just the three of us: pt12- friendly competition.

After Sapnap and George fucked, Clay is jealous as usual, that someone else is also using George's ass beside him so he and Sapnap decide to have a competition on fucking George.

Sapnap x Clay x George.

*Clay's pov*

I sit there watching as Sapnap and George frantically grab their clothes sprawled across the floor, hating what I just walked into. I was just barely okay with him and Mia being together, but now he had George too? I would always feed off the fact that I was the only one fucking George, the only one making him feel that pleasure, until now. And that alone made me pissed beyond all belief.

As they both finally get all of their clothes back on and wait for me to give them a peice of my mind, I can't help but also feel surprised from the whole situation. I had zero clue that Sapnap was even into George like that. He had never shown any interest to anyone but Mia.

George is the first to make eye contact with me when they finish dressing up, and all I see in his eyes is regret, and maybe even fear of what I might do to him now. When I finally look at Sap, all I see from him is embarrassment. The sadness in his eyes doesn't hold me back from all the hell I was about to unleash whatsoever when I do finally decide to speak up.

"Not only did you need to hog Mia, but now you have to take George too? Man, you're a fucking asshole!" Surprisingly, Sapnap doesn't break down like he looks close to doing, instead he was shaking his head swiftly back at me.

"How many times do we have to tell you that neither of them are yours! You do not own them Clay!" I knew he was right, I didn't own them, but I just simply cared for them that much, and sometimes my jealousy took over and there wasn't much I could do to stop it when it came out.

"We're all in this together. It's called a relationship, and so far you're doing a terrible job at it. I'm surprised Mia hasn't given up on you by now!" His words end up reaching me with such force I feel I could actually tip over. I glance over at George who was eyeing us with worried eyes then all at once my words fail me.

"Clay- please don't be mad at Sapnap. I was the one who enticed him to do it. It was my fault. So be angry with me." I was angry with both of them, but mainly myself, but I wasn't about to say that to them. I needed to get over my jealousy one way or another, but I wasn't sure how yet.

"Okay. You're right Sapnap." George swings his head around to find Sapnap who was now also watching me like I was playing a joke on him now.

"What? I am?" I could see a cocky grin forming on his face and all it did was beg to start up the flames inside me again, but I remain calm anyway.

"Yeah, I can get jealous. I just-." I stop, unsure how to word it without being so straightforward, but quickly realize there wasn't much other choice so I was quickly continuing.

"I liked that I was the only person fucking George. Made me feel special. And with you also doing it now too, it felt less like that." I hear George giggle across the room and my eyes fly up to study him.

"Yes?" He gulps down and quickly glances at Sapnap who was playing with his fingertips nervously.

"I don't know- It's like with Mia. She may say to you guys that she has a favorite, but she doesn't. She likes us all equally." I'm going back and forth between George and Sapnap, understanding he means he liked being fucked by both of us for different reasons. It wasn't a competition.

"I'll still want you Clay. Even with Sapnap being with me too." I can't help but chuckle as George speaks now, finally fully understanding that him and Sapnap really just fucked, and just now finding it shocking.

"Speaking of- way to go Sap. Didn't think you had it in you, eh?" He slaps a hand to his forehead and I can tell he was still in shock himself.

"I didn't think I had it in me either. He can be very- persuasive." I watch as George studies us talking about him, and I can't help but get excited from the encounter.

"Yeah? Why's that then?" George looks to Sapnap desperately for an answer, getting noticeably more lured in by the conversation. Sapnap glances at George maybe a little too long until finally answering, also clearly troubled now too.

"He's was just- errily too pretty. Wasn't very fair." Both me and Sapnap had our eyes on George now as he sat across the room on the chair I had just previously saw him getting fucked on. Just the image of it replaying in my head was all I needed to feel myself begin getting slowly hard.

Sapnap was right though, George was nothing less than pretty, and his shyness complimented it perfectly. George must start to feel intimidated by us staring because he was suddenly getting up and stating;

"Okay- since you two aren't going to kill eachother anymore, I'm gonna go shower." George was up and out of the kitchen in a heartbeat, making his way upstairs away from me and Sapnap.

"I'm uh- glad you're taking this well." Sapnap was now making his way past me, into the living room as I followed him close behind.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you too." I was already back to my usual confident self as I spoke to Sapnap, to which he quickly picked up on.

