Ms Shameless, Let Me GO!

"It's you," Xavier said when he saw Madeline enter his office.

"Hi," Madeline greeted.

"Hello," Xavier greeted in return.

"So, what are you here for?" Xavier asked, not looking up from the document he held in one hand.

Madeline paused.

"You came to my office, I presume you came here for something, so speak," Xavier picked up his pen and began writing something down.

"Well, you're right," Madeline nodded.

"And?" Xavier probed.

"And I'm here on behalf of Briar."

It was then Xavier looked up at her.

What did she just say?

"Her? What for, pup?" Xavier studied Madeline's face.

Madeline crossed her arms, "Again, I have a name. Don't call me pup!"

"It's Madeline to you," Madeline corrected.

Xavier still hadn't earned the right to call her Maddie. That was reserved for people who were close to her.

Xavier placed his document down.

"Madeline it is then," he decided before reminding himself of what previously happened.


His lips curved into a frown - how did he look so damn handsome even when he was annoyed?

"You're here to plead her case."


A grim look crossed his face.

"You can leave now," Xavier declared.

"Seriously? Oh come on, you can't just punish her."

Xavier rested his head on his hand.

"Oh, I can't punish her?"

"Why can't I?" He queried, taunting her.

"Do tell," he said, all ears.

"A good reason," Madeline answered, faltering.

What was she meant to say before?

"So it's a good reason," Xavier leered.

"Then I shouldn't punish her," he said.

"You're mocking me," Madeline narrowed her eyes, pouting.

Madeline felt horrible.

Xavier was mocking her.

She watched as Xavier returned to his work, writing something on an important document.

Knowing she couldn't get his attention and a word in edgewise, she had to do something.

Then, suddenly, she sniffled.

And like instinct, Xavier looked back up.

He squinted, and for once - he looked greatly surprised.

Wide-eyed, he asked, as though he'd never seen something like this his entire life - like this was his first time seeing someone let out a sniffle.

For a second, his gaze faltered.

"Are you… sniffling?" He questioned.

"What does it look like?" Madeline said in between sniffles.

"Why are you—"

Xavier was rendered confused and speechless. How was he supposed to react to this?

He wanted her to stop sniffling - heck, he'd do anything if it got her to stop.

"You're… like this because… I'm going to punish your friend?" Xavier asked.

Madeline wiped her tears.

"I can't favour her over everyone else."

Tears welled up in Madeline's eyes - and Xavier took notice.

He explained, "It'd prompt a rebellion."

However, luck wasn't in his cards and a tear fell down to the carpet of Xavier's office.

Xavier was truly confused and muddled.

What was he supposed to do?

"Stop," he hissed.

Madeline didn't stop.

"Please?" Xavier added, hoping it'd do something which - to his avail - did not.

"Don't punish her for something that I caused," Madeline said, tears dripping down her face.

Xavier stared at her.

What kind of woman was he paired with?

Was she seriously crying because her friend would get punished for interrupting breakfast-?

Xavier grumbled, now in a grim mood.

"This is exactly why I will never understand women. Ever."

Of course, he couldn't do anything to Madeline except watch in sheer terror.

In an attempt to get her to stop shedding tears, Xavier inquired.

"Hypothetically, if I let this friend of yours off with a warning instead of punishing her, would you stop crying?"

Madeline sniffled, looking at him.

"You'd do that?" She asked.

"For real?"

"Would it get you to stop crying in my office?" Xavier inquired, hiding the desperation behind his eyes.

God, he didn't know how to handle her in situations like this, and something told him this wouldn't be the last of this.

By doing this, not only did it seem like he was having favourites, it established that to get anything she wanted, all Madeline had to do was shed a few tears. But, something told him her tears were genuine, even though he couldn't understand the importance of his matter. Briar had to learn from her mistake somehow. He couldn't just… give her leeway because…

Madeline wept while he remained silent, truly at a loss for words.

What was this woman's intentions? Was she really just trying to get his pity for her friend to get off free from any punishments?

This darn woman!

"Maybe," she replied, fueling the bits of hope in Xavier.

Xavier facepalmed.

He wouldn't actually do this, would he? He looked at Madeline, then back at his desk. He never fared well with emotions - he never knew what to do with them. They were messy, and unnecessary in his eyes.

But, it was either he gave in to her… request or he'd be stuck with a crying Madeline. He couldn't force her to leave, and he certainly couldn't… use violence. That was too brutal, and even Xavier knew that, which was saying something.

Adrian wouldn't let this go once he discovered once he'd done.

"Fine," he heaved a deep sigh.

Madeline had to admit he looked great now that she got a better look at him - and even better with his rolled up sleeves which exposed his arms. Madeline could have swore she saw veins popping out from his arms, but she disregarded the thought.

'Being an alpha must be stressful,' she presumed.

"I'll let her go with a warning just this once because she exhibited remarkable decorum in the past."

He looked upset as he asked her, "Satisfied now?"

"Thanks," Madeline said in astonishment and wonder.

"Thank you," she thanked him before walking over to him.

Xavier furrowed his brows, wondering what this girl was doing before he was hugged from his side.

"Let go of me!" Xavier ordered.

"You can leave me, I did what you asked," he seemed thoroughly annoyed now.

"Madeline!" He called, snapping her out of her daze.

Madeline had shut her eyes.