There's Something Wrong With Her!

"You're the first to ever have made it here, and you're about to be the last."

Madeline retorted, "You said something like that last time and look at me, I'm fine."

Hearing cackles of laughter echo through the cave, she gulped.

"Well that's because I let you go," the voice spoke, this time sounding more confident than ever.

"And that was when you didn't know anything."

"But now that you know more, and you've gotten a glimpse of my face, you need to be dealt with."

The cracking of knuckles was heard next, and Madeline wondered what'd happen if she mentioned Xavier's name.

Did he know Xavier? Would mentioning his name do anything?

She questioned, "Why are you here?"

"Is that a question from you I hear?"

Madeline rolled her eyes, "Listen, if you really are going to deal with me then you can at least humour me."

"Why are you here, and why can't you leave? If you really didn't want me to find where you are, you could've moved to another location, but you've stayed here all this time."

"So you noticed."

He scoffed, "If you really must know, my subject imprisoned me here and banished me from my pack."

Time seemed to come to a halt.

'He said 'my pack',' Madeline realized.

The person in her visions was a werewolf.

It was then she felt something prick her, and her surroundings darkened.


Speaking of Xavier, he and Adrian were in his office, discussing matters of severe importance.

"Let me guess, you already have something in mind."

"I may have a theory," Xavier said.

Adrian tilted his head and sat in the chair opposite to Xavier.

"So do you intend to tell me this theory of yours or are you going to keep me in the dark like you do Madeline?" Adrian asked.

Xavier frowned, "I keep her in the dark for her sake."

"Do you think she wants to know about how I became… you know? I don't think so."

"Xavier, she's not some fragile vase."

"Adrian, I know her better than you do," Xavier said.

"If she were to find out that was how I became it she wouldn't speak to me for an entire day."

Adrian snickered.

"So you're doing this not to get her upset," he summed up.

"When you put it like that, I want to kill myself."

Adrian reminded, "But you're immortal."

"And you clearly can't take a joke," Xavier rolled his eyes.

"What, Madeline taught you how to joke around?"

"When did anything to do with Madeline start becoming an insult?"

Adrian shrugged, "When you and her started spending more time together."

"Your point is?"

"I've been your friend for centuries and you barely spend any time with me, excluding work," Adrian crossed his arms and knitted his eyebrows.

Xavier seemed to be at the brink of a smile.

"Are you telling me you're jealous of Madeline?" Xavier tilted his head, not cutting off eye contact with Adrian.

"You could say that," Adrian snarled.

"So, what's your theory?"

"You think I'm just going to tell you?"

Adrian placed both his hands on the desk.

"Not only am I your close friend, I'm your advisor. Obviously, I should be one of the first people you tell of your theory," Adrian reasoned.

Xavier scoffed, "I'm not telling you if you stay like this."

He gestured at Adrian's stance.

Adrian plopped down on the chair he usually sat on.

"So, what's your theory?"

Xavier exhaled lightly, "That Madeline's not a human."

Adrian stopped him.

"You're admitting that I'm right," Adrian smirked.

"I never said you were wrong," Xavier insisted.

Adrian was about to say something but chose to keep quiet instead.

"You didn't let me continue," Xavier said.

"When she was reading in the library, a book happened to fall on her."

Adrian nodded, "You mentioned that already, but what's so important about that?"

"The book was the alphas of Eudora."

And instantly, Adrian's face darkened.

"Madeline found that book?"

"But how was it in the library? Isn't it supposed to be in your private collection?"

"How could it have been suddenly misplaced like that? And that book especially. It's just an ordinary book, so how…"

"The book isn't just any ordinary book, it's a magical book," Xavier corrected him.

Adrian appeared shocked.

"A magical book?" He asked in astonishment.

"What do you mean by magical? As in, the book can fly?"

Xavier shook his head, "No, it can't fly."

"When I say magic book, I mean it can find wherever the book is needed most."

Things slowly pieced together, and Adrian found himself wondering why would the book find Madeline? Was it because there was something in it that she desperately needed to know?

Xavier had told him the contents of the book, it was a gruesome tale of how he came to be the alpha of the pack.

What matter of importance could it possibly serve Madeline?

"And you're telling me the book just fell on her?"

Xavier nodded.

Adrian pursed his lips.

Wow, so not only could Madeline possibly have powers, she wasn't a human as well.

"Are you relieved?"

"Relieved of what?"

"That there is a possibility that Madeline isn't a human?"

Fire burned in Xavier's eyes. It was like Adrian's words had him off.

"Whether or not she's a human doesn't make a difference," he clarified.

"It shouldn't change how we see her," he added.

"Wah, look at you being so wise," Adrian praised, resisting the urge to pat Xavier's head. Xavier would've definitely found it strange and asked him what in the hell was he doing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason."

"Then stop looking at me like that," Xavier scowled.

"Hmph, you're so mean," Adrian crossed his arms and looked away.

"Now you're really beginning to sound like Madeline," Xavier said, looking a tad bit concerned.

Bangs were heard from the door.

Xavier rushed to the door, opening it with haste wondering who'd dare disturb him at such an untimely hour.

To his surprise, it was Briar, drenched in sweat.

She looked like she'd just ran a marathon, except more panicky and less tired.

"M-madeline, there's something wrong with her," she said in between pants, trying to catch her breath.