"Proud of me? For what exactly?" I could feel the unnecessary belittlement coming up from my throat that I was so good at throwing his way, and I barely had any say in holding it back.

"I mean George basically said you weren't his favorite. I'm just proud you could take it like a man is all." What the hell Clay? I was one hundred percent expecting Sapnap to burst into hateful flames and start another fight again, but he simply laughed back at me.

"It's a good thing he said the same for you buddy. You're not his favorite either, so." Sapnap sends a massive wink my way then he was sitting on the couch and snatching the remote as usual. I was glad Sapnap took it as a joke and not the opposite of how I meant it. After all we were best friends since we were kids, he knew me better than most people.

"I wouldn't be too sure he didn't just say that to make you feel better." Sapnaps eyes finally dash away from the TV to eye me dangerously now, smirking slightly my way as he studied me. He doesn't say anything so I decide to add some more.

"I'm just saying, I've made George cum many times, and pretty fast too. I'm just kinda thinking I'm definitely his favorite, not you. Sorry Sappy." A neurotic laugh leaves his mouth as he deviously cracked his knuckles, when he finally spoke:

"Wanna bet? I can make him cum much more than you, on a bad day too." I take Sapnaps challenge confidently straight away, knowing how easily George folds for me. I knew I would win.

"Deal. But don't cry too much when you lose." Sapnap rolls his eyes quickly before turning back to watching the TV. I'm walking away, increasingly excited about our bet when I'm stopped by Sapnap speaking up again.

"We'll do it tomorrow. At the pool. Together." I spin around the study him, almost wondering if I heard him wrong. He wanted us to both fuck George tomorrow, together? Being childhood friends, I wasn't sure how to react to his words.

Sure, Sapnap and I had already fucked Mia together, but that was because he only wanted her. But now she wouldn't be involved, just me, Sap and George. And it would be a competition to see who could make George cum more. I was intrigued knowing Sapnap would also be fucking him with me. Very intrigued.

"I'll be there." Sapnap nods at me a little too confidently then continues stretching out on the sofa relaxing as he watched his show. I turn around and head for my room, already pathetically hard thinking about sharing George with my best friend.


*George's pov*

The next day passes after Sapnap and I fucked and the two guys have already been acting- different. Not just around me, but with eachother. Like they have been sucking up to me more than they already did with Mia. I told myself it was simply because Mia had been gone for too long and left it at that, although it still made me wonder anyway.

I had to admit, I liked how they were treating me, it was how Mia always did, sweet. But I also missed them bullying me, how they towered over me, making me almost feel useless. Like they were the ones in charge of my body.

Before I risked the chance of getting hard thinking about them that way, I dismissed the thought and went back to gaming on my computer. I wasn't streaming or anything, Clay, Sapnap and I all just decided to lay back today and chill out. This was the first thing that made me wonder why they were being so thoughtful.

When we had been talking through discord for a few hours already, although we were in the same house, we all finally ended our games and went downstairs for some food. Sapnap ended up whipping something up for us, and it was actually really good.

"Good job Sap. It's actually good this time." I hear Clay scoff beside me but Sapnap ignored him to answer me humbly.

"This time I left out the cauliflower. Ya know, so you didn't complain, this time." I roll my eyes at him, knowing he was totally right and that I did kind of complain.

"Okay- but is it your favorite soup you've ever had in your life George?" I glance at Clay who was speaking so strangely I almost forgot to answer as I studied him. Beside me Sapnap was exhaling loudly at him with a massive eye roll.

"Uh, well it's definitely really good. But I don't think I actually have a favorite soup?" As I finish my sentence Clay let's out an explosive laugh, almost choking down his soup along the way.

"Hear that Clay? He doesn't have a favorite soup. How funny is that?" I definitely needed to never eat soup with these two idiots again after this weird conversation unraveling.

"Oh whatever. I'll make him have a favorite soup. You'll see." I set down my spoon, having plenty of the soup now, feeling like it was making the other two guys loopy somehow. I get up with my bowl only for Sapnap and Clay to both jump up with me. Sapnap was the first to talk, sounding kind of robotic suddenly.

"Clay and I are gonna take a dip out in the pool. Wanna join us George?"

"Isn't it kind of getting late to be swim-." Clay butts in purposely, not letting me finish what I was meaning to say.

