!..fuck I'm so dead..shit!" she thought to herself as this faker began to make his way towards her bleeding from his right arm that he had a hold of her neck with pretty good force for a muscular man. Her vision was beginning to go all daze and casuals her to see five of him now in he transformed into a dark blue skinned ghost with light blue hair that floated in a similar way to Dan's form as Keith continued to walk towards Aria before she head fell back hitting her head completely blacking out from either the pain or the lack of oxygen.

Fake Keith stood there as he crouched down grabbing Aria's unconscious body by her shirt smiling but yet disappointed that she had lasted this long and yet wasn't conscious to see him possibly kill her if it wasn't for her quick instinct to call for help. Just as he got ready to plunge his hand through her chest and rip her heart out with his sharp claws until he was abortively caught off guard by a tussle in the bushes nearby as he thought that it was a potential threat trying interfere with his plan to kill his prey, when out of nowhere Aria was snatched out from his grasp by the one who he hated the most out of everything in this world…Dan.

"Ugh, why can't you just let me do my job!" Fake Keith said as he flailed his left hand for a second hating his plans being meddled with by the two so called heroes that protect the city from deadly threats like himself. Dan however looked down at Aria's unconscious body as anger would begin to build within him while worrying about her well-being as the last time he held her like this was when she was heavily injured and out for a good few days because of an old ex who couldn't help himself.

"Shut up! This is non of your business" Dan kinda snapped glaring at Fake Keith as his eyes glowed bright scarlet red before quickly scanning around for a safe place to lay her down so he can deal with this bastard for doing such a thing to an innocent being. He managed to lean her against a tree that is a good distance from the fighting that was about to commence between the two powerful ghosts in the opened lands away from endangering society. However the faker saw this as an opportunity to dig deep into his enemies feelings and gain the upper hand when he lashes out and loses control before finishing the job.

"What is that going to do for her Huh? She's still in danger and after I'm done with you I'll finish what I've started" he was purposely teasing Dan wanting him to lose control of himself that could happen at any time. Dan took one more look at Aria before turning away from her and headed towards his enemy calm and collected but he too was angry he just didn't want to show it just yet.

"It's rather pathetic that you would take advantage of her like that. It's absolutely ridiculous! How about we settle things my way this time" Dan said with a confident smirk allowing the faker to see his fangs and how serious he was being but he too wasn't going to back down either.

Aria's PoV:

I was able to regain consciousness feeling something similar feeling of tree bark touch my back sitting me up preventing me from possibly falling in either direction before my eyes began to slowly open taking its time to adjust to the light and then the surroundings around me. I forgot that I had injured my right arm because of that fake ass bastard but I only realised it when I pushed down on the ground to get my self up when that shooting pain shot up my arm causing me to hold it realising that i had dislocated the freaking thing as it bloody hurt but i could pop it back in and let it heal knowing the risks of doing it without professional help and i refuse to be seen as a weakling. "Fuck..I really regret coming here" I thought before hearing the sound of fighting or at least something falling making me look up seeing Dan and Keith going head-to-head like wild animals not realising that i had regained consciousness and aware of what was happening.

"Just die already!" I heard Keith growl as he knocked Dan back flying into a tree causing it to tumble dow due to the amount of force he had use to create some distance between them. Keith began to shoot red plasma beams at Dan from his hands which was weird as most ghosts have green or something similar but having red is quite rare to see sometimes especially for me. I am left with no idea of what to do in a situation like especially when i am injured like this which never happened before as it's usually mild scratches and bruises, i watched as nature round me was slowly beginning to be destroyed by these two idiots and their fighting but i knew that i can't do anything about it leaving me no other choice but ask for help..yet again, pathetic.

"What is it? I'm kinda busy" clockwork answered hearing my call as i didn't want to believe that he was busy as all he does is float around and watch timelines all day and age between a baby, an adult and then a old man every minute.

"Yeah..can you stop them from fighting please? I'm in quite bad shape and they're destroying the nice landscape i was chilling out on" I replied not thinking about anything else other than the nature as he hummed thinking about it leaving me to wait for a reply.

"I could trap away the ghost Dan is fighting with for a couple of days? But I could also send him away permanently into another dimension too, either way both good options here" i was unsure if he was just talking to himself or me in general but i need this to stop now if i need his help or not but my powers have somehow disappeared again leaving me absolutely defenceless to their attacks to what should i do? "Hello? What is your decision? I gave you two options to choose from" he spoke snapping me back to him remembering the questions as I watched as Dan flung himself back to Keith going back into head-to-head combat and actually doing some damage this time.

