Imagine Being The Alpha’s Soulmate

"What did you get up to?" Briar questioned.

"Since you spent the entire day at Xavier's place," she nodded.

"What are you trying to say here?" Madeline scrunched her nose in confusion.

"He invited me to his place, and we went there to play games."

"You and him… played games?"

"Did you expect something else?"

Briar thought about it.

"Should I have expected something else? Don't tell me you were blushing because you remembered you and Xavier playing…"

She swallowed.


Madeline hesitated, "Uh…"

"I thought he was about to kiss me," Madeline admitted.

Briar stared at her.

"Excuse me?"

"So you told me nothing before and now that you finally begin to tell me… you tell me you thought Xavier was going to kiss you?"

Madeline shrunk down.

"What the hell happened yesterday, Maddie?"

"I told you already, we went to his place, talked a bit, played some games then he sent me back here," Madeline admitted, before she went into more detail regarding everything and finally telling Briar of the time she'd thought Xavier was going to kiss her.

Briar listened closely, taking everything in.

How Xavier had trusted her to the point he invited her to his place, which she hadn't known about until Madeline told her.

Frankly, she nearly thought Xavier's home was his office with how much time he spent there.

"It wasn't one of my finest moments," Madeline said.

"There, I told you everything, happy now?"

Briar nodded, "Yes."

A smug grin made it to her face.

"So… there's clearly something going on between you," she said.

It was what she'd gotten from Madeline's storytelling session.

"S-something going on between who? Xavier and I?" Madeline stuttered.

"Oh don't pretend nothing's going on."

"But nothing is going on!" Madeline insisted.


"I didn't even know Xavier had a house till you told me he did."

"He spends more time in his office than he does anywhere else. And from what you just told me he chose to spend the entire day with you."

"Well, not the entire day," Madeline corrected.

Briar facepalmed.

"He spent the night alone."

"But you spent the rest of the day with him?"

Madeline nodded slowly.


"You got to visit the alpha's place," Briar placed a hand on her heart.

She glanced at the wall clock.

"And you're about to have breakfast with him," Briar reminded her.

"Oh right."

"Imagine being the alpha's soulmate," Briar mumbled.

"Meanwhile my soulmate is nowhere to be seen. There's a sea full of fish and I haven't yet gotten any."

Madeline reasoned, "The sea is full of trash and garbage. That's why there's climate change."

Briar snickered, "Good point."

"Now go get dressed."

She said singsongingly, "Alpha Xavier is waiting for youuuuu."

Madeline shot Briar a dirty look.

"Are you ever going to let me live this down?"

"Nope," Briar answered smugly.

Madeline frowned.

Half an hour later, Madeline and Xavier were eating breakfast together.

Of course, Briar had offered to leave to give the two some privacy… but that wasn't before she gave Madeline two thumbs up on her way out.

'Rooting for you, Mads, don't disappoint!'

'Rooting for me to do what?' Madeline shot Briar a look of confusion.

Briar didn't notice, and seconds later, the door slammed shut.

Briar was gone, leaving Madeline and Xavier alone in the breakfast room.

Madeline trailed off, "So…"

"What's up?" She asked casually, unable to have thought of anything else to say.

Madeline took a sip from her cup of coffee.

"The ceiling," Xavier answered, nearly causing Madeline to choke on her drink.

"That's not how you reply to that question," Madeline explained.

"Then how does someone reply to 'what's up'?" Xavier raised his brow in curiosity.

Was there another way to answer this question?

And if so… how?

"What's up means what's happening. A person usually answers something like nothing much or not much," she explained.

"Ah," Xavier finally answered after moments of silence went by.

Madeline was about to speak before her hand brushed against something and suddenly…

"Madeline?" Xavier called when he noticed Madeline had been staring at something for the past few minutes.

Was something wrong?

Madeline snapped out of it.

"Sorry about that, I spaced out a bit," she apologized before Adrian barged in the room.

"Apologies for interrupting your breakfast," Adrian began.

"But Xavier, I need to speak with you."

Madeline spoke mindlessly, "If you're going to tell him that you need him to come with you to talk about the duties he needs to catch up with because of his day off yesterday I could just leave."

Her hand flew to her mouth.

Where had that come from?

Was she having deja vu?

She'd seen Adrian barge in the room wanting to speak to Xavier, and now it was happening again.

Madeline didn't even know if Adrian was going to tell Xavier that. She'd just spoken without thinking.

Xavier and Adrian both stared at her.

'Did she really just—?'

'So she has superpowers.'

'We don't know that yet,' Xavier denied.

'She just predicted what I was just about to tell you.'

'So you really were about to tell me that I had to return to work?'


'So what do you want to do about it, stay and interrogate her about her possible powers?' Adrian raised his brow.

'What, you still think she's an ordinary human?'

'Because if humans could see through the veil then we'd be done for. And I have a feeling what just happened wasn't Madeline guessing.'

'I am not going to do something because you have a feeling.'

'Then do it for yourself, you never know what you could find. She is your soulmate after all.'

Madeline watched the two look at each other. Were they talking?

'I forgot they have a mind link.'

'God, what just happened?' Madeline wondered. She hadn't said it on purpose, Madeline had just blurted it out like it was common knowledge.

She shrunk in her chair, wondering if she could leave.