"Sounds good, we'll be outside waiting for you, after you take the dishes over to the sink." Right on cue with Clay's words, both of the guys were handing me their bowls and giving me a gentle shove towards the kitchen. Whatever Sapnap put in this soup, I had no idea, but I would never be having it again after tonight for sure.

"Fine, I guess." I walked over to the kitchen and did as they asked, putting the dishes away. When I go up to my room for my swim trunks, I can't help but feel like I was being set up for something now. Feeling dramatic knowing it was probably just because they actually wanted to just swim, I put them on and go back downstairs.

It was definitely too dark out to want to be swimming tonight, as expected. As I stepped outside I was surprised that I felt the warmth of the air this late at night, making it decently hot out. I instantly see Sapnap and Clay already inside the pool floating around, hair wet and bodys exposed, much too attractive looking already.

I get close enough to the pool and the guys finally see me, giving me a slanted look as I approached them.

"What's with the shorts George?" Clay comes forward over to the edge of the pool and yanks at my swim trunks harshly, almost causing them to fall down.

"Hey-! What the hell do you mean? We're swimming." Clay simply tilts his head at me, eyeing my trunks like he despised them on me now.

"Well, we don't have any one. Look." It took me a little too long to understand what Sapnap was saying, but as I looked past his face underneath the water and finally saw him as he said. He was totally naked inside the pool. I look back at Clay closely and see he was also naked.

"We have neighbors you guys! Put something-." Clay's hands found my shorts again and was lightly tugging on them, making me lose my train of thought.

"C'mon, just take them off for us George. It's too dark for anyone to see us anyway." I don't move at all, but what he said made sense. It was abnormally dark tonight, besides the pools inner likes shinning a cool blue light. No one could see us if they wanted to, unless they were here with us also swimming.

Clay must see the want to agree with him in my eyes because he was pulling harder now on my trunks, causing just a sliver of my dick to show. I see him eyeing it as he slowly pulls it down some more, revealing just a little more, teasing both Sapnap and me.

The friction of my swimsuit grinding against my cock from Clay was annoyingly making me harder now as he finally tugged them all the way down, making my dick spring up and slap against my stomach when he did.

Clay watches with pleasure at the sound it makes and I see Sapnap behind him blow out a breath. A pleased smile forms on Clay as he helps me take off the trunks off completely and throws them across the yard.

"Look who's hard already." Sapnap behind him was smirking pleasantly at me, swimming over closer to Clay now. I didn't know what to say to him at all. It wasn't like I could deny that I was hard since I was totally naked now, so I just sat there as they watched my dick.

"Well get in here then. Swim with us." Clay finally backs away from the edge and begins swimming around gracefully, Sapnap following his lead after. I do what I came here to do, feeling awkward that I was hard from literally nothing, and climb down into the pool.

At first the water was colder than I expected, so all I did was stand and cross my arms, not moving all too much. Just then Sapnap was swimming over to me with a big purposeful wave grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Why are you just sitting there?" Feeling myself shrink below in the water from the chills I was accumulating now, I shiver hard at him. He sees this and gives me a sly, daring smirk.

"Cold?" I simply nod at him and his eyes travel along my chest, seeing how annoyingly perky my nipples were. Clay is still swimming idly by himself not too far away when Sapnap takes the hand he was holding and brings me ever so closer to his body.

"I can warm you up." I don't think when I nod at him, already feeling the heat radiating off his chest onto mine. Sapnap doesn't just pull me closer like I thought he would, instead he was simply taking his free hand and placing it along my chest, just between my hard nipples.

Just as fast as that happened, Sapnap was trailing his hand around that area, ever so often brushing his hand against my nipples, making me tremble in his touch. Clay stops swimming behind him and begins to pay attention to what Sapnap was doing to me.

Sapnap seems to have noticed my eyes were wandering over to Clay because he was suddenly removing him hand and pushing his whole body up against me now. Then he was leaning into my neck, just next to my ear while he spoke.

"Am I warming you up yet George?" All I can do is nod again while he leans back and eyes my nipples once more. Then without so much as a warning, Sapnap was leaning back down to my chest with a placed hand and flicking out a tongue to my nipple. I let out a moan and he looks up into my eyes softly as he states;

"These tell me otherwise." He quickly takes his lips and firmly sucks my nipples, only making them harder.

