just the three of us: pt13- welcome back.

Mia gets a surprise three-way from the guys after she returns from her vacation away from them.

Clay x George x Sapnap x Mia.

*Mia's pov*

"Yes guys, I miss you all so much too. I promise I'll be home tomorrow night though." I'm talking on speaker to the three guys, all basically on the verge of crying like big babies, wanting me to come back home already.

"But we want you back today." I hear George speak up finally, sounding ready to start crying, already pounting as if he wasn't a grown ass man.

"I just really miss kissing you Mia-." Instantly as Sapnap speaks, the other two guys chuckle, making fun of his words, which were in fact very cheesy.

"Okay- as gross and cheesy as that was, he has a point. I definitely need a kiss from you too Mia. Like now." Clay was next up to talk, sounding just as clingy as Sapnap had.

"I'll kiss you all, tomorrow. Just wait a little while longer. Okay?" That was definitely a sentence I never thought I'd be saying. I hold back my laugh thinking about our situation together, trying to keep my cool.

They then all mutter in-sync 'mhms' that sounded all too sad and lonely, which only made me giggle back at them sinically, knowing how badly I was really just lying to them all.

I wasn't totally lying to the guys. No, I wasn't home yet, but I definitely wasn't still at my friends house across the country like they all thought. I was on my way, driving home right now, just off the plane, ready to show up at the doorstep any minute now to surprise all of them.

"Can we at least FaceTime or something so we can see you then?" George speaks up once more and immediately I drop my phone in surprise at his request. I hear mumbles below my feet from the guys talking as I struggle to reach around for my rogue phone. Finally grabbing it, I hold it back up and quickly think of an excuse.

"Well- I'm driving right now. Getting some groceries for Sam." Sam was my friend I had been visiting for about a week now, and I knew it sounded believable to be getting myself some food.

"If you're driving you shouldn't be talking on the phone Mia. You always yell at me for it, you hypocrite." I giggle at Clay, knowing he was way too right, but he wasn't aware that I was just pulling up to the driveway and it truly didn't matter anymore whether I was on my phone or not.

"Yeah yeah, I'm here at the store anyway. So we can FaceTime for a minute if you guys want?" Like I had just screamed that I had tickets to a Harry Styles concert to a bunch of girls, the guys all chimed excitedly back at me in agreement.

"Alrighty then-." I'm still inside my car when I flip on the FaceTime option and immediately see the three guys fighting for a space to see them clearly on the screen.

"Hi!" George waves a rapid hand at the screen with a wide smile added to it only for a half second then he was being shoved aside and soon after Clay was visible to me.

"Hey beautiful." In a low, seductive tone, Clay was wiggling his eyebrows at me, obviously eyeing me and my surroundings. I roll my eyes at him with a smirk then I see another hand reaching and slapping him aside the head softly, then Sapnap was in plain view now.

"Yep- I definitely need to kiss those damn lips as soon as you get back. So hurry up and get back." I finally get out of the car and begin slowly walking over to the front door, neither one of the guys letting on yet where I actually was.

"Like I said, I'll kiss you all when I get back- mkay?" I purposely angle the camera toward a neighboring house next door, hoping one of them would catch on to it. When my face is absent for apparently too long, the guys start yelling at me asking where I went.

"Sorry, was distracted." I finally step onto the doorstep, when suddenly I hear the guys yelling a little too loudly inside. I knew they would soon be able to hear themselves through my end.

"Who is that? Are you inside the store? Doesn't look like it-." Sapnap is the first to hear their own voices talking to me through the phone, and as soon as he speaks again, they all quiet down and study my end more closely.

"You're not even at a store right now, are you?" Sapnap gets one more word in before I was finally ringing the doorbell, unnecessarily but it felt funny, and all at once they were spinning around to look at the door. I see them through the phone all look back at me again before ultimately throwing away the phone and running to the door like dogs waiting for their owner to come back home.

I only wait a couple seconds when the door flies open and standing there are the guys, staring at me like I was a damn unicorn.

"Mia-?" I giggle softly as they all speak at once again, just watching me.

"Um, yeah, I think so?" Playfully I was patting myself up and down, entertaining their in awe reactions even more.

I finally take a step inside and all at once I was being dog piled into a massive hug against the wall. At first all I could feel was my face being squished against all of them, then just as fast I was feeling wet sloppy kisses being planted along my cheeks and head.

"You're actually here? How? Why?" I finally get the chance to step away from the sweaty mess we were becoming then head further inside to the living room. In all the muffled madness I was in, I couldn't make out who actually spoke, but I attempted to try and answer anyway.

