Iolia Valley

At midnight, I went towards the Vanhanen maze. At 3 O clock, I reached there. In the maze, Luna's key reacted near a tree and a crystal door emerged. Turned out to be a tunnel when fang smashed it. I went further and came out breaking another door into a grassy pathway near a waterfall.

There were some other door crystals too.

Dukhan' I wish Reborn had secret hideouts thingy.'

I moved forward and passed through doors. Meanwhile, I felt something following me. So, I hid. After a while, someone came out.

Bennett " Where did he go?"

Dukhan " What are you doing here?" I asked coming out.

Bennett" So, you realised. You are A detective after all. I came to say sorry to Luna. After all, I was doing this for her."

Dukhan" Really?"

Then, he left. I moved forward and found another key which allowed me to create some crystal bridges!

Dukhan' Man! This is awesome!'

I keep moving forward and came to a supposed dead end.

Bennett " Not here, huh? She must be somewhere else!"

Dukhan" Do you have to follow me?"

Bennett" You have nothing to do with it, detective. So, stay out of it."

Dukhan" You have lost that right long ago."

And he went off. I went near the crystal close to wall and a new key appeared. Which enabled me to switch places where those purple ones are located. Soon, I reached a door. When, I went in.

Luna " Dukhan! I knew you will come. I thank you again for saving me. Now let's..."

Bennett" Luna!"

Luna" Bennett! But how?! Only Dukhan could come here."

Bennett" I followed him."

Dukhan' Like a persistent puppy.' -_-

Bennett" Luna! I want to apologise." He moved towards her and she moved backwards.

Luna" It's okay, I don't have anything against you."

Dukhan' Dude! Take the hint already!'

Bennett" Luna. I... I have to tell you something. I love you, Luna!"

Luna" Pardon me?"

Dukhan' -_-'

Bennett" The moment, I saw you in my house. I fell in love with you. Please be mine!"

Luna" Sorry but I never thought like that about you. Dukhan, I am going to the battlefield. Only you can enter there with the key."

She went away.

Bennett" Why? Is she shy? Didn't she realised? Or she actually doesn't love me?"

Dukhan" Isn't that obvious? There's no hope for you."

Pachi' He's a moron!'

Bennett" That key! Give me! I make her realise!" He said with madness.

Dukhan" Now, you are crossing the limit." I said seriously.

Bennett" Then, I will take it."

He sent out larvesta and I sent out Airia.

Bennett " Use Flame charge!"

Dukhan " Use air slash."

A burning big was slashed.

Airia' That's a movement skill, you know?'

Bennett " Use bug bite!"

Dukhan " Use Air slash again."

A big was slashed before it bit.

Airia' I hate bites!'

Bennett sent out dustox.

Bennett " Use shadow ball!"

Dukhan " Use extrasensory."

Airia dodged and blasted him away.

Airia' You attacks should be faster.'

Bennett " Use signal beam!"

Dukhan " Use extrasensory again."

Airia dodged the beam and blasted him away.

Airia'You should aim well.'

Bennett called out Butterfree.

Bennett " Use sleep powder!"

Dukhan " Dodge and use air slash."

Airia dodged the spray and slashed her.

Airia ' You called it a wide range move?'

Bennett " Use giga drain!"

Dukhan " Use air slash again."

Airia was drained a little and she slashed her.

Airia ' Is he an idiot?'

Bennett sent out venomoth.

Bennett " Use baton pass!"

Dukhan " Huh?"

Southern came out. I called Airia back and sent Pachi.

Dukhan " Go girl."

Pachi' Yeah!'

Bennett " Use sword dance!"

Dukhan" Use thunder."

A bolt fell on him.

Pachi' Thunder!"

He sent out yanmega.

Bennett" Use ancient power!"

Dukhan " Use with quick attack and use thunder again!"

Bennett" Haha! I think, you don't know this attack doesn't repeat!"

Pachi dodged the falling rocks in a zigzag pattern and a bolt fell from a cloud on scyther.

Bennett " WHAT?!"

Pachi' Thunder!'

He sent out Venomoth.

Bennett " Use sleep powder!"

Dukhan " Dodge with quick attack and use thunder again."

Pachi vanished before powder came and a bolt fell on him.


Pachi' THUNDER!"

Bennett " So, I lost..."

Dukhan" Yes."

Bennett " She doesn't love me, right?"

Dukhan " Yes."

Bennett" Then, I will show her what she misses."

I raised my brow.

Bennett" I will become an elite four! Then, she will regret her decision. I will see soon when I am way stronger than you."

And he left.

Dukhan" Idiot."

I healed my team with light star from the room and went to battlefield. It was a cave and Luna was there.

Luna" Is he gone?"

Dukhan " For now."

Luna " You know, children and adults are afraid of darkness. Is it because of the monsters' stories? Even though there are MONSTERS in the light."

Dukhan" This is their imagination."

Luna" Yes, true darkness is pure calmness and I will show it to you now."

She sent out an Umbreon called Cheshire.

Luna" Use double team!"

Dukhan " Use echoed voice."

Airia blasted him away.

Airia ' That was a good try.'

Luna " Use dark pulse."

Dukhan " Use moon voice."

Airia dodged the beam and blasted him away with a humming blast.

Airia ' It's called innovation.'

Luna " HUH?!"

She sent out a honckrow named Jubjub bird.

Luna " Use sucker punch!"

Dukhan " Use moon voice again."

Airia was punched but still blasted him away.

Airia ' Agh!'

Luna " Use brave bird!"

Dukhan " Use moon voice again!"

Brave bird clashed with blast and an explosion occurred. Airia was panting.

Airia ' Almost...had me...'

She sent out an absol called white rabbit and I sent out Gulp.

Luna " Use sword dance!"

Dukhan " Use Gunk spray!"

Gulp sparayed gunk on him.

Gulp' Haah~'

Luna " Do all your Pokemons like this?! Use night slash!"

Dukhan" Use Gunk spray again!"

Absol was sprayed again.

Gulp' I am sleepy.'

She sent out a Tyranitar called Bandersnatch and I called out Cara.

Luna " Use brick break."

Dukhan " Use Liquidation."

Tyranitar who was coming to chop, was smackdown by a big water shark.

Cara' Like hell!'

Luna " Wow! Use iron head!"

Dukhan " Use liquidation again."

Tyranitar shot like a missile towards Cara, who launched a big water shark towards him. Upon impact, he fell unconscious.

Cara' Didn't saw that comin, right?'

Luna " You use it as a range move!"

She sent out a bisharp called carpenter and I called out Fang.

Luna " Use sucker punch!"

Dukhan " Use extreme blitz."

Carpenter was blasted away by a quick flare and lose consciousnes.

Fang' Can you match this speed?'

Luna " He's even faster than sucker punch?!!"

She sent out a weavilie called Knave of hearts.

Luna" Use power up punch!"

Dukhan " Use extreme blitz again!"

Even weavilie was blasted away.

Luna" You are even stronger than I expected. Here's the Eclipse badge and TM Dark Pulse."

I took them.

Luna" I am going to stay here for sometime."

Dukhan" That would be better."

I went back through crystal near first tunnel at 9 am.