"Well if you do that- they're gonna get hard." Sapnap below me giggles and pulls away to watch my face.

"So should I stop then?" I look to Clay edging his way closer as he watches everything happening before him, looking interested with us. I was just surprised he wasn't annoyed that Sapnap was doing this to me. Hesitantly I respond to Sapnap.

"No- keep going please." Sapnap bites his lip as he goes down to lick around my nipples some more now. Everything happening was surprisingly making me warm up. Clay watching me moan from Sapnap sucking my nipples only added to that, making me hard again.

When Clay finally decides to swim up to us, he looks anything but annoyed to see me being played with. He makes his way beside Sapnap and looks me dead in the eyes with a devious smirk.

"Sap, make some room for me. Don't be greedy." My arms are leaning up against the edges of the pool, forced between the two guys now backing away, neither of them touching me anymore, just watching me.

Unsure what to do, I find myself awkwardly toying with the water, wetting myself further with it along my neck and chest, helping myself to get used to the water all the way now. I then quickly dip under the water, getting my hair fully wet now, feeling much more warmer now.

The instant I was up from the water, I hear Sapnap talking to Clay.

"I want to fuck him first." I lift my hands up to dry off my hair slightly, then I freeze after finally fully hearing him now. I shake myself of excess water then whip around to see the guys both watching me.

"Be my guest. Second is the best, right?" Sapnap rolls his eyes hard at Clay then he meets my eyes sharply, swimming back over to me now.

"Want me to fuck you some more George?" My breath leaves me unable to talk, I can barely even keep eye contact knowing Clay was okaying this as Sapnap got closer to me.

"You're okay with a little bet right? I'm gonna prove to Clay I can make you cum much more than he ever could. Sound good to you?" Behind him Clay was scoffing as he began leaving the pool from the ladder, heading for the chairs. I look back at Sapnap and nod hesitantly, leaving Sapnap smirking hard at me.

"Good. Follow me then." Sapnap goes to the ladder where Clay just was and also gets out of the pool and I slowly follow behind him, in shock that the two of them would be doing this together at all.

I make it up the ladder and see Sapnap standing by our large round poolside chair, sitting comfortably waiting for me, dick already out on display for me to see, Clay close by drying off.

I then almost feel awkward when I notice Sapnap was noticeably not fully hard, quickly assuming it to be from the cold. When Sapnap finds me staring down below, he frowns at me then explains;

"It's kind of cold, isn't it? Come warm me back up with your mouth George, so I can fuck you right." I don't hesitate to walk over to him, also feeling cold again. When I finally kneel infront of him eye level to his cock, Clay takes a seat beside us, watching me intently and clearly intrigued.

Before I even touch Sapnap, I see his cock slowly hardening simply from me being there in front of him, and I can't help but get butterflies from the sight. I then finally take my hands and place them on his hips and edge closer just above his dick, teasing him with my mouth now wide open, tongue just hovering over.

"Hurry up, I also want to fuck you after. I don't like to wait." I snap over at Clay talking in a low annoyed voice as he watched us, stroking slowly along his cock. Not wanting to make either of them wait any longer, my tongue was lowering onto Sapnaps tip, just licking it a few times at first.

Sapnap clearly wants more and quickly thrusts up into my mouth, earning a gag from me. My back arches for only a second, until I regain myself and start sliding up and down his cock, strangely loving the taste of Sapnaps precum and the chlorine.

It only takes me a couple seconds until I was feeling Sapnaps dick growing harder inside my mouth now, only encouraging me to go faster on him. Loving the feel of him down my throat so much already, I roll my eyes back and stifle a moan, but both of the guys hear it clearly.

"Okay, I'm warm enough. Now bend over for me." Sapnap stops me from sucking him and swiftly moves back from his spot, moving me onto it now on my hands and knees in front of him. I feel him grab my ass behind me and pull me closer to him then he was leaning and licking up my hole like he had just yesterday, enjoying the taste.

I let out a breathy sounding moan and can't help but need to reach for my dick already. Before I even get a chance to grab it myself, Sapnap was reaching beneath me and slapping away my hand.

"No touching." A very exasperated moan excapes my lips and I'm forced to bow my head in defeat. Wanting Sapnap to make me cum already, I quickly found myself begging.