"I decided to come back a day early. Was missing my guys. Well, and my bed." I land on the couch with a thud, getting relaxed instantly. I glance up to see the guys all following me, sitting nearby now.

"I think you meant my bed, right?" I don't even bother looking at Clay, already knowing I'd simply see him and his wiggling eyebrows my way. I shake my head and continue taking in the comfyness of the sofa.

"Where is all of your stuff you packed for the trip?" George takes a seat just next to me and begins rubbing my hand softly, taking it in his. I smiled, not realizing fully how much I missed the guys until now.

"In my car. I'll just get it later."

"How did you get your car to the airport?" The guys were playing 20 questions with me, and by this point I knew I could easily sleep on the couch from how exhausted I truly was, and didn't really feel like answering but forced an answer.

"Another friend. I was trying to be sneaky so I could surprise you guys." They all hum 'ohs' at me but don't say anything else, sensing my drowsiness.

"Hey, don't go sleeping on us yet. You just got here." Almost dozing off, I hear Sapnaps voice and my eyes snap open. I exhale then hesitantly sit up completely now, only to just realize how close the guys were really sitting with me on the couch. I have to rotate so I wasn't so close, then I finally answer.

"Okay fine, I'm awake. Do you guys have anything planned today then?" They all look to eachother then back to me, not saying anything besides shrugging.

"Well we were going to plan something tomorrow for you, but now we can't. Since you're already here and all." George scoots closer beside me and gives me a small nudge, clearly just wanting to get closer. Sitting on the other side of me, Clay copies him, pressing up next to me now too, while Sapnap rests against the arm of the couch by him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you guys planning? I'm sure we can still do something at least." I hear a laugh then see Sapnap stepping next to me and sitting down softly on the coffee table in front of the rest of us all cuddled up on the couch.

"What's so funny?" Sapnap simply shrugs yet again at me, but says nothing. I look around at the rest of their faces, unsure what they were being so coded about. George is still toying with my hand lightly, avoiding my eyes, while Clay is leaned back not hiding the fact that he was checking me out.

"Alright, what the hell are you guys thinking? Just tell me." Making all of them jump in shock, I abruptly stand up and jut away from them, knowing something was up. I have been around them too long to not be aware that they were all somehow communicating something to eachother somehow.

"Absolutely nothing at all. We just miss you Mia. Promise." Clay stands up right with me and pulls George up with him. Going along with it, Sapnap also stands around me with them. If I didn't hear the obvious sarcasm in Clay's voice I could have easily sensed it from the look he was now giving me. Looking at me like I was a candy bar that he wanted to strip of its wrapper, Clay begins stepping closer to me.

"Oh really? Nothing at all? Then why are you looking at me like that Clay?" I turn and see Sapnap also giving me the same look, and next to him George was watching me with excited puppy eyes.

"Okay fine, I may have gotten an idea." All I do is give him an 'I'm all ears' gaze and he continues talking, full of enthusiasm now.

"Maybe we can give you a welcome back surprise after all." I knew exactly what Clay was getting at, but I was playing hard to get, wanting to make them wait a little longer for anything from me. Before Clay gets the chance to explain himself, I was stepping away from them, heading for to kitchen.

They all follow closely behind me as I make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a much needed glass of wine. I quickly grab a few ice cubes from the freezer and plop them into my glass, cooling my drink nicely for me. Purposely avoiding the obviousness of the guys coming onto me, I make my way out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

"Okay, I'm listening. Go on then, explain what we can do." I catch Clay smirk down at me as I sit back down on the couch, looking up at all of them eyeing me eagerly. I knew Clay could sense my playfulness with them now by the way he stood their, hand in his pocket while the other leaned up against the arm of the couch.

"We could go out to a bar? Or maybe go out at a restaurant. Yeah, that sounds nice." As I speak my all too teasing words, knowing what they all really wanted, I noticed now that Sapnap was scoffing at me too, moving alongside Clay, looking just as intimidating. George beside them was simply dodging back and forth between looking at everyone, clearly just wanting someone to get on with it already.

"How about we just relax here. I could take a nap or something. Kinda tired from the plane ride, ya know?" I barely finished my sentence when George flies down onto the cushion next to me now, looking nothing less than distressed.

"No, you can't just sleep. You just got here." George clearly wasn't getting the bit I was playing at, but it only helped me add more to it.

"But I am pretty tired. Sorry guys, I think after this glass I'll head upstairs and-." Like I just told them I was leaving again for another week, Clay was suddenly standing straight up and taking my drink from me, with an intense glare being sent my way.

