I-Is The Alpha Trying To Kiss Me?

Madeline thought of an idea.

"What about we walk back instead?" Madeline suggested, hoping Xavier would agree to it.

"We still have a lot of time to waste, the day isn't over yet," she reasoned.

"And we can walk off the calories!"

"I have a metabolism hundreds of times faster than yours," Xavier informed her, coming off as braggy and arrogant.

"Pshhh, screw fast metabolisms," Madeline gave him the side eye, writhing with jealousy.

"We're walking back," she decided before finally deciding to ask him, "That okay with you?"

Xavier scoffed.

"I could take that route a million times and still wouldn't break a sweat."

"Alright then, walk it is," Madeline said, secretly smiling now that she wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of being carried all the way back to her quarters.

'You're doing this all to avoid embarrassment, how funny,' a voice in her head spoke.

Madeline ignored it, choosing to look at the bright side. Now she'd also know how to reach Xavier's place.

As soon as him and her had left for Eudora, she asked him, "Who else knows about your cabin?"

Xavier answered, "Adrian."


"It's just him," Xavier replied.

Did she expect someone else to know?

Surely she didn't think he was that trusting.

There were some people that were out to get him. Entrusting just anyone with where he lived or where he stored his valuables would turn out catastrophic!

"I don't tell everyone where I live, you know," Xavier looked weirded out by the mere thought of it.

Some werewolves were unpredictedable.

"Why not?"

"Because," Xavier began, glaring at her.

"Not everyone has the best of intentions. Who knows what they'd do if they ever found this place."

"But… they can't kill you, you're the alpha are you not?"

Xavier narrowed his eyes. Was she playing around with him? This certainly wasn't funny.

Someone killing him wasn't the only possibility as well.

Facepalming, Xavier explained to her, "Simply because I am the alpha doesn't make me invulnerable."

"That's not how being the alpha works."

Yes, he was the alpha but that didn't make him immune to everything.

Somewhere out there, there were still a couple of things that were capable of hurting even the strongest and smartest of the werewolves.

Say, if someone were to find where Xavier lived and somehow manage to get inside and ravage the entire place… who knew what precedent it'd set with the other werewolves.

"I'm not indestructible," Xavier admitted.

"So you're saying you have weaknesses of your own?"

"Everyone has weaknesses, that saying doesn't exclude me."

Madeline then spoke, "Well, it's great to know werewolves have weaknesses too."

"Did you think we didn't have any weaknesses?"

"Maybe," Madeline lied, feeling foolish.

Of course they did.

Then again, she was quite clueless when it came to werewolves.

Aside from how werewolves had super strength, speed and hearing, she knew virtually nothing. Heck, she still knew practically nothing about them.

Of course, she had gotten some useful tidbits from Xavier regarding them, but she still had so many questions.

What are the downsides to being a werewolf?

Are all werewolves immortal?

Who was the first ever werewolf to come into existence?

Did Xavier have any relation to the first ever werewolf?

If he did, then what relation?

"How are werewolves created?" Madeline inquired.

Xavier halted.

"Why would you want to know?"

"I'm curious, 'is all."

"Hmm, if you're just curious then why should I tell you?"

"You must have a more valid reason than… 'I'm just curious.'"

"What about you begin with telling me why I can't know about how werewolves are created?"

"Because, you're a mortal."

"That's incredibly mortalist of you to say," Madeline scrunched her nose.

"There's no such thing as mortalist," Xavier insisted despite knowing Madeline had made that word up.

"And?" Madeline cocked her head to the side, waiting for him to reply to her.

Her questions ceased when she felt a dark aura engulf Xavier. It was like… she could sense he was upset.

'So he doesn't want to talk about it.'

'I should stop pressing him for answers,' Madeline decided, looking down at her shoes, trying not to meet his gaze.

Then, Xavier finally answered her.

"Because it's best you don't know," he said, trying to hide the pain in his voice as best he could.

Had Madeline not known better, she would've dismissed it and changed topics like it was nothing. But then again, Xavier wasn't the greatest when it came to anything that had to do with emotions, especially hiding them.

"Alright then," Madeline nodded.

If Xavier said it was best she didn't know how humans became werewolves, best things stay that way. He was her friend after all, she trusted him.

Madeline felt chilly walking back to Eudora. By then, it'd stopped raining - it had ever since they'd started walking, thankfully.

She wondered if Xavier was thinking of the time he was turned into a werewolf.

Hold on, was he turned into a werewolf? Or was he of werewolf descent?

'Nope, I'm not asking him. Nope nope nope, I'm not doing it.'

'He's already upset as is, I don't want to anger him more.'

Being his soulmate meant he couldn't harm her, but that didn't mean it was terrifying.

'What's he thinking about right now?'

They were reaching Madeline's quarters. By then, it was already late in the evening.

Xavier took notice of something, and like it was some sort of an instinct, he went for it.

However, when Madeline saw him, she immediately thought he was going to hug her. Or worse… kiss her!

'W-what is he doing?' She faltered, freaking out on the inside.

'No no there's no way this is actually happening,' Madeline took a small step back, her eyes widening in utter and sheer horror.


Author's Note: Woot woot, Her Devilish Alpha is now contracted! You can now send the book gifts since the gift option is now available (think of it as a tipping jar for you to tip at will).

Thank you so much for all your support thus far, lots of love, mari.