Chapter 9

This month was different for Aria as she had to go out at night to cautiously patrol the outskirts of the city for this unknown entity she has been feeling for the past 2 weeks making her feel off like they were following her everywhere getting on her nerves. The energy was last present a few minutes out of the cities perimeter and towards a suspicious looking forest which wasn't taken for granted as she went inside unfazed by the place loving the nature and fresh air that continuously brushed past her. "I will find this freak and get answers on why they're creeping my following me everywhere" she thought while lowly growling to herself not seeing the possible trap she was stepping foot into the deeper she went into this mysterious forest all alone. A weird black Misty figure could be seen not so far away from her as she figured that it was the person she was looking for and boldly rushed after it not thinking for what she could possibly  be bumping into going in like that. "Aha! I found you!" She felt stupid when she stopped seeing nothing but emptiness and silence around her, it was like she was stuck in a ghost town or something with how dead quiet it had just become, no birds or animals nothing! Aria was left standing there clueless possibly going insane but she knew that going back now was the better option to take as she looked back seeing that the trail she was once one had disappeared puzzling herself while attempting to keep herself calm hating the feeling of being alone in a dead silent forest like this that could drive any human being insane. "What the fuck?! Where did the path go?" She said staring at the ground before gulping down some saliva she had built up in her mouth, the scenery was beautiful but no one in there mind would be able to stay there on their own unless they're deranged or a bloody psychopath.

"Follow me.." a distant voice could be heard calling out to her sounding rather feminine and somethings she would trust but Aria stayed out incase she was in some sort of twisted mind game with this so called person she had been tracking down for the past 2 weeks.

"Whatever witchery mind game you're playing I ain't having it! But if you're from hocus-pocus then surely we can come up with something" Aria jokingly said obviously seeing the movie she had watched recently with Brea while having a girls night. No one knew who this being was or where it is but Aria liked playing with her opponents and this might be one hell of a game.

"Follow me.." it completely ignored her twist for a game as the feeling of being watched changed her mind completely sending shivers down her spine.

"Follow you where exactly? I don't exactly see a path for me to follow on" she impatiently asked not trusting this voice at all as a pathway became clear in front of her bringing suspicion if she should enter through or not. "Nah, I'm going home screw this" she added however Aria was brave to disobey this mysterious beings orders but turning her back on the path it had revealed for her to follow was a big mistake.

"Your actions will have consequences" it said as she rolled her eyes in response not believing it until she began to feel nauseous and confused on where she was "let's see if this is enough to fix that cocky attitude of yours" it lastly spoke before beginning to do some sort of chant making Aria's state even worser as she collapsed to the floor hitting her head in the process knocking herself out thanks to this thing.

Footsteps could be heard walking upon that opened path as a dark figured in a long black cloak could be seen approaching Aria's now unconscious body and smirked in glee finally getting what they've been searching for."Finally the moment I've been waiting for" their voice was inaudible making it impossible to know if they were male or female as they crouched down near her chest placing their hand on top where her core/heart would be located and began to extract her energy for themselves. "Yes! This power it's just as I remembered, your core however is incredibly unstable like pure usual..this is going to be fun" they said with a chuckle before using a spell on Aria changing her into the male version of herself and boy would I die for him.

Aria was suddenly left abandoned by this mysterious being in this form she's now stuck in or he as she is now a boy due to the little spell that was put on her changing her gender entirely for who knows how long.

Brea's PoV:

It has been hours since my mum hasn't come back from her patrol yet which is starting to worry me even though she is capable of taking care of herself while I'm stuck at home watching tv until she comes back. "Ugh! I can't wait anymore!" I groaned pulling my phone before beginning to furiously spam my mum wanting her to come back hoping that she isn't going through a ghost eating phase again or I would have to get the others involved as I refuse to go through all of that crap again. 'Ping!' I got a notification from my phone seeing that it was my mum.


Mum: what do you want? I have a aching headache!

Brea: come home I'm hungry

Mum: and? You know how to cook you lazy shit, make some cereal or something.

Brea: no I can't be arsed to do that I need you fantastic cooking in my belly,

Mum: whatever but if you see me don't bloody scream

Brea: why would I scream?

*she doesn't reply*


I felt offended as she left me on read like that but that's my mum she hated communicating most of the time especially with boys like Keith who try and get in her pants now and then but somehow Dan keeps randomly popping out of nowhere and saving the day before my mum could kill a bitch even though I hate them both sometimes..not my mum I mean the guys.

