After that I go around and train my team. And both Serrr and Rick are bigger than normal after evolution. Later, I go to Pokemon centre and heal my team and have my lunch and feed my team. As for team:

Serrr is level 17.

Pachi is level 15.

Gulp is level 13.

Rick is level 11.

Igglypuff is level 9.

Then I leave for gym again, when I reach there. I meet someone.

Julia" Hi! Dukhan, are you here to challenge my gym?"

I nodded.

Julia" Great! But I something to do now, you know the people, who blow Grandview station, are going to blow Peridot Grid station. I will not let them blow MY GYM!!! ONLY I CAN BLOW MY GYM!!!"

Dukhan' It's a grid station and WHAT?!!'

Julia" Wait! I know, come with me."

And I got pulled in anime style by this 'lady'. When we reach Moss water factory, it was closed.

Julia" Alright! Time to blow things up!"

After that she went to the door and attached a couples of dynamites to it and.


I ducked behind a DUMPSTER and BOOOMMMMM!!!

Pachi" CHI!!!"

Dukhan' She's CRAZY!'

???" Explosive activity detected. Julia's presence confirmed!"

A lady with green hair and green shades and clothes arrives with Fern.

Julia" Hey Rini! I thought of starting the party."

Florinia" Beware! Be cautious in enemy territory."

Julia" Dukhan, This is Florinia my BFF and roommate during school and that's...Fern."

Fern" Yeah, ignore me. Besides Dukhan and I met before and don't creep out because of my sister. She talks like a robot, that's why people called her Flobot."

Julia" Rini is not a robot!"

Florinia" I propose we should proceed."

I follow them in but I see something really BAD. There's a canal of grime moving to the lake, guess how it's happens.

Julia" What's with smell?!! Are they dumping THIS in the lake?! No doubt it's POISONOUS!"

Florinia" According to specimen, it's 99% toxic means...."

Fern" Get it, enough with environment crap. Let's beat some bad people."

There were some panels on the front walls which were blinking and data was vanishing.

Dukhan" Looks like they are deleting all the evidence after our 'entry'."

Florinia" Then, we should proceed. I propose we should bisect and search."

Fern" Simple English."

Julia" Separate, duh! I go with Rini!"

Fern" Good, Dukhan is better than Flobot."

Julia" Dukhan, don't take his attitude."

Florinia" Proceed with caution."

Fern" Thanks."

Florinia" My concern wasn't you, you are allowed to act recklessly."


Pachi" Paa..."

Fern" Let's move on."

After that we go in, there were a number of pathways up and down. They were made of some kind of iron net design.

???" HAHAHAHA!!!"

We look up and see a guy with each blackish blue. His right side of face was covered with a loft of hair and he was wearing an agent suite.

???" To think, there was some mice with the Gym leaders. You think, you can do whatever you want. I don't think so, right now All the database is being transferring to a safe location."


Dukhan" Calm yourself, he's buying time."

???" So, There happens to be a smart guy here. By the way, my name is Ace."

Fern" The name is..."

Ace" I already know who you are idiot. I am talking about him."

Dukhan" So, you are a spy."


Ace" Bravo! You are good, wanna join?"

Dukhan" What's your goal?"

Ace' So, now you are gathering info knowing you are late.'

Ace" We are going to make a new world order."

Dukhan" And you have been promised high position."

Ace" Right but I think I said enough. So, you can go now. Grunts slow them, I know but that's what lowest are called."


Dukhan" Looks like database is almost transfered."

We moved in, we battle a no. of grunts and find some clues to open a lift door. As we entered, it stopped.

Ace" Man~ You are good but I can't let you go further yet."

Fern" You coward!"

Ace" Nope working bro."

After few minutes.

Ace" Damn those Gym leaders are close and so are we. So, your access is granted."

Lift started and we ended up with others in front of a steel gate, with a computer Pannell. Which Florinia try to hack.

Florinia" It's may take time, think something."

Julia" I am out of dynamites, maybe they have some. Guys, go and get me some boomies!"

Fern" Let's go and get some dynamites, I don't wanna stand all day here."

Then we embark on our journey to find some explosive, which we gained after battling a no. of grunts. They were confused. Then we return.

Fern" Here, crazy lady."

Julia" Okay, get ready, 1,2,....."

Door opens.

Florinia" Here, it's unlock."


Surrounding got smashed.

Florina" I assume that could be prevented."

Then, she moved in.

Julia" But.....Rini..."

Fern" That's my sister, sighs. Let's go."

And we follow. There are four people a couple in same grunt outfit, a guy in serious pirate mojo and Ace in front of a monitor.

???" That's quick, we didn't expect it."

Ace" I told you about this."

???" How much longer?"

Ace" Now it can be done automatically in few minutes."

Julia" We are here to stop you. Who are you?"

???" You heard of us, we are team meteor. I am Sirius. Aster, Eclipse, take the boys. We will handle gym leaders."

Grunts"" Yes.""

Both call out rockruffs and I calls out Serrr and Fern budew.

Eclipse" Fire fang."

Dukhan" Wait."

When it comes.

Dukhan" Now, leaf tornado."

Rockruff smack down.

Eclipse" Fire fang."

It's zigzagging to us.

Dukhan" Vine whip on its legs."

Rockruff smack back.

Dukhan" Leaf tornado."

And it's over. Fern also done with his 'sandile'.

Dukhan ' WHAT?!'

Sirius" That's explain everything."

They were keeping two gym leaders away.

Ace" And the time is up. All data has been transferred. So, time to go." Then he throws something and smoke gathers. When it's clear, they have already escaped.

Ace" It was a good meeting but I am busy."

Julia" Ahh! They escaped! Electrode return."

Florinia" Cradily return."

Then Julia go to the monitor and after doing something, she turned and smile.

Fern" What have y...."

Julia" KAA...."

Dukhan' DAMN!'

Pachi" CHI!!!"

We run like hell and factory go.


Julia" That's AMAZING!!!"

Fern" I have enough. I don't have time to waste like Dukhan."

And he left.

Florinia" Tell me, do you feel your Pokemons react differently in factory?"

Dukhan" Yea, Pachi was stronger."

Florinia" That was one of field effects in our region, electric terrain."

Then she upload an app about it in my pokegear and left.

Julia" Electric terrain? Rini! You should wait after sassing me! Whatever, Dukhan, I shall be waiting for you in my gym. Bye!"