Chapter 10

The rain fell even heavier than before forcing Keith to retreat under a nearby sheltered dry spot where he transformed back into his human form safely observing the fight between the two beasts who wouldn't stop at nothing until one of them falls. Dan glanced over at Aria who was still stood in place completely spaced out while ectoplasm was seen washing off with the rain getting rid of any evidence that could be used against him. "Why isn't he transforming?" Dan thought confusingly still staring at this guy as he continued to stand there making no signs of movement or anything. "Is he dead? Unconscious? Or is it just a trap?" He asked himself and sighed before carefully making his way towards the unaware and completely dazed out of their mind not seeing him walk towards them. Keith looking at Dan watching him walk up to the enemy thinking that he must've gone insane if he plans to just walk towards someone that dangerous as if they're just a friend. "If he really is who i think he is then maybe i could talk some sense into him..if he's hasn't gone that far yet" Dan thought seeing the resemblance of Aria in the way he acts and is strangely doing things that only she does, still dazed and out of his mind Aria's self consious has gone completely blank as Dan stood at least a meter from this guy understanding the danger but he planned to bring him back to his senses before he is forced to harm him in ways only he knows are excruciating to the human body.

Dan's PoV:

Standing there in front of him just gave me the chills seeing how big this guy is and if it was really Aria as she is much smaller a few inches shorter than me but it could be because of the gender difference between them. "You dead man?" I asked seeing his eyes completely blank and open showing no signs of life as i placed a hand on his chest feeling a gentle, calm heartbeat beat inside against my hand as for a monstrous beast's heart would be rapidly beating with ill intentions but his was more innocent as if he was forced to do this. "This is fucked up, why are you like this?" I asked myself in my mind not understanding the reason why they need to eat ectoplasm so badly is there something wrong with them or their core? It's disgusting to think about it but i know it isn't their fault that they're like this but what's causing it?

I removed my hand from his chest as he was still stood there motionless and completely dazed which was kinda sus getting on my nerves now making me look behind me over to where Keith was sat sheltered from the rain watching me at a safe distance as i gestured him to come over making he groaned not wanting to get wet but none of us has a choice in the matter anymore especially in this type of situation. He eventually came over to be but stayed an extra metre away from me afraid of this dude even though he's practically harmless right now. "What? I thought you wanted me to stay out of your way?" He asked as my arm went back and grabbed his shirt pulling him in front of me as he was left only inches from touching this guy's chest. "Wow! Wow! Wow! What do you think you're doing Dan?!" He exclaimed as i spotted a little bit of movement feeling the fear in Keith who wasn't aware of what was to come.

"If you make another sound or possibly move a single muscle you'll become his next meal" i purposely whispered teasing the coward even though he mostly isn't afraid of anything until they turn out to be as scary as Aria, his hand clenched onto my cape dragging it forward and more out towards him as he looked up at my opponent. "Are you really scared of this guy? He's completely harmless right now" i lied but if this guy wasn't going to move then maybe revealing his next target could wake him up.

"Are you kidding me!? I rather live than become your live bate!" He yelled before disappearing and move out of my gasp as i looked up at the guy seeing his head now in a completely new position glancing straight at me, did it work? Is he finally going to fight me?

"Mm.." he groaned to himself placing a hand on his shoulder before moving it in a slow motion indicating that his muscles must be sore and back to normal again bringing me closer to him.

"Who are you?" I asked needing answers if this guy is actually capable of giving them while Keith stayed behind leaving me to cope with this guy on my own which doesn't seem to be a problem. He stopped whatever he was doing as that intense atmosphere faded away but rain stayed drenching us both as are clothes were completely wet from how long we've been stood out here.

"If i were to tell you it would make me sound crazy" he replied now back to normal like what the hell man! Where did that carnivorous side of you disappear to? I looked at him confused and slowly losing my patience to this guy.

"Just tell me! How hard can that be?" I impatiently replied as he sighed at me rather annoyed casing us to get into each other's faces growling at one another showing no fear or mercy until he aggressively pushed me into Keith who fell over while i stood there having enough of this guy's shit.

"After all this time you never thought to ask Brea?! She knows who i am! And now I'm stuck as a fucking tall ass man for who knows how long and you're here trying to fight me! What the heck man?!" He yelled with his eyes glowing that familiar blue colour as i grew hesitant of what to do next forcing me to transform back to normal refusing to cause a scene.