I sat for a full hour until the front door slammed shut showing that who ever entered was seriously mad about something probably my mum so I got up from the sofa and went to meet her but when I got there I froze when this big ass sexy muscular dude glanced down at me just like my mother does whenever I get detention or into any sort of trouble. "Who the fuck are you?" I confusingly asked as he inhaled in a way he didn't want to strangle me in which I was thankful for.

"Fuck sake Brea! Did you not get my texts at all?" He asked as I pulled out my phone once again still seeing my message which she hasn't answered yet hearing how impatient the man was being with how much time I was wasting. "I literally told you to not bothered me when I get in" he said again sounding a bit more like her but there is only one thing I and my mum know and it's who her mega crush is even if they fight 24/7.

" order for me to believe that you are my mum, who is your secret love interest?" I asked with an innocent look glancing at the man who instantly went red and coughed in response unsure if he wanted to answer.

"I ain't telling you shit! He's probably already  here so no! I ain't confessing to anything" he crossed his arms looking away from me embarrassed acting in the same way like my mother would but I must ask one more thing to ensure my suspicions are true.

"Alright then..Give me one good reason why I shouldn't scream bloody murder right now?" I loved toying with people and their minds sometimes especially if they were my mother as her expression always satisfy me especially when it comes to her new crushes, I'm just glad that it isn't Keith or i would probably drop kick her ass right now.

" you want me to tell him? Not mine but yours because you know full on well that i will embarrass your tiny little ass right here right now!" He responded knowing i just as well as the my mother seeing me slowly step back in silence understanding what this guy meant as he stood there probably an inch taller than Dan himself which brought me some suspicions, if my mum was a real man would she really be this tall? If so then how?!

"Okaaayyy..but if you're my mum then why are you so tall?" I asked again as he took some offence in the question i had just asked alerting me on what a huge mistake i had just made. "Oh crap" i silently mumbled to myself as he eyes slowly glowed into a blue pissed of but doesn't intend to harm to me in any shape or form but i can tell that it was some form of intimidation to shut me up.

"You're grounded! Go to you room!" He growled echoing throughout the house making me jump and bolt upstairs leaving this mad man to his own devises knowing that i ain't near powerful enough to take him on if he wasn't my mum stuck with a stupid gender changing spell. When alone i secretly told my ghostly friend of why was happening and stupidly for me i thought he wasn't going to think any of it but I was wrong..i was very very wrong.

No one's PoV:

The clock's hand struck twelve Aria was laid on her back with a hand behind her head as the other one was resting on her stomach currently taking a nap unaware of who were about make an entrance inside her house. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" Brea repeatedly panicked to herself while rushing down the stairs seeing both Danny and Dan head in the direction of her house, she stopped at the bottom of the stairs to look into the living room seeing Aria peacefully napping on the sofa as Brea gulped knowing that shit was about to go down. "He's soooo dead.." she thought wondering if she should risk it or not and wake the guy up but before she could move it was too late the pot was kicked it waking him up looking at the doorway seeing Brea stood there panicked and confused unsure of what to think of the situation.

"Where is he?" Dan said looking down at Brea who looked into the living seeing Aria sat up waiting for them giving zero shits about these guys even though she can't use her powers du to some unknown problem she has yet to find. Dan went into the doorway seeing him sat on the sofa just calmly looking at him realising that he too wasn't the only big and buff guy in this city or house for that matter before noticing that familiar white streak in his hair that only Aria had which confused and angered him, were they related or something? "Who are you and where is Aria?!" He growled showing hostile behaviour to this intruder who he had no clue that they were actually Aria. The guy stood up from the sofa and made his way over to Dan showing no sign of aggression but being in his presence just brought this uneasy feeling to all three of them seeing that he was actually bigger than Dan in both muscle and hight by an inch or 2 showing no fear nor intimidation which was rather unusual.

"I know this looks bad but could you kindly not kick in the door next time or you'll be fixing it" he responded revealing his deep seductive voice that would send any girl over heels with a single word or scare any man who dares to confront or challenge him. Brea slowly slipped away back upstairs to her room leaving whatever these guys are doing and keep her out of it if fighting come involved.

"Answer my question before i dragged you out onto the streets and beat your ass" he repeated again as Aria sighed rolling his eyes not in the mood for this bu before anything could happen Dan singly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling him out by force onto the pathway failing to make Aria fall onto her ass as he stood there glaring at Dan with a look of rage warning him to not get any closer. The two stood there staring at one another making eye contact refusing to break it until Dan scoffed looking away not in retreat but was tired of this and was growing impatient.