"Please fuck me, I can't wait for it." Hating how needy I sounded, I let out a whimper after I spoke, annoyed with how good his tongue felt inside me. As soon as Sapnap hears me, his tongue stalls and he was pulling away from me.

"As long as you cum alot for me." I nod frantically at him as I feel his tip press against my ass. I then feel him slapping his own dick against it, making a pleasing sound as he does. I surprise myself by looking over at Clay suddenly, still sitting on his own chair. When I see him watching, only now with wide fluttering eyes, loving what he was seeing, I let out another moan in the form of a word.

"Fuck-." Clay glances from my ass with Sapnaps tip being slowly pressed inside, back to my face, then the same second Sapnap was ramming into me, not waiting to start picking up speed. Not able to watch Clay anymore, my head falls and I'm forced to take everything Sapnap is giving me.

Sapnap is fucking me as hard as he can for only a few seconds when his hand makes its way up onto my dick, and begins to just purposely trailing along it, not giving me anything more than that. The feel of him just barely touching my dick while he rammed me made me ache to cum, but he wouldn't touch me enough to trigger it.

"You're tightening on my cock so much- you already need to cum?" All I can do is whine as I shake my head up and down at him, no words coming out to tell him that I was only a couple more thrusts from cumming even with him barely touching my dick, and that if only he would just touch me from below then I would be cumming even faster, but he still ignored it purposely.

"Let it out. Then I'll let you cum some more." With one more thrust into my ass, I was throwing my head back, cumming hard while Sapnap still ignored my dick below, only making me feel like I could cum from one single touch of my dick again now.

Sapnap doesn't cum with me, so in a second he was thrusting into my ass again, not giving me a chance to recover. With his free hand Sapnap was taking me and pulling me up, back curved up closer to him.

I feel Sapnap take a finger, just hardly enough to feel, and brush it onto my tip to wipe up some cum off of it softly. With a shudder from just that, Sapnap was bringing his hand up to my lips.

"Open your pretty lips for me." I do as he says and was immediately met with his fingers inside my mouth, tasting my own cum dripping from his fingers. My tongue licks around his fingers tasting myself on him, enjoying how his fingers felt inside my mouth.

Sapnap was still pounding inside me when he randomly pulls out. His fingers leave my mouth soon after, leaving me empty. I glance behind me to see Sapnap now crouched down level to my hole eyeing it again.

"Your ass looks so fucking good." As soon as he stops talking he was lowering his face down to lick up my ass. Letting up only for another moment to speak a low 'fuck', I feel the vibrations of his voice on my hole, only adding to the unending pleasure.

Sapnap begins on my ass again, unaware that Clay had now gotten up from his spot and was now standing in front of me holding his cock to my opened mouth.

"Suck me now. I've been waiting too long for him." Immediately when Sapnap hears Clay, he gets up from licking me to see him standing in front of me, looking pissed.

"No- I don't need your help. That's cheating Clay!" Clay doesn't seem to care at all when he quickly lunges forward into my mouth, sending me back against Sapnaps chest. Now thrusting down my throat, Clay was then speaking with a devilish smile spread across his face.

"We had no rules, so it's perfectly fair, Sap." Clay was talking calm and collected while it was obvious Sapnap wanted to clock him for what he was doing. While all of this happened I couldn't help but still feel how bad my cock needed to be touched, but kept down the urge to move at all. It only takes Sapnap a moment to come up with a comeback and was spewing it at Clay.

"It is so not fair, fuck you!" It was almost funny that they were fighting with my mouth around Clay's cock and Sapnap gripping my ass behind me while I ached for Sapnaps hands and tongue. Clay must feel the same amusement because he was letting out a slick chuckle just then.

"Fine, let's ask George here how he feels about the fucking rules then-." Clay is ramming down my throat relentlessly, purposely not giving me a chance to even say anything as he looks down at me, awaiting an answer he knew damn well he wouldn't get.

"Hm, guess he's okay with it. So that means I'll keep doing it, sorry." Sapnap groans behind me then grabs ahold of my ass again when he adds;

"Fucking asshole-." I understood why Sapnap was annoyed, it didn't seem fair that Clay was basically helping with the pleasure radiating through me when he was fucking my mouth. Wanting nothing but Sapnap to continue with me any way so I can finally cum again, I hastily shake my ass closer to him, begging him for more.

