At Death's Doorstep


The first thing that came to Madeline's mind when she first saw that branch heading for her. There was no way she could dodge it, it was far too huge a branch for her to move in time. She was toast.

Death came hurtling towards her like a meteor, and all Madeline could do was close her eyes and brace herself for whatever came next.

Shielding herself with her arms, she braced herself for impact… before she felt herself being lifted up into someone's arms and carried away.

Hearing someone pant, she was surprised to hear Xavier say to her, "You can open your eyes now, you know."

Madeline slowly opened one eye, taking a swift look around before opening both her eyes.

She wasn't crushed under a branch, yet she was still at the same spot as she was before.

The branch had been torn into pieces.

And worst of all, she was in Xavier's arms.

With a trembling breath, Madeline's eyes widened.

She was alive.

"Y-you saved me," she stuttered.

"Don't make a big deal out of it," he said, pursing his lips.

"I just pushed that branch out of the way," he shrugged, brushing dirt off of his shoulder.

"Thanks," Madeline thanked him, her chest feeling like it'd explode at any moment now. She'd never seen him this upclose.

Albeit, what she didn't know was that other than super speed and super strength, werewolves also had super hearing. She was too busy focusing on the man who was the sole reason she was alive rather than worrying over the abilities he possessed.

Meanwhile, Xavier was milking this for all it was worth.

*Thump thump, lub dub.*

Listening to the palpitations of her heart, Xavier asked, feigning ignorance, "For what?"

"For saving me, why else? You saved me so why shouldn't I thank you?"

"Mm, I don't know. Here you are going on and on like a babbling baboon. Why don't you just let that heart of yours do the talking?"

"My heart do the chatting…?"

"You can hear my heartbeat?!"

"So werewolves do have super hearing along with super strength and super speed, just like how novels portray them?" Madeline wondered.

Xavier looked seemingly displeased by her question.

"Was it something I said?" Madeline grew self-conscious.

Xavier shook his head, "It isn't."

He leaned closer to her, "Just, for curiosity's sake, how do fictional novels portray werewolves?"

"Other than having strength, speed and hearing."

"So you do possess those abilities," Madeline deduced.

"Who knew I was given such an oblivious soulmate?"

"Hey! Who are you calling oblivious? I'll have you know I—"


"Finish your sentence," he coaxed.

Their conversation was cut short when Adrian came.

"What was that crashing noi--"

Adrian stopped mid-sentence, assessing Xavier and Madeline's position. He should've never came to check on them. What the heck were they doing, anyway?

Noticing he was still holding Madeline, Xavier gently let her down.

Madeline stumbled - grabbing Xavier's shoulder so she wouldn't fall and eat dirt.

Brushing dirt off her clothes, she felt relatively grateful Adrian had barged in their conversation. Saved her the effort to finish her sentence.

Truth be told, she had nothing to say. And frankly, she hoped Xavier wouldn't bring it up, or she'd be left racking her brain trying to find something to say.

From what she'd seen from him, Xavier was highly unlike his advisor, who was practically his opposite. Adrian was sweet and caring; Xavier couldn't relate.

To Madeline, he was arrogant and insolent.

Looking back and forth between Xavier and Madeline, Adrian decided to ask Madeline if she was staying or leaving. And the minute he finished speaking, everyone turned dead silent. No one breathed loudly, no one made any noise, it was just silence. Nothing more.

Of course, they couldn't simply force her to stay because she and Xavier were destined to be together.

There was valid reason why some people chose to go against their fate; some of them ended up satisfied with their decision too. It proved that their preordained destinies weren't set in stone, but that was only in some cases. Not all of them.

'Do I stay? Or do I leave?'

Peering at Xavier, he looked cross while Adrian was waiting in anticipation for her answer.

Madeline asked herself the question, what was there to stay for?

Obviously, there was something to stay for. Xavier was meant to be her destiny, meant to be her other half, but she wasn't getting along with him at all. And even so, it was only by coincidence she'd stumbled into this place.

Not to mention, they were claiming to be werewolves! So far, they'd exhibited super strength, super speed and super hearing.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was beginning to believe werewolves actually existed, despite the small part in her mind that remained unbelieving.

Werewolves? Pah!

'You must be out of your mind to believe a couple of strangers!' A voice in her head spoke.

Another voice reasoned, 'But he's your… you know. Red strings can't possibly be faked, so why don't you give him a shot?'

'She's already given him a shot, you dimwit! That darned man is arrogant and insolent!' The first voice combatted.

'Have you never learnt to not judge a book by its cover?' The second voice snapped.

"SHUT UP!" Madeline yelled.

Both Xavier and Adrian stared at her, blank looks on their face.

They exchanged looks, could she hear them?

Madeline's eyes widened in horror.

"Sorry," she apologized.

"Could you hear us?" Adrian probed.

"Hear you? You were speaking?" Madeline seemed just as confused as Adrian was. She had no idea what he was referring to - she hadn't even heard him and Xavier speaking!

'They must be trying to fool me somehow and make me think I'm crazy,' she thought.

"So why did you tell us to shut up?" Xavier furrowed his brows.

Madeline gulped. What could she say now?

"Uh, I… umm."

"What I meant to say was that I'm…"

She paused, taking a deep breath.

"...I'm staying."