"You wanna fight a guy taller and buffer than you? That's a death wish if i did something like that" Danny said seeing how intimidatingly strong this guy looked even though right now he's absolutely powerless due to some unknown complications with his body and isn't aware of it.

"Of course i will cause no one else going to do so shut up and get out of my way!" He coldly growled shoving Danny away not in the mood to settle this with good old team work. Aria saw something move at the corner of her left eye and glanced over seeing he bushes move catching the others attention as well at this unexpected distraction, seconds later Keith was seen tripping out from the bush not seeing the big ass man standing a few metres away from him before eventually looking up seeing him standing there looking down at him.

"Wow! Dude your absolutely jacked! Remind me to never mess with your girl" Keith nervously said slowly going over to Dan and stood beside him confused on who this guy is. "Do you know who this bussing guy is?" He asked admitting how hot this new guy was and the way he just looked at him made his stomach turn.

"Tch! You really are getting on my nerves" Aria said as his eyes glowed blue finally showing signs of aggression and intimidation towards the two but didn't actually wanted to fight due to how much energy he had wasted during the patrol and getting jumped by a mysterious thing. "If i wasn't so drained of my energy i would've willingly accepted to your terms but i guess it's time for me to go and hunt for my next brunch, see ya chubs!" he said licking his lips revealing those sharp set of fangs before dispersing from eye sight right then and there.

"Where did he go?!" Dan exclaimed riding out to the empty side walk seeing no signs of the guy as he growled to himself seriously pissed off by the way that guy called him chubs, however Keith seemed interested in the new guy and the way he just stood up to Dan like that really showing what he's made off not seeing him as a worthy competitor. Dan walked off forcing Keith to follow after him refusing to be left behind even though both men are capable of independence and take this guy on their own without any help.

"Wait where are you going?" He asked looking to his left seeing how aggressively mad he was bringing Keith to an instant conclusion of what he actually wanted to do. Keith got in front of Dan stopping him in his tracks knowing that this wouldn't stop the big guy from getting what he wants. "stop! You can't be serious about taking this guy on right? He's bigger than you so wouldn't that mean he's stronger too!"he pleaded wanting to change his mind but Keith knew by the look in Dan's eyes that he made things way more serious as they turned red making it pretty obvious that a fight was about to take place if he successfully finds this guy meaning that this is going to get ugly.

"Out of my way!" Dan growled as he aggressively shoved Keith out of the way into a nearby fence breaking it from just the force of his bare hand showing no mercy to anyone who dares to stop him. "I refuse to let this guy get the best of me but one fight isn't going to harm anyone" he thought taking no notice of what he was going to do or the danger he is about to put himself in from this one guy.

Somewhere deep in the city Aria was snacking on his ghostly prey loving the way the ectoplasm went down his throat when swallowed as there was still some left around the mouth and on his teeth but slowly licked it off with his tongue desiring the taste and power it brings him when at his most vulnerable. "Please..spare me" the greatly wounded ghost begged looking up at his new found threat who kept a close eye down at the entrance still cleaning the bothering ectoplasm he so desirably loved.

"Nah, you're too tasty to be left unfinished. I'm gonna eat you whole" he slowly teased the ghost grabbing it by the gasp of its throat slamming it down against the rock hard concrete feeling its body tremble beneath him as he leaned in closer to the neck as it whimpered making him sinisterly chuckle before moving down its body until he was above its chest. "Lets see if you have a heart" he purposely mentioned glancing over at the petrified ghost feeling its hands clutch around his arm tried to scratch or inflict harm which ultimately failed. "Ah-ah, that's not very nice is it?" He said baring his teeth at them as a warning but it made them kick him in the face as a result triggering to impulsively grab their right leg snap and twist it clean off as he used his big hand to cover their mouth refusing to let anyone find them and ruin his meal. "That right there isn't going to happen buddy, now be a good ghosty and behave or i will devour you every night until I'm completely satisfied" he threatened with a low growl as they nodded understanding the consequences but refused to let go of their mouth as he brought up his left hand until it was only a few inches from their chest as they looked completely normal before suddenly sharp black monstrous claws came out of no where starling almost scaring the ghosts out of them.

"Mmph?!" They tried to scream but their mouth was covered making it impossible for anyone to reach out for them as he loved this petrified expression his prey made every time he reveals something absolutely terrifying.