Unable to look behind me from Clay ramming into me, I just have to hope Sapnap understands. The minute I feel a finger tracing along my ass and shortly after falling to brush against my hole, I knew Sapnap would continue.

"Cum for me with my tongue next." I can't help but moan long and hard on Clays dick in my mouth from Sapnaps words, wanting to do nothing more than cum from his tongue licking up my ass. I wiggle to edge myself closer to him until finally he grabs a firm hold on me and begins licking me.

Sapnap repositions himself back to holding my dick and slowly starts trailing a finger on me again, and I desperately already want to cum. My hands raise to nail at Clay's legs, not wanting to give in this soon, wanting more of Sapnaps tongue.

"Keep going, he's about to cum again-." Clay talks and Sapnap stops behind me momentarily to glance back at Clay who was now helping him. Getting back to licking and stroking me, Sapnap mumbled through licking me;

"Shut- up-." It shouldn't have, but hearing the two of them fight with eachother while they waited for me to cum for them only made me want to cum more. I was beginning to feel worshiped by the two of them, only my needs mattered before theirs. I mean, Sapnap didn't even cum yet, it was all for me right now.

Just thinking about how they were treating me was what I needed to cum again, moaning down on Clays cock softly. As soon as I am finally about to cum from Sapnaps hand on my trembling dick, he annoying pulls away and instead I was cumming from his tongue.

My hand flies back and hovers just over my twitching dick, ready to touch it myself. As soon as I do this, I feel Sapnap lean down and whisper mockingly to me;

"I said don't touch. Or I'll stop right now."

Almost feeling like crying, I give in and bring my hand away, not letting myself cum again. My cock simply continues sitting there as hard as ever, still begging to be stroked, anything so it can cum. It was almost torture, and Sapnap knew that from the chuckle that left him from behind me.

Clay finally pulls out of my mouth from watching me as I intensely cum from Sapnaps tongue. I'm still feeling the effects from cumming when Sapnap gets up and rams into me again, pounding everything he had until he was finally cumming inside me.

The sensation of Sapnap pulling out of my ass was painfully all I needed after just cumming, to cum again. I hear Sapnap behind me moan a 'holy shit' knowing I just came twice that easily for him.

After Sapnap pulls out, he sits there watching as his cum runs from my hole, dripping onto his thigh. I look up into his mercifully knowing eyes, still purposely not touching my cock. When he doesn't move and simply sits there watching the pleasurable pain I was in, I can't hold back and I was getting up on me knees in front of him.

"Please touch me! It's aching so bad for your hand, please!" I hated how it came to this, me begging on my knees for Sapnap to do something as little as touch me. It was apparently all he needed to obey me, because he was then leaning forward closer to me.

With a shakey breath, I watch Sapnap as he hesitates to bend down eye level to my pulsing cock now. I could tell he was nervous about what he was about to do, but it just made me ache for him more.

Still on my knees, I hold back everything I wanted to shoot down his throat as Sapnap finally lowers his mouth down onto my cock, moaning down into it as he did. His hand makes its way to rub up and down my shaft as his eyes roll back in pleasure taking the rest down his throat.

"Can- can I please cum-?" It was taking absolutely everything to not already just do it, but I waited anyway. Sapnaps eyes were opening again and finding mine, then he was shaking a 'yes' at me.

"Fuck- in your mouth?" Sapnap looks up at me almost impatiently as he nods again. He barely moves again and I was shooting straight down his throat. He rides up and down me a few more times then ultimately pops off of me, swallowing down all of my cum.

All I can do then is sit there for a moment and watch him lay back, totally out of breath. I was so in shock from what Sapnap just let me do that I almost forgot about Clay behind me.

I turn back around to see Clay still standing in front of me, looking over at Sapnap with his mouth wide open. When he finally looks over to me watching him the first thing he does is smooth his thumb over my bottom lip.

"My turn." I nod eagerly at him, knowing I would be incredibly sore tomorrow from these two, but inviting him willingly anyway.

Behind me Sapnap was getting up wobbly like and taking Clays old spot on the other chair, looking worn out as he watched Clay take his place. Clay walks over and sits down behind me still bent over out of breath.

"Sit up and face me." I don't move at first, I was simply too overstimulated from just cumming so many times from Sapnap. I'm finally forced to move when I feel Clay sit back up slightly and swiftly slap my ass hard, ending with a rough grip onto it.

