End of MAGMA GANG!!!

Shelly" T-that was great! You have win the cocoon badge and take the move struggle bug."

I take the badge and show to Gulp and Fang.

Shelly" To think, I am not a good gym leader."

Dukhan" No, you are good and gave me a great challenge."

Shelly" Really?!"

When I went back to gym, Cal was meditating with Victoria? Then Shelly entered the room and sat down on couch.

Victoria " Through these, you can control your temper."

Suddenly, Sigmund entered the room.

Sigmund" Apologies! But I was called here for a patient."

Shelly came.

Shelly" Dr?"

Sigmund" I heard you were not doing well."

Shelly" Y-yes, I saw my friend..."

Cal" She saw something horrible."

Sigmund" I see."

He looked towards Cal and Victoria.

Sigmund" Are you her parents?"

They blushed.

Dukhan ' Huh?'

Shelly" My parents and guardians lives in Johto. I live here independently and am funded by my family."

Sigmund" Impressive. And you are?"

He looked towards Cal.

Cal" Just a concerned friend."

Shelly" We met during league registration and also have same family situation..."

Cal" But I am not a leader anymore..."

Sigmund" OH! You are Cal Whitaker. The fire gym leader, who lost his first battle at the hand of a ice type trainer..."


Cal temper raised.

Sigmund" What? Looks like you are some temper problem."

Sigmund says coming closer to him.


Dukhan ' He's instigating him.'

Shelly" I-I think... you should..."

Shelly tried to talk coming closer to him.


Shelly" But..."

Cal shoved Shelly into couch roughly.

Cal" I...Shelly...I..am... sorry...."

Sigmund" I think you should leave. All of you."

Cal and Victoria moved out.

Sigmund" Are you okay?"

Shelly" I-I...am...fine...I.. think..."

I moved out and saw others.

Cal" I can't... believe... what I..did..."

Victoria" If you like, my sensei can help you."

Cal" Why she would do that?"

Victoria" That's how she is in Apophyl Academy at Apophyl island. That's where I lives."

Cal " Hmm, sure. Show the way."

Victoria" With pleasure, come."

And they left.

Cain " Hey, did something happened?"

Dukhan " Don't ask."

I went to Pokemon centre to heal my team. On my way I meet Manny who informed me to meet Archer. When I go to hideout.

Archer" Dukhan, I was waiting for you. We have decided to get rid of magma scums for good. I want you to go to their hideout in North Obsidia valley near Grand staircase and create a diversion for us."

So I go to this valley, hideout turns out to be run down building near NIGHTCLUB! Huh, I go in and stopped by two members.

Magma member" You! You are one responsible for our lost this afternoon!"

Dukhan" Yea, I thought I should give you a visit."

Magma member" You Punk! That's it, you are done for!"

And the provoked idiots call their pokemons which are good for training my team. When I beat them.

Archer" Good Job! Because of your diversion, we infiltrate flawlessly. Come."

I follow him and All members were taking on magma members. Their leader was standing with a member.

Magma leader" So, it's YOU! But your winning streak will end HERE!"

Archer" Dukhan! I will take his right hand, you take Maxwell."

Dukhan' Both have familiar names.'

Maxwell" For GLORY!"

The yelling idiots bring out some good fire types like ninetails, charmeleon and houndoom who provide some good training for my team. After losing.

Maxwell" So, it's the end. Looks like it's time to go underground now until we RISE!"



Archer" Today! The scums of magma are gone for good! Let's go!"

I go to Pokemon centre and heal my team and go to the hideout. Everyone were calling my name for this victory.

Archer" Today's victory is All because of you. You have proved your loyalty to us by this. That's why you deserve it."

He gives me A CARVANA! According to pokegear

Carvana - Savage Pokemon

Water - Dark

Gender - Female

Ability - Speed Boost

Level - 25

Move set: Destiny Bond, Bite, Ice fang, Screech.

JACKPOT!!! But I need to train her, speaking of her.

Dukhan" I names you, Cara! Welcome to the Team!"

With that she transferred to PC.

Archer" Now Go! If you ever need anything, just COME!"

Dukhan' Plan underworld connections: SUCCESS!!!'