[TW: Slight Blood]

"So you're telling me you're not amused by any of this?"

"As in… you don't find it funny at all?"

"Do you think of me that lowly, pup?" Xavier glared down at her.

"You're clearly hurt," he pointed out, "What's there to it that should be funny?"

He halted, declaring to Madeline, "We're here."

They'd arrived in a tent, and there in the tent sat an elderly looking lady who was seemingly waiting for their arrival. It was as though she'd predicted they'd come.

Xavier told her something Madeline couldn't make out. However, whatever it was sent her running away. Whether or not she ran away in fear or because the matter was that important remained unclear.

"Sit down," Xavier ordered.

He didn't look the least bit concerned, but his actions betrayed such a notion.

Madeline - who was about to do that anyway - followed.

Xavier kneeled down before treating her wounds, catching Madeline by surprise. She never knew he could treat wounds. Then again, he was still a stranger to her. Who knew what else he was capable of doing? He didn't seem fazed by the small droplets of blood dripping down her leg.

A few minutes later, the same woman returned. This time, holding an aluminium tin in one hand.

"It's a healing balm," Xavier explained when he caught Madeline peering at it.


Madeline's eyes widened in sheer horror.

Xavier looked like he was about to laugh. Keyword, about to.

He never laughed. He never smiled, he never showed a hint of happiness.

A bomb?

"Balm," he corrected her, handing her the tin for her to see for herself if she still couldn't believe it.

Madeline took the tin, cautiously opening it to see the contents of said tin.

Thankfully, Xavier was right. Turned out, it wasn't a bomb.

She imagined what it would've been like had the contents of the tin actually was a small, minuscule bomb. Then again the chances of that in the first place was near zero.

Madeline couldn't help but feel idiotic. How could she manage to humiliate herself in front of him so much times in one day? God, it was a never-ending cycle of her messing up. She exhaled deeply.

All that was left was for her to apply the balm on her gash, and hopefully, it'd heal quickly.

Holding the tin, Madeline wondered why in the world werewolves would need a healing balm if they were completely immune to damage. Unless… there was something that weakened them enough to inflict damage.

Madeline decided not to pry further. She'd done enough - and frankly, Xavier didn't seem like he was up to talk about it.

Xavier took a seat next to her, looking dazed and lost in his own train of thought. He was spacing out, and Madeline couldn't help but wonder what he was so occupied about.

She applied the balm to her gash, trying to be as quiet and calm as possible. She'd hurt enough in front of him. In her eyes, there was no need for her to worsen things.

"Does it hurt?" Xavier asked.

"No," Madeline lied, her stubborn side showing.

"Hmm," Xavier mused.

"Is that so?"

"It is," Madeline replied quickly.

"Alright then."


"I smell… the scent of a human wafting around here. Now who could be lurking around these corners?"

"Come out come out wherever you are, little humannnnnnn," a mysterious voice called.

"Wherever you're hiding, I'll find you," he said threateningly.

Madeline wondered where was she. One moment, she was in her lodgings. The next, she was teleported to this place!

"I know you're in here, human," the voice spat.

"SHOW YOURSELF!" His voice boomed, echoing off the cave's walls.

Silence followed. Madeline was unsure whether or not he'd stopped looking or was just agile and precise. Her hands trembled.

Unfortunately, it was the latter that was true.

She prayed she wouldn't be found, that wherever she was was concealed from his vision. Anything, so long as she wasn't found by this mysterious man.

The first mysterious man she met was her soulmate. Now who would her second mysterious man be? What, her brother?

Madeline held back a laugh. The irony had this man actually been her brother.

She was the only child, raised with no siblings.

"So, you're not here in physical form," he sneered.

"Your soul is here, but your true form isn't."

"Show yourself!"

"Or I'll find you and hunt you down myself!"

Madeline stood very still, not making any movement.

'Don't breathe loud, don't breathe loud, don't breathe loud,' she repeated in her head.

'Please don't let him find me,' she pleaded in her mind to no one in particular.

Oh who was she kidding?

No one could hear her! It was all in her head.

When she heard footsteps approaching, her heart stopped beating. Everything slowed down. Had she been surrounded by… say, a flock of birds, they would've flapped their wings slow, to the point it looked like they were trying to swim in air.

'I can smell you, but I can't see you,' she heard him mutter under his breath.


"Don't think you can fool me just by being here in soul form. I have tricks up my sleeve, and wherever you are… I won't let you foil my plans! I have worked too hard for everything to come crumbling down!"

'Well that's an incredibly stupid things to say for someone who's planning something,' Madeline frowned.

It took all her courage to take a step forward and try to find an exit. Wherever she was, she had to leave. ASAP.

This man clearly didn't want intruders, and he sounded furious. Who knew what he'd do to a…

Madeline gulped simply thinking about it.

'No, I mustn't be fazed. I'll get out of here, and when I do, he won't be able to catch me.'

However, it wasn't a minute afterwards when she heard the mysterious man chuckle.

"So, it seems like you were foolish enough to show yourself after all."