"Move, or it'll be much harder next time." Knowing he was already going way too hard, I move instantly, now facing him on my knees. The instant I was facing Clay sitting up waiting for me, I felt some of my strength come back, wanting to be fucked by him badly.

"Now get on my lap." Obeying Clay and doing as he says, I move over to him and sit myself down on his lap, our cocks pushing against eachother intentionally from the closeness. Clay's head rolls back at the feel of our cocks pressing together, then he was regaining himself and demanding;

"Spit on them for me." I quickly lean forward and let a long trail of spit fall from my lips onto our dicks smashed together, watching as it moves down us in the middle. He must be satisfied with it now because Clay was quickly moving forward throwing his arms around my waste, forcing us to be even closer now. He doesn't do anything at first, he simply moves closer to my ear and whispers only to me.

"Tell me when Sapnap gets hard again." I glance over to see Sapnap less than halfway hard, watching us with heavy breaths, unsure why Clay cared whether or not he was hard but nodding anyway. As soon as I did, Clay was taking his hips and thrusting up and down, creating friction between our sandwiched dicks.

I now understood the point of the spit. It was being used as lube while he thrusted against my own dick, making us smoothly slide against eachother. My arms were being thrown around his shoulders just as fast, also helping him grind our dicks together.

For awhile we simply sat there sliding against eachother, feeling everytime as our precum added to the lube. Then Clay was reaching up to my mouth with a shakey hand. I already knew what he wanted so I opened my mouth before he could say anything.

"Good boy." I want to throw my head back with a much needed moan but can't when he quickly shoved a few finger down my throat, sliding them in and out. While he is doing this as we continue rubbing against eachother, I notice Sapnap shift in his chair.

I glance over once more and see his head is already tilted back watching us closely with a fully hard cock again. I want to tell Clay that he is hard like he asked me to do, but his fingers were still sliding in and out of me, leaving me unable to speak.

"I can feel you twitching against me George. Go on, cum for me." Never in a million years would Clay have ever told me I was okay to cum this early on if it were any other circumstances, but because this was a competition, I was allowed to. As Clay rubs his cock against my own, I cum dangerously hard right onto his.

"Fuck- that feels so good." I knew as he continued to grind against my dick despite me just cumming that Clay meant the cum acting as lube now, even better than the spit.

"Should I add some more to it for us?" He was thrusting against me harder now, clearly finding the feeling of my cum irresistible. I nod a 'yes' at him, wanting so badly to have his cum mixed with mine too, and he was immediately speeding up even more.

Clay finally takes the fingers in my mouth out and hastily moves them behind me below before saying softly;

"This is for not telling me Sapnap was hard when I asked-." Totally forgetting I was meaning to tell him, I glance over at Sapnap who had moved at some point and was now jerking himself rapidly watching us. Clay must have looked over at some point and seen him, now punishing me for disobeying him.

In one swift movement Clay was reaching further behind me until his lubed up fingers were being inserted into my ass. I can't help but let out a small yelp at the harshness they were inserted inside.

The minute the pain goes away from below and in return comes pleasure, I was twitching down below again, along with Clay this time. He hasn't even fucked me yet and I was already cumming twice this soon. Clay's fingers inside me just about set me off when I feel Clay speeding up as he rubbed our cocks together, and just like that he was cumming fast onto my already lubed up dick.

He was still thrusting into our mix of cum and that was once again all I needed to cum too. Clay moans as I do, feeling every twitch of our cocks together. When Clay finally snaps out of it, he was looking me directly in the face, letting me know he wasn't done with me yet.

He was quickly leaning back so our dicks finally fell away from eachother so we could finally see all of our cum dripping down out stomachs, absolutely everywhere. Clay watches us with lustful eyes then he was bending down ever so slightly and downing my cum covered cock, licking it clean for me. He doesn't do anything besides that, then he was getting up again, licking his lips.

"Okay- now stand for me." I heard him perfectly clear, but I wasn't sure I even had the strength to do it, I wasn't even sure how I was still cumming for him. With help from Clay, grabbing ahold of my hand to steady me, I was slowly standing up just above him still sitting.

He looks up at me liking what he was seeing, it normally being him towering over me, then he was grabbing his dick and straightening it.

