Powerful, Handsome Xavier

Where did we leave things off?

Right, Indiana was close to passing out and had just discovered that Xavier had been there the entire time. 

She had been so caught up in the moment that she forgot to check if there'd been anyone with Madeline at the moment. 

And coincidentally, Xavier just had to be eavesdropping into their entire conversation. 

An offence this huge would merit death by torture, or other punishments depending what the alpha thought was suitable. 

However, Indiana knew Xavier wouldn't simply let this incident go. He was a strict and fair person, but that didn't mean he gave way to exceptions. 

And also, what was he doing in her quarters anyway?

…and why was his hair messed up?

Realization dawned upon Indiana. 

'Did they actually do it?' 

'Was that why Madeline was in such a good mood and laughed it off?' 

'Was that why she took a long time to open the door? Because she was getting dressed?'