Agate Circus

I went to Agate city checkpoint. I moved in and saw Cain there.

Cain" Hey Dukhan ~ I had tried everything but they are not waking up. So, how about we make our own way?"

Dukhan" That's the only solution now."

Cain then use the nidoking to 'open' the gate. We went out and it was hailing.

Dukhan " Interesting."

Cain" Yeah because it's quiet. Very quiet."

We went south but nobody was there.

Cain" Anybody here? I don't like it."

Dukhan " Yeah, this is troubling."

He moved towards east through stairs.

Cain" Aya?!!"

Dukhan " Huh?"

I moved up and saw her sleeping on the street near Hardy.

Cain" Aya! You idiot! Why are you sleeping on the road with.... Hardy?!"

Dukhan" Yeah."

Cain" Damn! Wake up!" He said shaking her.

Cain " If you wanted to sleep. You should do in a house or something."

Dukhan" Did you just give them your blessings?" I teased.

Cain" I would if it was you. As for him, he will have to prove himself."

Dukhan" Do you have a death wish or something? If Victoria hears you, shes gonna beat your sorry ass."

Cain' Wait, he didn't know?'

Cain" As matter of speaking, I am kinda sleepy myself now ~"

Dukhan ' Wait, I am feeling the same thing....NO!'

I went and punched him in gut and myself in knee.

Cain " Hey! What was that for?!"

Dukhan " This sleepiness is due to a Psychic wave, looks like meteor finally got a psychic pulse Pokemon!"

Cain" Then, they are the one responsible for Aya!"

Dukhan" And the entire city."

Cain" FUCK! We have to bring them outside NOW!!!"


Cain" THE FUCK?!!"

Dukhan " It was a girl's voice."

Suddenly, a girl with a giant mallet appeared from west, jumping towards Cain.

Dukhan " Cain! Step aside!"

He moved on last moment.


She smacked the mallet on the street.

Cain " Hey! Watch it!"

Dukhan " Who are you?"

???" I am Terra! Hear me, RAAAWWWWRRRRR!"

Cain " Okay.... how are you carrying that giant mallet?"

She span in a circle and the mallet vanished.

Cain" What?! Dukhan! Did you see that?!"

Dukhan " Yes."

Cain" And you are okay seeing something...OH! Right. My bad."

Dukhan" So, Terra. Are you from Agate city?"

Terra" Yes...and no."😉

Cain" What you mean..?"

Terra" Besides, we should move out or we will sleep too."

She took out her mallet and smacked it on the ground. Aya flew up and she sent her FLYING!

Cain/Dukhan " AYA!!!"

She did the same with Hardy.

Dukhan " HARDY! Huh? Why didn't you reacted?!"

Cain" I think, he deserved it."

Terra" Now! How about you guys?!"

Cain ran behind me.

Dukhan" I think we can walk."

Terra" Ok~ Come." She said and went spiningly.

Cain" Is she okay in her head?"

Dukhan " Let's go."


We went a checkpoint to Agate circus.

Terra " Tada! This is my home and nobody seems to be sleepy here."

Dukhan" So, the hypnosis wave is only concentrated on the Agate city."

Terra" Bingo!"

Cain" So, are you clown?"

Terra " Nope~ I am a lion tamer! See yea."

She went away. I looked around and saw a vending machine. I went and brought two lemonades.

Dukhan " Here."

Cain" Huh?"

Dukhan " Just drink it." I said taking a sip.

He took it. After drinking, we dropped the bottles in dustbin.

Cain" Man~ IT was like a hangover. So, what now?"

Dukhan " We will search them, let's split out."

This place was a jolly one with a carnival sense but I could see people were anxious. I moved forward and saw people gathered north west. I went there and saw a girl in a ringmaster clothes. I went to her.

Dukhan " Excuse me, miss?"

???" If you are here to ask about Agate city...."

Dukhan" Actually, I am here to ask. If you saw a boy and girl sent flying."

???" Oh! We did, the girl is in our care. She fell here but the boy flew over. Pardon me, I am ringmaster of this circus, Alistasia. I am trying to take my place after my dad...."

Dukhan" You can call me, Dukhan."

Alistasia" A strange name. If you want to meet with the girl, please look for Samson. He will be near strength machine. I am... kinda busy."

Dukhan" Thanks."

I went and found the guy.

Samson" Hello! Are you here for a strength check?"

Dukhan" Actually, I am here for the girl, you found before."

Samson" Oh~ Please come."

I followed him in the tent and went with him to a room. He took me to a sofa, upon which Aya was sleeping.

Alistasia " Dukhan, do you know him? He also asked for her?" She came with Cain.

Cain" AYA! Wake Up!"

Dukhan " He's her elder brother."

Aya" Hmm... Cain..?"

Cain" Yeah. How are you?"

Aya" I...I feel a headache and...where is... Hardy?!"

Dukhan" We will look for him."

Cain" Forget him. What you were doing in Agate city?!"

Aya" Like.. you care ...."

Cain" I do..."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

Dukhan" Tell me, what you remember last?"

Aya" Huh? Why? Are you a detective or something?"

Cain" Yes! He is a detective from R.P.D."

Aya" Wait... WHAT?! Weren't you a trainer?!"

Dukhan" I am but I am a detective too. So?"

Aya" Sighed I was there with Hardy...he brought me to show his gym." She said with a smile.

Cain was frowning.

Aya" We were walking holding hands... when something happened...we got sleepy and....I don't remember."

Dukhan" I see..."


Alistasia" Sent flying..."

Samson" By a girl..."

???" That sounds like, Terra."

Dukhan" Yes, she was one, who sent them flying."

Alistasia" It's good, you guys didn't said in front of people. They are already scared. Besides she is one of our gym leaders."

Dukhan" There are gym leaders here!"

Alistasia" Yep~ Gym battles are a perfect show. Samson is fighting type, Terra is ground type and..."

???" I am the flying type, Ciel."

Dukhan" Any idea, where Hardy could be?"

Alistasia " I think, he fell in route 2."

Dukhan " Cain stay here. I am going to look for him."

Aya" Please look for him."

Cain" You really cares for him."

Aya" Wh..what? was... just worried."

Dukhan" I will do my best."

Alistasia" Here, this will help you."

She gave me a dust vial?