"Sit." His words take me aback, and only for a moment I don't move. When I glance into Clays eyes again I don't hesitate to begin lowering myself onto his dick, ready for him to fuck me now.

The second I feel him against my hole I was already squeezing my eyes shut, already knowing I wouldn't last long. Clay and I both watch closely as his cock slowly slides all the way deep inside my ass and I'm finally sitting down on his lap. My cock sits in front of us pressed against me and Clay's stomachs.

"Ride me George. Now." I'm still in a daze from how good he already felt inside me when he speaks, making me groan at him. Preparing to do as he asked, I set my hands along his shoulders and slowly lift myself off his cock beneath me, then I was even slower riding back down.

Getting the hang of him, I start going faster, but the minute I do I can feel the tension rising inside me, feeling my dick against our stomachs each time I slid up and down on him. I knew it wouldn't be long to cum again. I quickly found myself slowing down, throwing myself on Clays shoulders, not wanting to cum so fast.

"Did I say to stop?" In an instant Clays hands were both on my hips, then even faster I was being pulled up off of his cock and right back down again even harder. Then he was repeating this over and over again while I cried out helpless whimpers.

With each downstroke onto Clay, my own dick was still grinding between our stomachs mercilessly, only helping me want to cum. Clay is still fucking me when he suddenly stops and turns over to where Sapnap was sitting.

"Tell Sapnap you want him to use your mouth while I fuck you." Sapnap doesn't seem to hear Clay at all, it was only for my ears. When I look over at Sapnap still stroking himself as he breathed harder now, I knew I wanted Sapnap to fuck my throat.

"Come use my throat Sap- I need you." His eyes go from looking at me and Clay connected below up to my face, studying me. He doesn't waste another second as he swiftly gets up and struts over to us.

"I thought you'd never ask." With a slick grin Sapnap was taking me by my hair and yanking me forward onto his cock. Going with the rhythm of Sapnap thrusting away at my throat, Clay picks me up from below and continues yet again to fuck me.

"Clay- I don't think I can last too much longer-." Sapnap didn't take long at all to be speaking up, informing him like he was afraid Clay might get angry with him. When Clay finally takes in a deep breath from ramming into me to talk, he sounds anything but mad.

"That's fine- George is going to be done soon anyway- he's already squeezing me so hard." Sapnap watches his best friends face closely as his face is thrown back at the feel of my ass tightening around his cock, all three of us ready to cum together.

I wanted to speak, to tell them both that I wanted their cum, but my mouth was full from Sapnap still fucking my throat. Clay was still going as fast as he could below me when my breathing picks up and all at once I was cumming against me and Clay's stomachs. My eyes roll into my head as Sapnap and Clay both watch me cum from them both, then they were copying me and also cumming into me from both ends.

Sapnap is the first to pull out as I swallowed everything he gave me, standing back and watching me still with Clay inside. I didn't notice when Clay had brought up his hands and began playing with my nipples, as if by habit. He leans down quickly to suck on them quickly them back up to my eyes.

"You're so fucking good George." Before I can even answer his compliment, I was being lifted off of Clays dick and set back on the chair. All I can do now is lean back, eyes closed, catching my breath and thinking about what these two just did to me.

"You two- are going to kill me one day- jesus." A laugh leaves both of them, taking my seriousness as a joke. I roll my eyes and roll over, much to fucked out to care.

"Um, Clay?" Sapnap begins talking, and by the tone in his voice, I can tell it wasn't going to be good.


"You are aware I just won right? He came more for me." I wasn't keeping track of his many times I came for either of them really, but by the nasty look Sapnap was giving Clay, he had in fact made me cum more.

"Yeah, by like one. And I had to go second, after he'd already came so much. I'm sure I could make him cum another time right now-." I quickly sit straight up and give Clay a 'no way in hell' glare, and he immediately backs away, looking bummed out. I can tell Sapnap begins to speak but by this point I had enough of them, so I interrupt.

"Neither one of you 'won'. I've told you a hundred times, I like you both! Same for Mia, no favorites. Now shut up, someone definitely needs to carry me to my room." Each of them look at me then eachother, then they laugh like what I said was once again a joke.

"I'm serious. There is no way I am walking for at least a couple days." When they finally catch on and realize I was being serious they both get up in sync, fighting on who should carry me up to my room.

And just like that they were fighting like normal best friends again. Only they were definitely far from just best friends.