Desire Vs Promise

Madeline blinked.

"You really thought about what I said at breakfast?" She queried.

Xavier had shown up on her doorstep just to ask her something she'd mentioned at breakfast.

Like any gracious person would, she invited him into her quarters.

"Come in," she opened her door wider, allowing him to enter.

Thankfully, her quarters were sparkling clean - what with Madeline being somewhat of a clean freak.

It was something they both had in common. They disliked messes.

"You should have the day off," Madeline suggested, closing the door.

"A day off?" Xavier asked, foreign with those three words.

He hadn't a day off in… well, forever!

"I can't take a day off," he insisted, his eyes flashing with disappointment and sadness.

"I have things to do as alpha, and those things won't wait."

"Well then, as I said let someone else deal with it," Madeline insisted.

"Look, I certainly haven't known you for long but you seem incredibly stressed."

"I'm not stressed," he grumbled, crossing his arms although he fully knew she was right.

"I'm just busy," he lied.

Madeline stared at him, not cutting eye contact.

"When you learn how to lie more convincingly you get to return to work."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you need a break."

"Come on, we're friends. Do me this one favour."

'Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be your first and last favour you ask of me.'

"I heard that!"

"I didn't mean for you not to."

"So you're telling me I should take things slowly today and resume work tomorrow?"

"Yes! Exactly!" Madeline exclaimed, smiling warmly at him, glad Xavier was beginning to get it.

"Take a break, even if it lasts one day, and then do what you're supposed to do the day after when you feel refreshed and less tired."

"I'll have to talk to Adrian first," Xavier said.

Madeline nodded.

"And I'll come with you."


"To make sure you don't get distracted and forget why you decided to talk to Adrian."

"I don't forget things," Xavier said confidently.

"Yeah I'm still coming with you," Madeline said.

"Is this how things are going to be, with you constantly telling me what to do?" Xavier queried.

"Why, are you complaining?"

Although Xavier had more excuses to say yes, indeed he was complaining because she was bossing him around, but he ended up shaking his head.

"No ma'am," he answered.

'I called her ma'am.'

'Where did that come from?' He asked himself.

He sighed.

Madeline stared at him.

"You stay here, I'll go talk to Adrian."

Madeline stared at him some more.

"I promise I'll return once he gives me an answer."

"There, happy?" He asked exasperatedly.

She nodded.

"Okay, fine."

Xavier got up, straightening his suit.

Madeline had always questioned why he wore a suit when he lived in the woods, but who was she to judge?

He looked amazing at all times, even Madeline had to admit it.

She looked back up, only to see she was the only one left in her quarters. She hadn't noticed him bidding her goodbye before leaving swiftly.

Xavier shut the door behind him.

"Adrian, you're going to pay for this," Xavier crossed his arms, giving Adrian a look of resentment for what he just had to endure.

Adrian closed a book he'd just been reading.

"I take it your conversation with Madeline went well?"

"If you consider a conversation where I was bossed around and coaxed to take a break from work one that went well, then yes."

"So it did go well!" Adrian's eyes lit up with excitement.

One thing Xavier couldn't comprehend was how Adrian had kept his childlike glee despite being nearly as old as he was.

How Xavier behaved had been caused by the events of the past. Whilst Adrian never let anything change his behaviour. Xavier found it fascinating.

The pack had always wondered why Xavier chose Adrian to be his advisor. They expected someone less… cheerful, and someone other than Adrian, but Xavier never once doubted Adrian when it came to what counts.

Adrian narrowed his eyes.

"If it went well then why are you here and not enjoying the one day off you have?" Adrian questioned.

"Because I came here to make sure you'd be alright with it."

The moment those words had exited Xavier's mouth, Xavier realized he'd made a huge mistake.

Adrian's eyes shone with gratitude.

He felt acknowledged by his friend.

Xavier wanted his say on whether or not this was the best move for him.

Adrian was so moved he'd forgotten that Xavier was still waiting on his say.

"Adrian?" Xavier knitted his brows together.

Was he listening to him?

Adrian returned to reality.

"Right," he said, his eyes flashing apologetically.

"We'll survive without you for one day, go enjoy your break," Adrian assured, shooing Xavier away.

"Tsk, you seem happy to see me take a day off from work."

"That's because - if you ever were to listen to me - then you'd remember that I've been asking you to do this for ages."

Xavier seemed surprised.

Adrian had wanted him to take a break?

"You should go spend time with Madeline too," Adrian added just as Xavier was about to walk out the door.

Xavier scoffed.

"Spend time with Madeline?"

Adrian nodded, returning his gaze on the book he'd just been reading.

"Spend time with Madeline," he confirmed.

"She is your soulmate."

"I don't need to be reminded of that."

"Alright then, go on, do whatever you want," Adrian dismissed him.

Xavier gave him a dirty look before he left, about to head to his office before he remembered he'd promised Madeline he'd return.

Xavier was left with two choices.

'You can prove Adrian wrong and go do whatever you want, it's your one day off!'

'Remember your promise to the girl. A promise is a promise, no matter what. And think of how upset she'd be if you never returned and she discovered you lied and didn't keep your promise!'

He mumbled under his breath, 'I have two choices. One, to keep my promise. The other, to break it.'