Emilio's Reckonings

Things had changed - instead of being the one in charge, it was Madeline that would decide where their relationship would become. 

Of course, he had no idea what being a father entailed so he allowed her to go forth and do so. 

It was a good chance for change, he reckoned. Having someone like her in his life. 

Perhaps… he could even train her and figure out what powers she had.

Did she inherit any of her mother's powers? Would she become just as powerful a sorceress as Cornelia was?

Who knew?

Speaking of change, Emilio had asked Adrian what had happened to his dear pack, to find that nothing much had changed other than the way it was being ruled and its leader. 

Eudora was still one of the strongest and most powerful packs in the whole of Alaric. Technologically, they were also the most advanced. 

Emilio couldn't deny that he was proud to see changes implemented to Eudora.