I Won’t Need Your Saving All The Time, You Know

Safe to say, Xavier was rendered speechless.

Friend? So soon?

It took him years to establish his and Adrian's friendship. And now, here she was, claiming he was a friend to her despite knowing each other for less than a week.

Then again, he had no idea how human friendships worked. After so long… he'd forgotten what it was like to befriend humans.

Instead of saying anything about her calling him her friend, he told her, "I think it's time for you to leave."

Madeline was truly appalled. Did he ignore everything she'd said? Hell, was he even listening?

However, Madeline didn't say a word about it. She knew Xavier had a point - and she hadn't even any idea how much time had passed by.

"W-we should head back," Madeline said, only realizing afterwards that she had a stutter to her voice.

Clearing her throat, she asked him, "Shall we?"

Xavier nodded.

"We shall," he answered, his voice more enthusiastic than before.

'At least Adrian will be pleased I found him,' Madeline reasoned as she and Xavier walked back.

"You should go pack," Xavier reasoned.

Madeline could feel his gaze on her.

"I should," she responded, knowing how awkward this conversation was.

"Bye," she then greeted before running away to her room.

If only Briar could get a load of this.

The minute Madeline shut her door behind her, she tried calming her racing heartbeat down, but it wouldn't slow down. It was going wild, and Madeline hadn't the faintest idea why.

An hour or so later, she'd finally finished packing, and was bidding Briar goodbye.

"I'm going to miss you," Briar pouted, bringing Madeline in a crushing embrace.

"I can say the same for you," Madeline chuckled, knowing she'd miss Briar the days she couldn't see her.

"Be careful now," Briar reminded her friend.

"You too."

"Don't you worry about me, I'll be fine," Briar assured Madeline.

"I've been here long enough to know how things work, you go rest easy."

Madeline pursed her lips.


"But promise, you'll call me as soon as it's over?" Madeline asked, patting Briar on the back.

"Call you? The reception here is terrible."

"Briar!" Madeline exclaimed, pulling away from Briar.

"I'm kidding. I will, I promise," Briar promised, giving Madeline a cheeky wink.

"Now go, your comfy loft awaits you."

"You never liked the loft," Madeline pointed out.

"Course I didn't, it was never really my style," Briar admitted, holding back her laughter once she saw Madeline fighting back a frown.

"Go," Briar encouraged.


"I haven't said goodbye to Xavier yet."

"Never thought I'd hear that sentence coming from you," Briar mused, knowing Madeline couldn't hear her now that she was talking to Xavier.

"Goodbye, pup," Xavier said to her.

"Back to calling me pup again?"

"Would you rather I call you Ms Delcour, or pup?"

"I told you you could call me Madeline."

"Everyone else gets to call you Madeline. Why can't I get to call you something far more unique?"

"So you're saying you don't like my name."

"What I'm saying is, you better leave or werewolves will be able to catch up to you and tear you apart, pup."

He added, "I won't be able to save you every time you're in trouble and are in need of saving, you know."

Madeline scoffed.

"I won't need your saving all the time, you know."

She exhaled lightly.

"I should go now," she said, her hand moving to her purse. Yep, her car keys were still there.

Putting her ego aside, she bid Xavier goodbye. It was getting late after all.

(Author's Note: Madeline drove back to her place since she found Eudora after dropping something when she exited her car. So yes, her car was practically parked at the side of the road for days without getting towed, etc. Keep in mind, this is a fictional novel.)

One car drive later, she arrived at her loft, exhausted and completely drained.

She turned on her lights to see everything where she'd placed it. Nothing had changed.

Madeline yawned, knowing she was too tired to function or think of anything other than how comfortable her bed felt like.

"Hello bed," she greeted, now changed into sleepwear.

She flopped onto bed, and sleep washed over her, like waves did on a beach.


"So I see you've come to visit me again, little soul."

'NO NO NO NO! What am I doing back here?!'

"Came to continue what happened on your last visit?"

'I've got to leave this place before he actually finds me this time,' Madeline winced just thinking about it.

There was definitely no one around. It was just him and her there. No one was there to save her - that is, if they could even see her.

"Don't be shy… show yourself," he drawled, knowing he'd scare her off if he used his super speed to find her.

"Or would you rather I find you first?"

No noise followed - either he'd stopped speaking and breathing… or he was quiet in finding her.

'Where's Xavier when you need him?' Madeline thought briefly before she shook her head.

'No, I don't need anyone's help. Much less his.'

'I will get out of this place in one piece.'

Madeline hoped for the best - that she'd find a way out of here or the same thing that happened before repeated itself, and she disappeared into thin air.

She then noticed how real everything felt. It didn't feel like she was in some sort of dream anymore, all she felt was light and floaty. Like she was some sort of… ghost, to put it in one way.

'This definitely isn't a dream,' she observed, looking around her to see a couple of rocks nearby. If he came close to finding her, she could hide there - presumably without getting caught.

Something alerted Madeline. It didn't take her long to realize…

She could hear faint breathing behind her.


"AHAH! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" He roared with laughter and delight, knowing she had nowhere to escape now that he'd finally found her hiding spot.