Kiss Kiss

"Oh right," Madeline nodded. 

In all truth, she didn't want to leave, but it was getting late and Xavier probably had loads to do since he had to have cleared up his schedule just to fit in dinner with her.

He helped her get up, as a gentleman did.

"Why thank you," Madeline smiled sweetly at him. 

They walked over to the door.

Xavier leaned towards her, and once again, Madeline thought he was going to kiss her for a moment, and then she reminded herself that it was probably her imagining things. 

And she was right, as all Xavier was trying to do… was open the door for her. 

Madeline asked herself why she always thought the wrong things at the wrong time. 

He was just trying to open the door for her. 

All he did was lean towards her. 

'I really need to get my eyes bleached some day,' Madeline thought to herself. 

'Geez, wait till Briar hears about this.'

'Or has she heard from Adrian already?'