I go to Pokemon centre and heal my team, after that I go to the gym for my battle. When I get in, there was a monitor beeping near door when I touch it. It turns on and Ame is on the other side, she tells me exact same thing Florinia said to me. It turns out all gyms have their unique field effects, well let's get on to it.

So, I start battling gym trainers and use disposable voltorbs to clear my path by blowing up steel walls.

Whatever, I healed my team and.

Serrr is level 18.

Pachi is level 18.

Gulp is level 17.

Rick is level 17.

Igglypuff is level 16.

As I go in the battle field, Julia was standing on other side. Field is like a disco floor and wall has ribbons with something I don't wanna speak.

Julia" So, you come! Let's see if you are able to beat me or get BOOOMMMMM!

She calls out a minun and I calls out Serrr.

Julia" Use nuzzle."

Dukhan" Use leaf tornado."

Minun gets pushed back.

Julia" Chargebeam."

Dukhan" Side step and use leaf tornado."

Serrr dodge the linear electric beam and smack down minun.

Julia" Quick attack."

Dukhan" Use vine whip and spin."

Minun gets whipped and faints. Julia calls It back and send voltorb, I returns Serrr and send Igglypuff.

Julia" Sonic boom!"

Dukhan" Use pound to jump and pound again on it."

Igglypuff dodge and reach voltorb.

Julia" Explosion!"

Dukhan" Igglypuff!"

After explosion, when smoke clears both were knock out. I checks Igglypuff for injuries but it's ok. She sends out Alolan geodude and I calls out Serrr.

Julia" Rollout."

Dukhan" Jump with Vine whip and use leaf tornado."

Serrr dodged the rolling geodude and smack down it.

Julia" Tackle."

Dukhan" Don't let it comes close, Leaf tornado."

With that geodude faints and she returns it, then sends oricorio of pom-pom type. I returns Serrr and send Pachi.

Julia" Work up."

Dukhan" Spark."

Pachi smack down it with spark.

Julia" Air cutter."

Dukhan" Dodge with quick attack and use spark."

Pachi move quickly among air cutters and send it flying.

Julia" Work up!"

Dukhan" Spark."

And pom-pom faints and she returns it, then sends out Plusle. I returns Pachi and sends Gulp.

Julia" Chargebeam."

Dukhan" Jump with pound and acid spray."


Julia" Nuzzle."

Dukhan" Surround yourself with acid spray."

IT gets back with it.

Julia" Quick attack."

When attacked Plusle poison flared due to poison body.

Dukhan" Sludge."

It's over. Julia returns Plusle and sends out electrode. I also returns Gulp and sends out Rick.

Julia" Chargebeam."

Dukhan" Dodge and fury cutter."

When Rick side steps and reach and slash.

Julia" Rollout!"

Dukhan" Him too!"

Rick gets smack.

Dukhan" Bug bite."

Even though Rick got smack down it does a good job.

Dukhan" Bug bite again."

After that Rick faints and I checks him, he wasn't seriously hurt. I calls It back and sends Serrr.

Julia" Keep with rollout!"

Dukhan" Jump with Vine whip and Leaf tornado."

Serrr jumps and smack down electrode.

Julia" Sonic boom!"

But Rick do a great job, attack didn't reach Serrr.

Dukhan" Serrr finish it up with Leaf tornado for Rick."

Serrr realised what happened and smack it down with a backlash.

Dukhan" Serrr! You okay, what you feel is electrode ability."

Serrr" SERRR?!"

With that Serrr learns to not underestimate his opponents and we gets our 1st Reborn badge.

Julia" Wow.... you won....here your.... badge thingy...yawn.....TM.... Chargebeam..... and.... now Pokemons..... till level 25..... will obey.... and you can teach cut to....them.....man I.....am sleepy... goodnight.....zzzzz."

Dukhan' FOR REAL!'

I just get myself out of there and.

Victoria" Dukhan! Did you win your badge?"

I nodded.

Victoria" Well, I come to challenge myself too but I hear some BAD news. Obsidia ward is Under attack by PLANTS?!"

Dukhan" Come again?"

Victoria" Unbelievable right but I am going to know if it's real."

After which she left Off. I go to Pokemon centre and heal my team and eat my dinner and feed my team and rest till midnight. After that I go to Grand Hall, I store Igglypuff in PC before this and heard about Hoothoot presence, it reminds me of Johto. So, I decided to catch it and it was easy with Rick.