What A Wholly Unexpected Turn of Events

'So first, Madeline finds out I'm a werewolf.'

'And now, I find out she's Emilio's daughter.'

'What a wholly unexpected turn of events.' 

'I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe Madeline comes from a long line of descendants of the first werewolf. Oh god. My friend's a direct descendant of the first werewolf.'

'Goodness knows what she's feeling right now,' Briar thought, beginning to worry about Madeline.

When it came to times of crisis, Madeline usually turned to denial and acted like nothing of importance was occurring. 

'Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. Your friend's a direct descendant of the first ever werewolf. She's still Madeline,' Briar reasoned with herself, hoping it'd help… when in reality, she was freaking out like Adrian was. 

'So Xay's soulmate is the daughter of Cornelia and Emilio. Fascinating,' Adrian noted. 

'Wonder what's Xavier thinking right now.'