"Wait? ARIA?!" Keith exclaimed pushing me aside now face to face with him no longer afraid but amazed at this strange transformation. "What happened to you?" He asked as he seemed confused scratching the back of his head recollecting his thoughts.

"Its gonna sound crazy but I was doing my usual night patrol when i felt that unusual energy again the one that was following me for the past 2 weeks and when i went into the forest i rushed after a black misty figure deeper inside and got myself caught into a mind illusion trap when a voice told me to follow it and made a path for me to go down but i refused and went in the opposite direction before something knocked me out turning me into a man" he replied sounding absolutely insane but if it was Aria then maybe i should keep an eye on this guy incase he begins to act out in ways Aria shouldn't and take him away before harm is done to my family.

"Brea! Wait!" Danny was heard yelling put meaning that the kid was here and the main suspect that needs to help brighten some light on who this is. She rushed past shoving both me and Keith out of the way before hugging the man who placed a hand on her head accepting her embrace.

"Did they hurt you mum?" She asked proving it as i put my hands into my trouser pockets finally solving the problem and headed off home leaving the idiots to their own devises, I need a nap.

No one's PoV:

"I'm fine Brea" Aria replied but Brea refused to let go tightly gripping on his shirt as he sighed picking her up as she was now sat on his left arm as her arm went around his shoulder trusting him greatly with her life. "Wanna head back home?" He asked as she nodded before yawning completely exhausted from staying up so late and running around town in search for her mum. "See ya Keith" he lastly said before heading off back home forgetting everything that had happened that night for everyone's sake. Aria closed and locked the front door taking his now sleeping daughter upstairs to her bedroom and tuck her in for the night. "Sweet dreams superstar" he said kissing her forehead before leaving the room closing the door shut trusting that Brea will be alright as he went into his room and slept away without anymore distractions.

When the next morning came around Aria was woken up by an intense pain in his chest for him to sit up clenching his hand against the middle of his chest the place where it hurt the most struggling to breath or collect himself from how excruciating it was as if someone was stabbing him straight through the heart. "Hm..fuck!" He growled hardly able to speak before the pain slowly subsided within 5 minutes leaving him drenched in sweat trying to catching his breath confused on what the fuck had just happened. "What..the actual fuck..just happened?" He confusingly asked himself slowly moving his hand from his chest looking at the palm unsure of what to think or even do as this was all completely new to him. "Is this what dying feels like?" He thought as the door to his room slowly creaked open slightly forcing him to snap out of his confused daze hearing a little bell jungle just to have a cute black and white cat jump onto the bed blessing him with its presence. It's body was big and yet slightly Plump covered in silky smooth black and white fur still wearing the cute pink collar her owner got her after turning 2 last week.

"Meow!" Mittens called out as Aria sighed glad to see his adorable little attention seeking buddy while she brushed her body against his arm purring with love. He slightly smiled stroking the sweet little beast loving the attention she was so desperately waited for and licked his index finger giving him little kisses with her tongue that kinda felt like sand paper.

"I guess the reason why you're here is probably because your hungry right?" He asked talking to the cat sounding like a complete psycho but it was what he's used to especially after something unknown like that pain he got a few seconds ago. Mittens gently pushed her head against his forearm proving that he was right she was hungry and came up here to bother him. "Aight, let's go and get you some chum mate" he said taking the cover off himself and got out of bed quickly throwing on some pyjama trousers on before heading downstairs topless into the kitchen to prepare breakfast both of them as well as Brea whenever she decides to get out of bed.

During the week before the Gender swap curse wore off Aria was strangely famous to every woman who saw him while he walked through the city with Brea and some friends but he chose to push them away than let a woman stop him from getting wherever he wanted to be even if they linked onto his arms he didn't care as they weighed nothing compared to his manly strength. Aria is was glad to be back into her original feminine body and get back into doing whatever she loved especially her family as well as reading or isolating herself during meditation to calm her inner beast whenever it grows hungry for ectoplasm, but for a while it never revealed itself which didn't bring her any suspicion at first as this is the first time in months that she can finally enjoy herself without feeling the craving for Ectoplasm or death. She never brought up the incident about the strange pain that happened a few days back as she thought that it meant nothing and was more of a heart burn pain making her forget all about it not realising the risks that comes with it.

