Xavier & His Tight-Assness

"Softening me?"

"What am I, a piece of toast?" Xavier growled.

"Adrian, you know damn well she is not softening me."

'Say whatever you want, Xay, your words and your actions are pointing towards different things entirely,' Adrian thought to himself, unable to stop himself from chuckling.

"What about this do you find funny?" Xavier demanded.

"Nothing," Adrian blatantly lied to his friend.

Xavier frowned, displeased by Adrian's preposterous accusations.

Him? Softening up to her?

What was this, some sort of romance movie?

He sighed, knowing there was nothing else to do but admit the truth.

Sure, Xavier could be cold, but he wasn't a liar.

"She was crying."

"What else was I supposed to do?" Xavier asked.

"What would you have done if you were in that situation?"

"Not give in to whatever her wishes were and leave her crying?"

"Do you forget that…"

Xavier lifted his pinky. How he wished he could just chop off his pinky altogether and save himself from the embarrassment of seeing that wretched soulmate of his. She was gut-wrenchingly shameless, while he was the complete opposite. What a pair!

By then, Adrian couldn't hold himself back.

He let out a laugh. To think, after all the years of waiting, Xavier had finally found a soulmate. They'd originally thought he was meant to end up alone - but as it turned out, fate had something else planned. And now that he had one… he was making a fuss over her. All she had to do was turn on the waterworks, apparently.

All this time, Xavier was invincible and powerful. And now, Adrian couldn't help but find the situation humorous.

Behold, the great Alpha Xavier, defeated by a mortal.

"Ah, right. That explains it," Adrian spoke, unconvinced.

"All because you're destined to be together."

"Don't joke with me, Adrian," Xavier's eyes flashed dangerously.

"I'm not joking with you," Adrian said, dismissing his claims.

"You better not be," Xavier stared at him glaringly.

"Cheer up a little, Xay," Adrian convinced.

"You know, maybe being around Madeline more would be good for you." "You take that back."

"I won't, I'll continue."


"Xavier," Adrian called in return.

"Why would being around a mortal help?"

Adrian didn't know how to sugarcoat things, so he simply told Xavier the truth.

"Xavier, you're a tight ass. Respectfully."

"A tight ass?"

"A tight ass," Adrian confirmed.

"What's a tight ass?" Xavier questioned, muddle as to what Adrian could've meant by calling him a... tight ass.

Adrian inhaled. Of course Xavier wouldn't know what a tight ass was.

"Basically, a tight ass is someone who doesn't know how to have fun."

"Are you accusing ME of not knowing how to have fun?"

Adrian cleared his throat.

"Xay, list five people you'd willingly have drinks with."

Xavier was about to speak before Adrian interrupted him.

"You cannot name me, or any of the werewolves you're to force to have drinks with you. They must also agree to have drinks with you. It can't just be one-sided, Xay."


"Go ahead."

Xavier remained deadly silent.

After a couple of minutes passed, Adrian came to the touching conclusion that his assumptions were proven correct.

Xavier indeed had no one to go for a round of drinks with.

He didn't know what fun was like after being swamped with work for the past decades. And yes, past decades. Werewolves aged incredibly differently than humans. So while Xavier looked like someone in their mid 20s, he was actually more than hundreds of years old.

"No one?" Adrian inquired.

He sighed, "See, this is why, as your friend I'm telling you to learn to have fun."

"Learn to have fun?"

"However could I simply learn to have fun?"

Wasn't fun supposed to be natural?

"Yes, Xay. Learn to have fun."

"Learn to chillax and stop worrying."

"Chillax… and stop worrying? What does chillax mean?"

"Haha, Xay, you've really got to get out there and have fun."

"Take Madeline as an example. I'm certain she knows how to have fun."

"And what are you trying to insinuate here?" Xavier stared at Adrian unblinkingly.

"What I'm trying to say is… why don't you get to know the girl."

"She seems delightful," Adrian fought back a chuckle of delight.

Sure he meant his words, but seeing Xavier's reaction was incredibly amusing.

"And how do I get to know her?"

"I'll leave that up to you," Adrian decided.

"Adrian, don't leave me like this. You're my advisor," Xavier pointed out.

"This is a situation that needs advising," he added.

"Don't tell me you're going to leave me when I finally ask you to do your job properly, Adrian. Do you forget that I'm the alpha of the pack?"

Sweat formed on Adrian's face. How the tables have turned. It was him being cornered now, and his job was on the line.

'How cruel of Xavier to practically ask me to give him the answer to his question, hmph!' Adrian frowned.

"This has nothing to do with my job, Xay."

"Well then, help me with this as my friend."

Adrian blinked. This was the first time Xavier had acknowledged him as his friend in… well, years!

"You called me your friend," Adrian placed a hand on his heart, pretending as though it was the sweetest thing Xavier had ever said to him.

"Quit acting so dramatic," Xavier snapped, starting to get irritated as shown in his change of tone.

"Just tell me how to stop being…"

"A tight ass," Xavier spoke bitterly, unable to handle being called that by his one and only friend.

How dare Adrian call him a tight ass! Of course he knew how to have fun!

He just hadn't had the opportunity to have fun after years of being the alpha of the pack. Who could blame him and his overall tight-assness?

Why don't Adrian try being the alpha then, see if he knew how to have fun after all this?

(Author's Note: Yes, I know tight-assness isn't a word. Don't come at me in the comments about this please o.o)