"I don't think so. We promised a welcome back surprise and you're going to get just that." Clay quickly sets my barely touched glass of wine on the table next to us then returns his gaze to me again, waiting for me to add to it.

"Well you still haven't told me what it is we'd all be doing. So tell me now Clay, or I'll be right upstairs." I smiled up deviously at Clay, only trying to antagonize him more. The instant Clay sees my smirk aimed at him, he was losing his. I'm thinking of all the things I could say to tease them even more when Clay takes a huge step forward at me.

My words catch in my throat all at once too pathetically, then just as fast as he moved before, Clay was squating down in front of me and taking my chin roughly in his hand, pulling my face upwards. I can hear George next to me exhale, just as taken aback as I was. 

"Look at you, pretending you don't already want us to absolutely defile you. That's not very honest now is it?" I'm forced to look up into Clays green gaze, burning a hole through mine. Then as Clay watches me under his spell, he laughs, nothing but manically, still holding me tightly.

"Come on then, tell the truth." Behind him Sapnap was finally stepping into view, just next to Clay now.

"I think I have an idea for her." Clay's head turns to study Sapnap directly next to him. They were so close I thought they might start fighting over who had me first then. When all Clay does is nod at his friend beside him, then ubruptely let go of my chin, stepping aside for Sapnap, I finally let out a much needed breath.

Next it was Sapnaps turn to take ahold of my face, only significantly more gentle this time as he did. My eyes are darting back and forth from Clay and Sapnap, unsure who I wanted to watch more. I'm snapped from my indecisiveness when Sapnap speaks again.

"That is, as long as she's honest with us about what she wants." I'm utterly speechless in both of their presence that all I can manage is a small noise that mimicked a mouse. It was then that I could no longer tease the three of them anymore, I was now the victim being played with.

"George, tell Mia how bad you want to fuck her mouth. She needs a little influencing." I can't move my head to watch George like I so badly wanted to from Sapnaps embrace, but I knew what I'd see. George would be a cute pink flush, eyes wide and unsure what to do. He would look absolutely defeated already, the way I liked it.

"M-Mia. I need your throat. We- need it. Let us use it, please-."

It wasn't how or what George said that made me almost collapse onto the cushion, but instead it was the way Sapnap was so clearly drooling over George himself. Was Sapnap now also fucking George too while I was gone? I didn't even need to ask anyone to confirm it, Sapnaps longing gaze told me everything I needed to know. All it did was fuel me to express just how I was feeling now too.

"I'm sorry I wasn't honest. Use me, please. Fuck my throat." Sapnap was no longer staring down George beside me on the couch, but instead back at me, now totally in a trance from my words. All Sapnap does is quickly bite his lip, then he was saying;

"Take out my cock for me." He was still holding my face in his hands, making it impossible to look anywhere else besides his own face and just barely Clays next to him. My hands don't hesitate to trail up onto Sapnaps shorts and begin toying with his hardness, catching every reaction he made as I did.

I'm pulling down his shorts when I feel another hand make its way down into my inner thigh and grip it softly. I quickly realized it to be George caressing me, just simply smoothing around my skin, not touching anywhere important yet.

I see Sapnaps eyes flick yet again over to George on the couch, then he was smirking pleasantly at him, almost like he was telling him 'good job' through it all. The tension between the two of them was almost too much to handle.

"Stop. Stand up." I must've been so entranced in them that I didn't notice when Sapnap let go of my face and grabbed for my hands previously exploring his bottom half. Stopping me from taking off his shorts, he pulls me up and begins leading me toward the center of the room, away from the couch now.

"Get on your knees." This time it was Clay speaking up. I immediately do as he says and fall to my knees in front of Sapnap. Clay follows us and takes back his spot next to us. Shortly after George does the same.

"Now take them off like a good girl." I can't help but let my eyes flutter shut, Sapnaps words feeling like a drug to me. My hands once again return down to remove his shorts when suddenly Clay is at his side in front of me now.

"Mine too. Be quick, I don't like to wait." The sight of Sapnap and Clay both standing directly above me wanting me to strip them of their clothes was easily becoming too much to comprehend and I found myself folding instantly at his request.

My hand quickly finds Sapnaps bottom half first, then right after, Clays. Trying as best as I could, I attempt to remove both at once. Sapnap was easy, all I had to do was pull down his sporty shorts, while Clay wore jeans that needed to be unbuttoned.

Somehow undoing his jeans, I end up pulling both items of clothing down, revealing their boxers finally. Both guys toss away their clothes then simply wait for me to finish the job.

