Gym or Library?

I come out of orphanage and door shut behind me. Sighs, I go to Pokemon centre and heal my team and go to the gym. I go to Shelly's room.

Cal" Dukhan? Where's the doctor?"

I go to Shelly and tell her what Anna told me.

Shelly" You are r-right, he was Heather's father. Why I am worried for? Dukhan, I will wait for you in my battle field."

Cal " You sure?"

Shelly" Yes and I am going to call Heather here by giving her a signal through air slash in sky."

Victoria" Still, don't push yourself too hard."

Shelly went out. Well, I went to gym area and it turns out a library based puzzle? IT took a lot of me to solve this disaster and realising, why people call library SCARY!!! Then I come across Shelly.

Shelly" How was my gym puzzle? Was it okay?"

Dukhan" Ahem! IT was unique."

Shelly" Then let's battle!"

Like Ame told me through link, she use a forest field and has double battle format. She sends out Illumise and masquerain, I sends Pachi and Airia.

Shelly" Illumise use rain dance and masquerain use struggle bug."

Dukhan" Airia use Extrasensory to Parry struggle bug and Pachi spark on masquerain."

It's raining, struggle bug got parried and psychic moves aren't weak, you know. Pachi smack down masquerain.

Shelly" Illumise use confuse ray on Pachirisu and masquerain use icy wind on Noctowl."

Dukhan" Pachirisu use swift and stop icy wind and smack them, Airia Parry confuse ray with extrasensory."

Confuse ray got deflected and giant stars stopped icy wind and hurt them both. Pachi has control on swift like Delia.

Dukhan' I already miss her.'

Shelly" Illumise use dazzling gleam and masquerain use energy ball on Pachirisu."

Dukhan" Airia protect yourself with extrasensory and Pachi dodge with quick attack."

Airia protect herself in an orb from dazzling gleam and Pachi disappeared before energy ball hits.

Shelly" Illumise use struggle bug and masquerain use bubble beam on Pachirisu."

Dukhan" Airia Parry struggle bug with extrasensory and Pachi use spark."

Airia deflected struggle bug and Pachi move fluidly and smack down masquerain, it's faints. She sends out a yanmega called Heather!

Shelly" Illumise use confuse ray on Noctowl and Heather use struggle bug."

Dukhan" Airia move through it and peck on Illumise, Pachi block struggle bug with swift."

Airia move fluidly and pecked Illumise, Pachi block struggle bug with swift.

Shelly" Illumise dazzling gleam and Heather use giga drain on Pachirisu."

Dukhan" Airia protect yourself with extrasensory and Pachi dodge with quick attack."

Airia was protected and Pachi dodge Both attacks.

Shelly" Illumise use struggle bug and Heather use ancient power on Pachirisu."

Dukhan" Airia Parry struggle bug and Pachi jump on incoming rocks and spark on yanmega."

Struggle bug deflected and Pachi jump on rocks and smack down yanmega with paralysis! It's stop raining.

Shelly" Illumise use rain dance and Heather use air cutters on Pachirisu."

Dukhan" Airia peck Illumise and Pachi move through and spark on yanmega."

Airia pecked Illumise and it's faints, Pachi move fluidly and smack down yanmega with complete paralysis. She sends out anorith.

Shelly" Anorith use Rock slide."

Dukhan" Airia flew through it and Pachi dodge with quick attack and smack down yanmega."

Airia flew through rock slide and barely dodge it, Pachi dodge with quick attack and smack down yanmega. It faints and Shelly sends out araquanid.

Shelly" Anorith use knock off on Pachirisu and araquanid use arora beam on Noctowl."

Dukhan" Airia flew around IT and peck araquanid, Pachi block knock off with swift."

Airia flew fluidly and pecked araquanid, Pachi block knock off by creating a dome of stars.

Shelly" Anorith use rapid spin on Pachirisu and araquanid use bubble beam on Noctowl."

Dukhan" Pachi spark head on and Airia flew through it and peck araquanid."

Pachi is panting after clash and Airia flew through bubble beam and pecked araquanid.

Shelly" Anorith use aqua jet on Pachirisu and araquanid use rain dance."

Dukhan" Pachi heads on with spark and Airia peck on araquanid."

Pachi faints after CLASH, paralyzing Anorith and araquanid faints after pecked. She sends out a Volbeat called BUGSY!!! I sends out Fang.

Shelly" Anorith aqua jet on Growlithe and Bugsy use struggle bug."

Dukhan" Airia Parry struggle bug with extrasensory and Fang dodge with flame wheel."

Struggle bug deflected, Airia is panting and Fang dodge aqua jet.

Shelly" Anorith use Rock slide and Bugsy use tail glow."

Dukhan" Airia flew through it and peck Volbeat, Fang Dodge with flame wheel."

Airia fainted after getting hit, Fang barely dodge rocks. I sends out Gulp and Anorith is completely paralyzed.

Shelly" Bugsy Dazzling gleam."

Dukhan" Fang dodge with flame wheel and Gulp sludge after attack on Anorith."

Fang dodge and Gulp is not a tank for anything, sludge faints Anorith. It's stop raining.

Shelly" Bugsy use Dazzling gleam."

Dukhan" Gulp cover Fang and Fang flame wheel."

Gulp protect Fang and Fang smack down it.

Shelly" Moonlight"

Dukhan" Fang flame wheel and Gulp toxic."

Volbeat get smack down and poisoned.

Shelly" Struggle bug."

Dukhan" Gulp block IT with acid spray and Fang Fire fang."

Struggle bug got blocked and Volbeat got burned and poisoned.

Shelly" Moonlight."

Dukhan" Gulp use acid spray and Fang Fire fang."

Volbeat defence lowered and get burned!

Shelly" Dazzling gleam."

Dukhan" Gulp Cover Fang and Fang Fire fang."

Gulp is panting after attack and Fang burnt Volbeat until it's faints with burn. With that, we gets our 3rd badge.