"When did I become apart of this?" Aria asked as she walked beside Jazz and the other Fentons ready to have another family dinner at Vlad's again even though she prefers to not eat another man's food who means nothing to her.

"You're gonna keep Dan company even though he doesn't really need it but use the time you have to try to get to know about each other" Jazz replied making Aria think for a moment where the two of them might need to actually catch up or make up but nothing seemed to catch her attention while Dan glanced at Aria from a far with the corner of his eye for a second before looking away.

"Whatever.." Aria mumbled not really complaining as his presence wasn't annoying or a both in anyway but despised Vlad and his selfish ways even though they hardly speak unlike the good double ganger of himself who has changed for the better and moved on still living in the mansion as his presence to the city would confuse everyone so hiding him for now was the better way to prevent questions and the finding of the different separated timelines.

When the two when into the library leaving the family to alone to dine with Vlad Aria and was looking at the bookshelf's in search for a book that suited her taste for mystery stories and puzzles of murders and fantasy beings of their mysterious life of hiding from hunters that wants their heads to nail them up onto the walls or preserve them in museums proving that their existence was real. Dan was sat on the library's sofa with his feet kicked up on the table crossed reading a book he found interesting waiting until Aria finds a book as it had been 5 minutes since she began her search to find the right book.

"Are you still searching for a book?" Dan asked looking from the page he was originally reading seeing her struggling to find an appropriate book that suits her taste as she looked to her right at Dan displeased.

"Well nooo, I'm just doing this because I'm bored" she sarcastically responded as he smirked before looking back down at his book staying out of her business for a while.

Aria's PoV:

Spotting a rather dark looking book picking it from the shelf with my fingers just to find out that it was exactly what I'm searching for something mysterious and eye catching keeping me draw to the pages at all times wondering if I will ever get a break and wait until the next time I read something like this. "The Dazzling immortal's desire" I read to myself being pulled in just to read the book even if I haven't opened it yet, it just felt so strong and appealing to me even from looking at the front cover. I glanced over at Dan seeing his eyes drawn to the book he had chosen just after entering the library, butterflies filled my stomach whenever I look or talk to him which is something I haven't experienced in a very long time could it be that I am in love? Am I finally moving on with my life and falling for someone who might actually treat me with respect than use me as some stupid punching bag? His eyes looked up at me surprising me, did he already know that I was looking at him? I stuck my tongue at the bloke making him raise an eyebrow at me before lowering his book as it remained open on his lap.

"Is there something you need help with or are you too embarrassed to admit to me that you can't read?" He purpose asked with a cheeky smile as I gasped in response before chuckling to myself holding up the book I had found gently waving chest level allowing him to see it "Oh, so you're into those books, very interesting but ya know human like vampires don't exist anymore right?" He said exposing his disbelief on vampires but he sounded rather sarcastic unless this is one of his plans to get on my nerves again, there it goes again those butterflies travelling throughout my body giving me that nervous feeling whenever I was to look, talk or near go near him and yet I refuse to expose my feelings to anyone other than Brea as she used her tiny brain to find out and I still don't know how.

"Hmm, oh well at least my book is way more interesting than whatever you're reading" I said as I began to make my way towards him and the sofas where we would usually sit stopping the waving motion as the book rested near my hip. His attention was quickly put back onto his book but he was still listening wanting to keep the conversation going between us.

"Bet! But don't get your hopes up though, any good looking book can turn out to be just as plain and boring as it's main protagonist so don't say I didn't warn ya" he replied ignoring me as his smile wiped away while concentration took over as I could tell that he was really interested in this book so it would be better to leave him. But just as I was about to reach the sofas that one intense pain I felt when I was stuck in a male version of myself clenching my chest but this time it was way worse. Dropping my book grunting, clutching the sofa with one hand while the other was painted onto that one familiar spot from before trying to get my breath as that stabbing feeling grew from one knife to 10 as if all of them were aiming for that one specific spot that I really didn't want to experience again, but here we are. I could hear Dan stand up in a hurry and rush over as my eyes were glued to the floor as sweat began to over take my body refusing to let me even breath a full breath from how excruciating the pain was becoming.

"Fuck..this isn't..good" I mumbled to myself struggling to speak full fledged sentences feeling his hands touch the back of my shoulder blades as his big black combat boots made their way into my sights standing just inches away from my head refusing to let myself look up and possibly be talking to his crotch.