I stop only for a moment to take in the sight before me, then I was easily pulling down their boxers for them, causing their cocks to slap up out of them, just inches away from my face.

The second they are freed, they move to grab them in their hands, wavering them for me.

"Take her shirt off." Clay spoke while looking at me, but I knew he meant George, still totally clothed next to me. I turn to see him taking a small step over to me, then he was reaching down for my tank top, pulling it over my head slowly revealing my boobs.

I felt weirdly exposed. I knew I had done this many times before with them, but with all of them towering over me, I could help but feel intimidated.

As soon as my boobs are out in the open, George takes a gentle hand and cups them. I let out a moan, then my hands are reaching on their own down to George's sweatpants. I touch his dick through his pants and he harmonizes along with me.

"Take them off already. I want to see you surrounded by our cocks. Hurry." I don't bother turning to Clay, I simply do as he says. Without wasting a breath, I was pulling down both George's boxers and sweatpants in one go, adding his dick to the mix now.

Once all three dicks our out and in front of me, another moan escapes me and I begin to squirm for them pathetically. George then let's go of my boobs and grabs for himself like the others had, leaving me begging for any stimulation at all.

"You look ready to cry Mia. Can't wait any longer for us?" I snap my eyes over to Clay talking and shake my head aggressively. I hated just how easy it was for them to make me act this way, like it was our first time together all over again.

"Well come and get it then. No one's stopping you." Sapnap grabs himself then edges closer to my face, tempting me to down his cock all at once.

"Here, taste it." Sapnap is slowly stroking himself as he brings his cock closer and closer to my face until finally he gets close enough for me to outstretch my tongue and lap up his tip, tasting his precum.

"You can do better than that. Take it all for him." Clay speaks from next to us but I can't be bothered to even glance at him. Almost like his words are a spell, I was immediately downing Sapnaps cock all the way to the hilt. I'm looking into Sapnaps eyes as he let's out a small groan, watching me slide up and down him while the other guys watched.

It doesn't take long for Clay to join in. He was taking a step closer and starts jerking himself next to Sapnaps cock already in my mouth. Sapnap is still pounding into me when he suddenly stops and pulls out with a high whine.

"My turn I guess." Clay pushes Sapnap aside, taking his spot, then instantly thrusts down my throat, causing a gag to leave my mouth. Sapnap steps away, breathing hard, then he was taking his cock in his hand again and slowly lowering it to my boobs.

Before I could fully understand what he was doing, Sapnap slowly starts sliding his now spit covered tip up and down my nipple. Unable to take the pleasure flowing through me now, I was suddenly raising my hand and taking George's cock and jerking him off for him.

"Shit-." George must also be as caught off guard as I was because he quickly takes a handful of my hair and tugs hard on it. Clay is still fucking my mouth as hard as he could when he quickly raises his hand and places it along George's inside my hair.

I see Clay and George make eye contact for just a split second, then Clay was pushing his hand still on George's and thrusting all the way down my throat. It's too much to handle and my eyes roll back into my head, feeling nothing but Clays cock ramming down my throat.

"C-careful Clay-." I reopen my eyes and find George staring full of worry at me downing Clays cock. Still stroking George's cock somehow, I feel a tear slip from my eye from the painful force, only making George groan and bite down hard on his lip.

"Oh, be honest George. I think you like seeing her in pain more than she even likes being in pain. Am I right?" Sapnap finally speaks up, stepping away from my boobs finally to study George carefully now.

Sapnap couldn't be more right. I definitely loved what Clay was putting me through right now, and from the way George watched me, he enjoyed seeing it even more. He confirms it even more when George takes my handful of hair he was still gripping and begins pushing my head further onto Clays cock.

"Holy shit-." I would have said the same words if it weren't for Clay's cock being lodged down my throat, but he beat me to it. Clay was no longer thrusting into me, instead he was simply relying on George pushing me back and forth from my hair relentlessly like I was no longer a living thing, just a toy for them to all use.

It was all too much, I could barely even think anymore. The only thought that was still present was the fact that I hasn't been touched enough by them. I quickly found myself trying through small moans as well as little squirms to signal for someone, anyone, to touch me again.

"I think she wants to be touched. Do you want me to make you feel good Mia?" Sapnap was the first the notice as he was the least busy of the group. All I can do in response is just hardly shake a 'yes' his way to which he simply smirked at.

"Give her a chance to answer me guys." George hesitates at first then eventually stops thrusting me onto Clays cock, letting me catch my breath finally. As soon as I'm pulled off of him, all I can do is pant like it was my first time ever breathing.