"Whats that? I cant hear you" he said with a smirk before piercing into their chest hearing the muffled screams they made as his hand continued to feel around completely covered in ectoplasm. "Oh don't worry you wont die, you're already dead so these injuries are nothing compared to real death and pain this is only temporally until i find what I'm looking for" he tried to explain to his prey even though this was only until he finds the main source of life itself and instantly kill it which would be the core but can the dead really be killed again? "However you aren't from around here are you? I can ell by the way you smell and taste its way more sweeter and filling" he mentioned as it made them struggle even more before grabbing hold onto the thing he need and carefully pulled it out just as someone came around the corner seeing this horrific sight.

"What the fuck?!" Keith said to himself completely grosses out as Aria or what is left of him or her just sat on his knees devouring a heart of someone's core while ectoplasm dripped from his face savouring every moment of this delicious meal they had hunted down before standing up wiping his face facing Keith with a look of no sighs of showing mercy.

"Oh. you look absolutely scrumptious..Keith" he said making Keith cringe and step back in fear seeing this monstrous side of him call out his name as if he actually knew him. Aria could feel the fear build up within him making Keith even more of an target as the more feared the less they'll fight back and put of a fight.

"How do you know my name?" Keith asked not aware of Dan walking up behind him seeing the feared expression painted onto his face. Aria tilted her head feeling a stringer presence come closer to them as he chuckled and is appeared into the darkness leaving them all alone.

"What are you so freaked out about? Nothing is even down there" Dan confusingly asked not seeing the danger but when he glanced the unconscious or yet dead body of a regretted ghost he knew exactly what Keith was so afraid of. "What did you see?" He asked getting serious once again bowing that they were getting close on finally finding this guy and take him away before any more further harm can be done to anyone else.

"H-he ate their heart..he knew my name..he's after me.. HE WANTS TO EAT ME!" He yelled as Dan smacked the back of his head shutting him up and not make a fool of himself over some guy.

"Just shut up and follow me" Dan said before walking into the dark alleyway past the now puddle of ectoplasm where the ghost was once seen alive. Keith didn't like this new guy anymore and how much hell he is causing the dead already in the span of an hour.

"I know we have to get this guy but why me? I don't want to be his next meal I'll die" Keith asked not wanting to chicken out when it comes to a guy who clearly out matches them in both speed and power but he could be wrong. Dan ignored him an focused on his surroundings refusing to get jumped by this guy or anyone who has chosen to stand against him and try to frown them to the undead cannibal for his next meal.

They came to an opening on the road which rang some bells as this familiar scene reminded Dan of what happens with Aria and her surprisingly strong strength when she pushed him singly handed to the floor only inches from ripping out his throat pipe. "Be careful this guy can be anywhere, if he attacks just aim for the weak spots ad knock him out" Dan instructed giving up on the thought of fighting this guy due to the familiarities he has other Aria which brought him to the conclusion that Brea was hiding something about Aria that he must know before things get out if hand. The two were separated for about 10 minutes when Keith was sent flying into the back of Dan sending him on his stomach and Keith laid sideways on his back in pain. "Get off me you fat ass!" He growled as Keith got up sitting on the floor beside him while Dan stood up and brushed himself off seeing him in his ghost for and badly beaten up which was off. "What happens to you? You look like shit" he asked as Keith stood up bruised and had a little nose bleed from a bad blow to the face.

"Trust me on this one but i was right that guy is strong like surprising strong, we need to go and alert the others for backup" he replied which was one of many things Dan didn't want to happen and risk harm to others who have no involvement with this guy. Aria came out of nowhere revealing himself to them resenting his power towards them showing no signs of giving up which intrigued Dan's interest causing him to transform into his ghost form as a smirk came up on his face. "Are we going to fight him?" Keith asked as Dan chuckled cracking his neck and then knuckles not wanting to pass down an opportunity like this to g against a worthy or stronger opponent like this.

"Of course I'm going to fight him, just stay out of my way and let me deal with this bastard" Dan replied understanding the risks and dissatisfaction if Keith was to help him in battle but it was obvious that he was secretly jumped by Aria due to how banged up he was which was rather cheap and unfair which isn't like her at all. Aria saw the intriguing opportunity feeling his power which is the main reason why he was going for Keith first and consume his ectoplasm first to match up with him but that wouldn't be necessary in his case as he had enough power to keep both of them satisfied before getting what he wants. Rain began to pour creating a more suitable battle ground for them as anyone could slip and be at a disadvantage if not used correctly and most likely die in the hands of the enemy.