About That...

Fate, a mysterious thing.

One could never really know what lay ahead for them, but there were a few exceptions.

"Was being a werewolf why you bailed on me?"

A look of guilt crossed Briar's face.

"I suppose... it had a huge part to play in that."

Briar waved her hand dismissively, "Okay maybe it was why I bailed on you."

"I'm sorry," she looked at Madeline apologetically.

"I didn't want us to meet like this, but the moment I heard a Madeline Delcour was here I had to see it for myself," Briar scratched the back of her neck.

"I thought you were in trouble so I rushed to see you but it turned out it wasn't anything like that," Briar sounded relieved.

Perhaps it was time to allow Madeline to speak - what with her having spoken for the last few minutes, going on and on about how she felt incredibly guilty about all she'd done to her dear friend without any valid explanation up until now.

Madeline took a deep breath.

No, she wasn't upset, or annoyed.

She was relieved.

Just relieved, nothing else.

"I'm not mad," Madeline nodded, hoping Briar wouldn't fret over this.

"You're not?" Briar blinked - honestly, she thought things would take a turn for the worse. Not for it to end up with Madeline forgiving her so… easily.

"I'm not," Madeline shrugged before pulling out a seat for her friend.

"Sit down," she ordered.

"Before I make you," a smile tugged on the corners of Madeline's face.

Briar followed, taking a seat.

"How could you not be mad at me, after what I did?" Briar decided to ask.

Madeline chuckled lightly, "The way you're saying it it's like you purposely want me to be upset."

Briar shook her hands wildly, "That's not what I meant!"

"I know," Madeline patted Briar on the back.

"But it does explain things."

"I'm just glad you're here," she admitted.



Briar realized she didn't know what Madeline was doing so far from home.

"What are you doing here anyway?" She placed her hands on her lap.

Madeline went silent.

Woah, did she not know the truth?

Blinking, Madeline bit her lip.

"You don't know?"

It turned out word didn't spread everywhere. That, or Briar hadn't caught up to the latest news.

"I haven't," Briar shook her head.

"Forget I said anything then," Madeline began.

Briar narrowed her eyes, growing suspicious of Madeline.

All this time she was focused on making it up to her and apologizing for never telling her anything whilst being her friend that she trusted, that she never actually wondered what Madeline was doing here! So why was she here?

Her eyes widened. Luna forbid she was some sort of sacrifice to the wolves. No, that was ridiculous.

(Author's Note: Luna means moon goddess, the god all werewolves worship in Alaric. Luna forbid is the wolves' equivalent to god/heaven forbid.)

However, if not that, then whatever was she doing here?

Was she a werewolf too?

"You're not a werewolf too, are you?" Briar questioned albeit it didn't make any sense. Had she been a werewolf, Briar would've been able to sense it. All werewolves had this instinct whereas they could detect one of their own, so if Madeline truly was a werewolf, then why hadn't she realized it sooner?

"Heavens no," Madeline shook her head.

"I'm not a werewolf, I'm human," she confirmed, still unsure how to tell Briar the truth when she'd just told her she was terribly sorry for keeping this secret from her. Now Madeline felt guilty.

"So why are you here?" Briar furrowed her brows, seeming genuinely confused.

"Uh," Madeline hesitated.

"You can tell me," Briar coaxed, "Whatever it is, I won't judge."

"I promise," she added.

Madeline exhaled lightly.

"Well... if you promise you won't judge then..."

She glanced at her pinky.

"My soulmate's a werewolf," she answered.

Briar burst out in laughter.

"Maddie, I asked you to tell me why you're here, not joke around," Briar couldn't hold back her laughter, unable to process the news that was - much to her dismay, true.

When she saw the look on Madeline's face, she quieted down. She wasn't laughing, and she looked anxious.

"You're being serious?" Briar's eyes went round.

"Like actually serious?"

Madeline bit her lip, confirming Briar's thoughts on the matter at hand.

"How is this possible?!" Briar exclaimed, looking her friend up and down.

How was the girl she'd befriended in her university days destined to be with a werewolf? It'd never been done before! To her, Madeline had to be the first ever human in history to be soulmates with a werewolf.

Briar trailed off, "A human and a werewolf..."

"It's never been done before. Ever. In the history of forever there's never been such a pairing!" Briar spat, still in complete shock.

"Gee, thanks. That's great to know," Madeline uttered sarcastically, a frown on her usually cheerful-looking face.

Briar looked at Madeline apologetically before going on to ask, "So who's this soulmate of yours?"

"It's not that big a pack. Who is he?" Briar asked, completely oblivious and ignorant as to who he was. Oh, if only she knew.

Madeline began, "About that..."

She swallowed.

Now was the hard part, telling Briar this soulmate of hers was Xavier.

How could she start?

There never was a book written on how to tell your friend that happens to be a werewolf your soulmate's the man that leads her pack.

'I'm in so much trouble,' Madeline thought, placing a hand on her forehead.

"I know him?" Briar's curiosity grew by the minutes that passed.

So she knew the guy...

It could be anyone out of the entire pack, so who was the lucky man?

"No one comes to mind," Briar admitted to her friend.

"Just tell me," she pleaded, giving Madeline the puppy eyes she knew Madeline could never resist. What she didn't know was how she'd come to regret asking her to tell her who.

"Okay, fine," Madeline huffed.

"My soulmate? The one you know?"

Madeline sighed, looking at her pinky.

"It's Xavier."