"Tell him then. So I can get back to fucking your mouth." I glare up at Clays arrogant comment, purposely showing him I was irritated with him now. All he does is tilt his head at me much too cocky like. Still looking into Clays eyes, I confidently demand;

"Sapnap. Please lick my pussy." Clay just smiles down at me then goes to take hold of my face once more, but before he gets the chance I was adding;

"I want George now." This was finally when I got a reaction from Clay. His smile slowly faded and in its place was a cold stare, telling me I'd regret what I just said, just how I wanted. I glanced over to see George breathing hard as he watched the two of us banter a little too obviously before them.

Letting go of Clay's thighs I was previously holding, I rotate and face George completely now, readying myself to down him next. I barely even turned all the way when George was harshly taking a handful of my hair again and ramming down my throat.

Trying to keep my eyes open from how far down my throat George was, I glance over to Clay watching us, now smirking while he slowly shook his head at me now. Next to him was Sapnap, suddenly dropping down next to me on his knees too. Clay watches with me as Sapnap lowers himself down to my level then grips my thighs.

"Spread your legs for me." I feel George slow down for me as I slowly spread my legs apart, still kneeled down on the floor for Sapnap to get at easier now. Sapnap was quick to drop all the the way down to his hands and knees, eye level between my spread apart legs. He's simply watching down below when he says;

"So pretty." I only get another couple seconds to watch Sapnap when George begins speeding up down my throat once again, not holding back whatsoever now. I then feel as Sapnap from below grabs at my thighs once more, edging himself closer to my pussy.

Just as Sapnap finally takes his tongue to my clit, George pulls out of my mouth, letting out all the moans building up inside me all at once. Sapnap is licking up and down my pussy roughly when George pushes back into my mouth. A second later he pulled out again and I was left staring up and him, wanting more.

"Lets take turns fucking her." George turns his head to look at Clay who was just standing there watching miserably now. As soon as George offered the position, Clay was moving forward and moving a swifty thrust down my throat, then even faster pulling out again. Just as he had offered, George was back in my mouth again thrusting even longer this time.

Each time one of the two let up, the other would give in and ram into my mouth again and again. With each absence of their dicks, a moan would escape me, unable to control any sounds leaving me anymore. All of this was happening while Sapnap was down below, making me already ready to cum for them all. I'm unsure when exactly it happened when I notice Sapnap stroking himself as he licks me up and down, leaving me wishing so badly that I could see it myself.

"Sapnap hurry up with her down there, I want to cum with her." George spoke up and beside him Clay was nodding in agreement, telling me they were both close. As soon as Sapnap hears this, he was biting down lightly on my clit, then he was boldly stating;

"She'll cum when I tell her to." It was like all I needed was his voice to be ready to cum, because as soon as he spoke I was trembling, struggling to keep on my knees for the other guys.

"Oh? Did you like that? Me talking?" In an instant, I was letting out pathetic half pounting, half ready to cry sounds, needing so badly to cum but holding it back. The second the other two guys heard my sounds, they stopped thrusting into my mouth and began stroking themselves in sync, heads back and ready to cum all over me.

"I need to cum- please let me-!" I feel Sapnap giggle down below then another nibble was placed along my clit lovingly. That was all it took for me to not care for his permission anymore and I was cumming long and hard on Sapnaps face.

As soon as I came, I was setting off a chain reaction, causing George and Clay to paint everything they had all over my face. I feel Sapnap get up from below then he was standing above me again. The second he was up and making eye contact with me, Sapnap was flipping me over across the table we were near.

All I can do is lay on my stomach across the table, awaiting whatever punishment I was about to receive. Then all at once, Sapnap was grabbing ahold of me and without warning, he was thrusting into my pussy mercilessly. Pain shoots through me, then after a few more thrusts I was overcome by the pleasure of Sapnaps cum spilling into me.

The noise that leaves me can only be described as a million different breathy screams, barely even leaving my throat. Sapnap instantly pulls out and steps away from me, leaving me empty and wanting more.

"I'm sorry. I told you to wait to cum." This was punishment for not listening to him when I came. His voice sounded genuinely sorry for making me feel like this and not doing anything about it, but like I needed to be taught a lesson anyway.

I can barely move from the table, so I simply sit there and stare forward at the glass of wine I had poured earlier. I watch as the ice cubes finally settle down from having the table shake so much from Sapnap. I watch, sexually frustrated now as a water droplet trails down the glass.

"Welcome back Mia." I feel many hands along my back then small kisses were being planted along side them, knowing they were from the guys. It was all I got before they all retreated into different rooms to do their own things.

All I could think is I wasn't sure it was entirely great to be back. This was torture.