That Blood Is MINE

"What nonsense are you talking about?" 

"I highly doubt it's nonsense." 

"From what I know, fathers are supposed to say something when it comes to things like these…"

"I've been stuck in that cave for eons, but…" 

"What was it… Oh right!"

"Breaketh h'r heart and I breaketh yours," Emilio said, his voice turning serious and solemn for a few minutes. 

Mortified and confused, Xavier asked, "If this is your method of worming out of your punishment then I implore you to stop." 

"Your threats don't work on me, you know that."

"I'll do worse than threaten you with what you're insinuating." 

"You are my daughter's soulmate." 

"Does that make you my son-in-law?" 

Xavier opened and closed his mouth, unable to say anything. 

Did Emilio have a death wish? He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to kill him. 

Only one thing was holding him back. One.