"Are you okay?" He asked which was a bit unusual for someone like him to worry about someone like me, but when he touched me the tingling feeling lasted only a few seconds before the pain kicked back in which brought me down to my knees as my hands aggressively slapped against the floor becoming dangerously light headed now unable to see him but his one hand remained on my back feeling how unexpectedly big it was way bigger than anyone I have ever seen in my current life time. Before anything could be done my arms gave way as my vision soon followed after blacking out from the pain I failed to endure unlike the last time as now I am possibly laying unconscious on the cold floor possibly unable to breath due to the pain that prevented any good amount of oxygen to enter my lungs causing me to pass out unaware that I could be dead right now.

Dan's PoV:

As soon as she collapsed i caught her and flipped onto her back seeing that she was no longer breathing forcing me to begin CPR especially mouth to mouth which is something I kinda nervous about but right now her life is on the line and I can't let my feelings get in the way on saving it. Luckily for me Vlad Masters the good double ganger came into the library seeing me doing compressions on Aria and rushed over since the two kinda grow a weird bond compared to the hate she has towards Plasmus.

"What happened?! Is she okay?" He asked seeing the panic on his face putting more pressure on me as I stopped for a second moving my head near her face while putting a hand on her chest waiting for a response as I waited a few seconds before her chest slowly began to move up and down hearing her breathing into my ear as I groaned finally free from this burden.

"Thank go you're breathing" I said still seeing her covered in sweat from whatever she had just experienced which was either hyperventilation or something even more serious that I don't know of until it hit me, isn't she a ghostly being like me? "Vlad are you still able to do that core seeing thing?" I asked looking up at him as he sighed getting down onto his knees in front of Aria.

"I'll try but it might take me a minute to adjust as her body type and core are way different compared to ours within the human realm, as she is something way different from us ghosts" he replied which confused me, the last and only time she transformed was when we went against that crazy ex of hers within the abandoned laboratory a while back so but her form didn't look clear or stable enough to with stand the power she was emitting which could be the reason why she's hunting ghosts down for their ectoplasm! Her core must be unstable. I could see how concerned he looked we his hands were placed onto her chest where her heart was trying to feel for the core located within it and if there is anything we could do to stop it from possibly killing her, as the core is the main life force that keeps us ghosts and other beings alive no matter how different they are from one another. "This ain't good Dan" he said pulling his hands away from her chest looking straight up at me as i sat their waiting for the results. I had a gut feeling that whatever he was going to tell me wasn't good due to the fact that I had to use CPR to save her from possibly doom and defend against my urges from how sweet she tasted after every mouth to mouth I made to give her as much oxygen as possible until her lungs are able to work solo again.

"Just tell me already" I impatiently replied as he placed a hands on her upper arm looking rather concerned about Aria's well being but not as much as me. Did I cause this to happen? Are her feelings of anger or something causing her core to melt and is slowly killing her? What is it old man!? I could hear my own heart begin to rapidly beat from the nervousness and worry that took over my body the more I keep on looking at her.

"Her core is close to meeting its end but that's not the only bad thing..she's from the spiritual realm specifically the kingdom itself is where she originated from as her core resembles closely to the spiritual being species that is a close relative of the ghosts we know today, not the dead human ones the other ones that can actually die when you either eat or crush their cores" he replied back giving me a full on introduction on what she is and how dangerously unstable her core has become which didn't make things any easier for me, what will the others think of they find out about this? No! They won't find out unless they ask Masters which they won't! I refuse to let them get involved and kill her off as spiritual cores are delicate and extremely rare to come by as the myth continues to bring itself know of the existence of the spiritual kingdom that once rained over the entire realm for over a millennia before mysteriously disappearing without a trace.

"So how can we save her?" I asked as he sighed giving up at this point which made me growl to myself scaring him which i didn't care about right now as I need her alive she needs to live not for me but for Brea her daughter or she too will go down a dark path like I once did before.

"You should really be asking Clockwork as he might actually know what to do as i no longer possess the power to do anything leaving no other option than to pray for Aria right now than give you some easy pointers on how to save her, as the quest he'll give you won't be easy to do on your own" he said which was true forging me to pick her unconscious body up in my arms and made a portal leading straight to Clockworks tower and get some actual help from someone who actually knows what they're doing.

"Ah..right on queue" be continued..