"Can i send him away into a separate dimension? Because i know that even if you do take him away for a couple if days he's jus going to continue trying to kill me" I relied as he just simply agreed and did it as he came through into the area where the two are fighting stopping them instantly but Keith however didn't like this interruption.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die too?" He growled as i felt the tension come off him while Dan stood there with a calm but alert posture glaring at Keith preparing himself for when he tries to do something stupid. "Well..*looks at me* someone in particular definitely needs to go" he said again before turning his body to look at me as I knew for a fact that i was his main objective.

"Don't you dare think about it, only cowards would pick on the innocent and vulnerable" Dan said as he was beginning to get pissed but why? I ain't important let alone liked by anyone fro noting else other than my looks and feminine body structure being more seductive than even the fittest of models and i hate that.

"Oh. and what are you going to do about it?oh yeah! Nothing.." Fake Keith asked with a over confident smirk showing his pearly white teeth and ghostly fangs as Dan clenched his fists really wanting to punch the guy in the face. I wanted to get up but the energy wasn't really there leaving me leaned against the tree until someone actually comes around and helps me up.

"He might not be able to, but i can" another voice spoke as the real Keith came out of nowhere making the other Keith look at him seeing the situation he was now stuck in when the real one transformer into his ghost form as his skin was now dark ombré blue as his hair was teal ombré as it flowed elegantly matching the two colours perfectly together. His eyes were turquoise something you don't usually see in a ghost but i could tell that he was no ordinary guy either compared to the fake Keith who was nothing like him at all, was i talking to the real or the fake one? I really have no clue.

"You're supposed to be trapped! How did you escape?" The faker asked demanding completely taking his attention straight off me as i sighed with relief bit even i know that this wouldn't last long knowing this guy he's incredibly short tempered. Keith smirked in response not being dumb or one track side minded as he seemed to know what he was getting himself into.

"Hah, barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead, you're getting all worked up over nothing..hehe, you've changed, you're getting weak" he spoke in a way that he actually knew who this was as the fake Keith growled at him not even moving a muscle but why isn't clockwork doing anything?

"I'm not weak, you are! As well as the families favourite child" he said leaving everyone baffled other than Clockwork as he is always one step ahead of us in everything we do. Wait Keith had a twin brother?! Why didn't he tell me about this? I guess our friendship means nothing to him hmph!

"Now I hate you even more.." Dan growled realising the unexpected surprises as either of them could confusing him and attack at any moment but we all know that Keith isn't like that.

"Come on Kaiden, you know that ain't true man" Keith said knowing the dark truth behind his families past even though one twin is way superior than the other making them more looked up at by their parents leaving the other one out ignoring the feelings they have to share on what's happening as no one should be choosing favourites especially between twins. Kaiden gritted his teeth as he lifted up his hand aiming it at me while glaring straight at his brother of ignoring the other ghosts in the process as if he wanted Keith to watch this personally.

"This is all your fault! If you weren't born I wouldn't be like this and maybe they would've loved me!" He exclaimed at him as I saw these mixed emotions take over him now seeing that he was not only angry at the fact that he is casted away from his family but probably thinks that he's a mistake which he wasn't as everyone has their purpose and Kaiden is yet to find his either in this world or somewhere else. Keith clenched his hands now forming a fist as I struggled sliding my back up the tree's bark using just my legs to stand myself back up and move out of the blast or whatever Keiden had in store for me that will probably kill me if I didn't move from thats spot while they're distracted.

"You don't have to do this, there is a better way out of this without any of us fighting just let me help you brother" Keith begged not wanting to harm his brother but if it comes to where it's practically impossible for him to come peacefully then Keith would have no other choice but to fight and lock him away until he learns how to control his anger and cooperate with others without resulting to violence. I made my way through the bushes behind the tree I had got up from mainly to get myself to safety but before I could go any further I found myself banging my shoulder and arm against another tree popping the bastard back into where it belongs, my socket. The fucker hurt when it went back in but that pain quickly faded as I looked down at my right hand now finally able to fold it in and of a fist giving me full control of my entire arm again, I sighed with relief feeling my arm begins to slightly ache due to it being dislocated and popped back in on two occasions but that didn't stop me from heading the fuck away and back to a familiar warm place that I call home where I put my arm in a rest so it'll heal on its own for future use. However later on throughout the day Jazz came other with Dan checking up on me but the way they acted was strange as if they felt pity for me and yet one of them was still pissed off at Kaiden for almost murdering me today while I was completely unaware of the event itself on my day off, talking about Kaiden he sadly had to be put away and taken into the hands of clockworks who identified him as a potential risk to the entire timeline if he was to continue walking free without being punished for his selfish actions he had made and attempt to kill an innocent being, even though I wasn't made at him but if he had just explained himself I would gladly help him than let the bastard murder me just to redeem his worth to this so called 'family' of his and jow selfish they're for choosing Keith to be their favourite even though Kaiden too has the potential to be as great as his brother.