Crashing the Ritual

???" Looks like, I have a neighbour." Said the from the adjacent cell.

Dukhan" Who are you? How did you get here?"

???" I am just a homeless, they brought me here to brainwash. But I ain't that weak. Plus, I also found a way to get out. Only reason, I am here is because of food and... some reading. But you seems like, you need to go out."

He sent out a klefki, which opened my door and went back.

???" See told yea, now be careful. There are a lot of them."

I nodded and free Pachi.

Pachi' Let's get them.'

Dukhan' Let's see the situation first.'

When I went out, there were a lot of them.

Dukhan' Be quite, okay.'

Pachi' Yeah.'

I moved stealthly around the priest watching in this sanctuary. I almost got caught sometimes. When I reached the next hall.


Dukhan' That's my chance.'

I moved forward and saw few of these sentries.

Dukhan' Hmm, I can handle them.'

I beat all of them. I also found out that I am in same place where I got caught. There were two gates protected by energy.

Dukhan' This is the ritual place.'

But there wasn't any key. So, I looked around and saw statues of Arceus with different colours with numbering code. Looked like it, needed these codes. But there were verses? written here. I looked around and found the books with the verses and put the codes. As I was passing the gate.

Ace" You are persistent, aren't you?"

Dukhan " Illusion, huh?"

Ace " Yep~ But I can't let you go further."

He sent out Alakazam and I sent out Cara.

Ace" Use signal beam!"

Dukhan " Use liquidating crunch."

Cara shot off towards it in a shark form and dodged the beam. Then, bit him in the shark form.

Cara' Haha!'

Ace" Argh! Use energy ball!"

Dukhan " Use liquidating crunch again!"

Cara again dodged the attack and Alakazam was bit by a water shark.

Ace" Combo moves!"

He sent out Primarina and I sent out Serrr.

Ace" Use icy wind!"

Dukhan " Dodge and use draining blade."

Serrr barely side steped and slashed her.

Serrr ' Gotcha!'

Ace" Even it! Use moonblast!"

Dukhan " Dodge and use draining blade again!"

Serrr barely dodged the bullet and slashed her.

Serrr ' Her attack was stronger here.'

Dukhan' That's the holy field.'

Ace sent out Zoroark.

Ace" Use Flamethrower!"

Dukhan " Dodge and use draining blade."

Serrr dodged the fire and slashed him.

Serrr' Watch your mouth!'

Ace" Use extrasensory!"

Dukhan " Use leaf tornado!"

Serrr who was levitating in the air, created a compressed storm and smashed him.

Ace" Arg!"

He sent out delphox and I sent out Cara.

Ace" Use Dazzling gleam!"

Dukhan " Use liquidation to protect yourself and use crunch!"

Cara moved as a water shark towards the shockwave, which destroyed the water shark. Then, Cara bit her.

Cara' You! Vixen!'

Ace" Use Dazzling gleam again!"

But she flinched.

Dukhan" Use crunch!"

Cara bit her again.

Cara' Gotcha!'

Ace sent out togekiss and I sent out Pachi.

Ace" Use Dazzling gleam!"

Dukhan " Counter with discharge!"

Pachi' Try your best, kissy!"

Both shockwaves cancel each other.

Ace" Damn! Use rest!"

Dukhan " Use Thunder!"

Pachi' Let's make you sleep for REAL!'

Togekiss was impacted by a thunder cloud.

Dukhan" Use Thunder again."

Ace" I think, you are trying your luck."

Pachi' Good night ~"

Another lightning fell.

Ace" WHAT?!!"

He sent out Porygon-Z.

Ace" Use trip attack!"

Dukhan " Use quick charge."

Pachi vanished before the bullets hit her and appeared on it.

Pachi' Bzzz~'

Ace" Don't tell me? All have combo moves! Use blizzard!"

Dukhan" Use quick charge again."

Pachi again dodged the ice and zapped it by appearing on it.

Ace" Use recover! What will you do now?"

Dukhan " Use Thunder!"

Pachi' Alright!'

A bolt fell on it.


It was paralyzed.

Dukhan" Finish it with thunder."

Pachi' Here comes the thunder~'

A bolt again fell on it.

Ace" Sigh~ Tell me, what is a family to you? Is it blood relations or loyalty among some people?"

Dukhan" Loyalty."

Ace " Really..."

Luna" Let me go!"

Ace" I think we should go."

We moved forward and saw Luna in chains on an altar with Elias and his sentries.....

Elias " So, neither bars nor the charlatan could stop you."

Dukhan" Release her! What kind of father are you?!"

Pachi' Sicko!'

Bennett" I think you should stop or your friend will pay." He came with Cain in chains.

Cain" If you want to bind me, then do it properly."

Elias" Your perversion is boundless."

Elias" Now, detective. You will witness the ritual where I shall cleanse my daughter, like I was."

Luna" No! Otherwise I will not be me."

Elias " This time, I won't hesitate. First, I will shave your head."

Dukhan" Are you out of your mind?! She is a girl!!!"

Bennett" Sir, I also request..."

Elias" Shut up! You think, I don't know what you feel about her. If you really care about her. Then, be quiet."

Cain" Damn!"

Radomous" I think, it's time to stop this." Said the disguised sentry

G.G. arrived and hypnotized sentries. Then, she freed cain and pushed Bennett away. I moved forward and freed Luna.

Dukhan " Here, you are free."

Luna " Th.. thanks, Dukhan."

Elias" Detective! Stay..'

Ace" Nope, I decided. I have enough."

Elias " Then, you will pay!"

Bennett" G.G. you weren't that rude to me before."

G.G." I want her out, that's why. And I know, how you look at her."

Bennett" But I lo.."

G.G." Please, don't insult that word! Besides she has a better option than you." She said looking at me, bringing her, holding her hand.

Bennett" Who?" He said then looked at us.

Radomous " Well, let's go."

And we teleported outside of the sanctuary.

G.G." And THATS, how you storm a castle~"

Cain" I won't call it a castle."

Radomous" She can call any place, how she wants."

Dukhan" I think, we should chat somewhere else than enemy door step."

Radomous" That's reminds me, I have something important, G.G."

G.G. went to him and they vanished.

Luna" Dukhan, thanks for saving me. Here."

She gave me a crystal key.

Luna" With this, you can enter Iolia valley. I shall wait for you." She said with a smile and left.

Cain" Then, I will be off to Agate city. Maybe I can wake up the guards?"

He left too and I went out.


I went to poke centre in Lapis ward. I had my dinner and healed and fed my team.