Supreme Sorceress

Telling Madeline the man that tried to kill her was her father without any logical proof or reasoning would be a daunting task.

She still had the perception she was human. That she had been one all her life.

So informing her she wasn't everything but ordinary? It wasn't something Xavier was looking forward to.

It wasn't his place. He and Madeline were friends. Nothing more. 

And who in their right mind would tell their friend they'd known for a couple of weeks that her father was the man that tried to kill her? Certainly not Xavier.

Therefore, there was one option left. 

To get Emilio to tell her.

Yes, Madeline would totally believe the man that tried to kill her and constantly threatened to find and hunt her down was her father. She would've believed it without a second doubt. Totally. 

There wouldn't be any misunderstandings or doubts. It was all just… 

Xavier sighed, knowing this would end in pure tragedy.