[TW: Blood]

"Xavier, I have news!" Adrian announced.

Xavier practically jumped out of his chair.

"About Madeline's whereabouts?"

"No," Adrian shook his head, "Her whereabouts are left unknown, just like you made it."

Sighing, Xavier felt even more guilt pool in his stomach.

Where was she?

"So what's this news about?"

"Madeline's parents."

"Adoptive parents, to elaborate," Adrian said, walking over to Xavier and handing him a file.

"What's so important about Madeline's adoptive parents that you figured I needed to see this?"

"Just read it," Adrian insisted.

"You'll see," he added.

Xavier took one look at Adrian before opening the file.

He skimmed the irrelevant part before he got to the identity of Madeline's adoptive parents.

Adrian spoke, "So when you asked me to do a background check on Madeline's adoptive parents, you weren't--"

Xavier closed the file.

"So my theory was right after all."


"Hmm, I suppose it's a fairly reasonable request."

Nodding slowly, she asked, "So, what's your name?"

The man scoffed, "I'm not telling you my real name."

He added, "But, I will tell you what people used to call me."

Madeline looked at him hopefully, her plan to buy herself some time working. Whoever this man was, he loved to talk. Something they both shared in common.


'His nickname is Miles,' she thought in her head.

'Miles,' she repeated, hoping something would happen if she kept saying his name.

Unfortunately, other than feeling lightheaded, nothing else did.

"So, Miles, why don't we talk about this?"

"Surely you could let me go if I promise not to say anything to anyone. No one would believe me anyway, and I know nothing about you."

Miles thought about it thoroughly.

"Your efforts are appreciated, but I won't be changing my mind. Once my mind is made up, there's—"

'There's no changing it. Yeah I know,' Madeline mumbled under her breath, annoyed.

"Now, since I've fulfilled your one last request, it's time I deal with you once and for all, puny mortal,"

Madeline, beginning to get desperate, shouted, "Don't you dare lay a hand on me, Xavier--"

"You know Xavier," Miles realized, interrupting her.

"What is your relation with him?"

Madeline blinked, "Excuse me?"

"This Xavier man you speak of. What do you have to do with him?"

"He's a stranger I recently met," Madeline lied, wondering how he could know Xavier.

Was he truly that well known?

"What is your relation with him?" He demanded to know, pulling her closer to him and glaring at her.

"I told you already, he's a complete stranger!" Madeline exclaimed, hiding the one thing she knew would get her killed.

"I was given the exceptional ability to detect lies, I know you're lying," Miles narrowed his eyes and brought her closer to him than she already was.

"Who is he to you?"

"We're friends," Madeline finally admitted.

Letting her go, he spat, "So that makes you my enemy by principle."

"What did Xavier ever do to you for you to look so angry?"

Silence filled the room.

Miles gnashed his teeth together in rage, letting her go and watching as Madeline fell to the floor.

"Why do you think I'm still here in this cave? Huh?"

"Did you think I wanted to be stuck here?"

"Are you saying Xavier locked you in this cave?"

"I'm the one asking questions here," Miles said, his eyes flashing dangerously.

Pointing his rapier directly at her, Madeline crawled back.

Time was up.

For once, she was filled with a sense of dread.

There was no escaping this one.

"Xavier," she whispered, to see no one rushing to save her.

"Xavier, where are you?" She asked, speaking louder than before.

Miles laughed hysterically.

His grin disappeared from his face.

He scoffed, whispering under his breath, 'How pathetic.'

"No one can hear you, little one," Miles said, his voice dripping with amusement.

"It's just you and me here, and that makes it all the more satisfying."

"I really am sorry for this. Look at the bright side, I haven't killed anyone in centuries so I'm a tad bit rusty. Consider yourself as… target practice."

Madeline panicked hearing his words.

'It's time to wake up from this vision.'

'Time to return to reality perfectly fine and pretend nothing happened.'

When nothing happened, Madeline cried, "Don't you dare lay a hand on me!"

"I am a friend of the man that got you stuck here in the first place, and once he finds out what you did to me, he'll--"

Miles raised his rapier, disregarding everything she'd said while feeling victorious as he struck her.


Blood spattered everywhere and one loud scream was heard, but for some reason, Madeline didn't feel the tiniest bit of pain.

Opening one eye slowly, Madeline realized the blood wasn't hers.

It was his!

'B-but, h-how--'


to see a twinkling, fawn barrier between her and him.

Miles bellowed, staggering backwards as blood leaked from his wound, "HOW COULD THIS BE?"

Madeline felt a surge of power flow through her fingertips. For a split second, she felt like she could rule over the world. That she was no longer human. She was so distracted that she hadn't noticed that Miles had stabbed himself in his leg because of the barrier.

He growled, "Y-you, this must've been your plan all along!"

Madeline tried not to seem so confused.

The barrier hadn't disappeared, it still remained there and Madeline stared at the mysterious force separating her from the man that had almost killed her.

Was it her that had created the shield?

Or was it someone else?

"HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE CREATED A SHIELD," Miles couldn't comprehend how a human could be capable of such a feat.

Only a few people in the world could.

And perhaps it was a coincidence that both of them were two of those able to, or perhaps it was a disguise.

"H-how," Madeline stuttered in awe of what she'd done.

"Xavier was right, it wasn't a coincidence, I do have powers," she tried not to seem so shocked and panicky.

"I have powers," she repeated.

"W-why you--"

Miles lunged for her while she was distracted, but he was stopped. Instantly, he felt excruciating pain in his lower leg and got down on his knees. Of course the rapier he had pocketed was made out of silver. And worse, it'd pierced through his leg.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, YOU WITCH! I PROMISE YOU, THIS WON'T BE THE LAST YOU SEE OF ME!" He yelled, looking at the spot he'd stabbed himself at.

Rocking back and forth, he watched as Madeline ran for the exit without any hesitation. Fortunately after visiting the cave multiple times, she knew exactly where the exit was. She ignored Miles' cries and pleas for help as he was left in the cave, injured and bleeding. Her barrier had disappeared, meaning she was left defenseless if Miles were to recover quickly.

'Who knew it only took one stab to the leg?' Madeline thought to herself. She thought he'd be able to handle more than that with Miles' constant claims to be some powerful werewolf descendant.

Of course, Madeline also knew that one stab to the leg wouldn't kill Miles. At best, it'd stun him temporarily and give her time for her to escape.

Once Madeline was a safe distance away from the cave, she only noticed her pyjamas were soaked in blood. Miles' blood.

She fell to the ground, the effects of the barrier finally catching up to her. Recuperating, Madeline felt her insides boil. Her hunger and thirst left her, and she couldn't get herself to speak. Her vision was turning black, and something told Madeline it wasn't coming back.

With the last bit of strength left in her body, Madeline managed to get one word out before she felt herself drift away.

"Xav… ier…"