From Embarrassment to Scoring Dinner


"So what really happened was, you and Adrian had a disagreement and the both of you handled it like children."

"I guess you could say that," Briar said, refusing to comment on the part where Madeline called her and Adrian childlike. 

The funny thing was, it was Madeline that was the child if one were to compare them in terms of age. Then again, age was just a number in all of their eyes. It was nothing more than just the number of years one had lived. 

"Aish, I don't know why Xavier appointed him as beta when there were many others he could've picked."

"Why tell me that, I never knew anything about why anyone was picked to be a beta and what was behind Xavier's decision."

Briar stared at her, as though she had just remembered something important. 

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for laying all of this on you. You're the one that needs to let your emotions out and all that."