Who's Emilio?

"By the look on your face and my assumptions, I doubt it's good."

"Well your doubts are correct," Xavier confirmed, "It's not good."

"So, are you going to tell me who Miles actually is and what you and him have to do with each other?"

"Surely you didn't..."

Madeline gasped, "I didn't know you were into men!"

"Is that why you're so hesi--"

After receiving glares from Xavier, Madeline stopped with the teasing.

"Tell me," Madeline coaxed.

"Make me," Xavier taunted.

Madeline didn't seem fazed, "I'll have you know I can be very convincing when I want to be."

"You just haven't seen that side of me."

"Just tell me," Madeline continued, still trying to get Xavier to tell her something.

"I don't know anything about what's going on, and I just want to know something," Madeline bit her lip.

"He tried killing me," she added.

After she'd said those four words, Xavier caved in.


"But this stays completely between us, you got that?"